Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1289 - Go Accompany Fairy Zhen

Ye Chen didn't mind this, sooner or later everything would be fine, he too soon became a core disciple, these people would not dare insult Ye Chen when they found out Ye Chen was a core disciple.

Ye Chen returned to his room, he intended to cultivate and wait for tomorrow to come, Ye Chen couldn't wait to go with Fairy Zhen.

Time flies very quickly, tomorrow morning comes very quickly.

"Knock" while Ye Chen was immersed in cultivation, someone outside knocked on his door.

Ye Chen immediately opened his eyes, he immediately went to see who was outside.

When Ye Chen opened the door, Ye Chen found Fairy Zhen's figure currently outside his room, Fairy Zhen currently looked much more beautiful than usual.

It was obvious that today Fairy Zhen was very well dressed.

"Wow, beautiful sister today looks really pretty" Ye Chen complimented Fairy Zhen.

"Today I look beautiful, huh, that means usually I'm not pretty," said Fairy Zhen dissatisfied.

Fairy Zhen misunderstood the words Ye Chen had just said.

"No it's not like that, usually big sister is pretty, but this time big sister looks much more beautiful," Ye Chen said to Fairy Zhen.

Ye Chen immediately tried to persuade Fairy Zhen, he didn't let Fairy Zhen be angry with him.

Fairy Zhen's heart started to melt when she listened to what Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen's words were indeed poison for a woman, even someone like Fairy Zhen could be easily melted by Ye Chen's words.

"Beautiful sister, did you intentionally dress up like this for this little brother today?" Ye Chen asked Fairy Zhen, she wanted to know if Fairy Zhen did this for Ye Chen.

"You're too neurotic, I didn't do this to you" Fairy Zhen immediately denied that she did this to Ye Chen, she didn't do this to Ye Chen.

"Then why do you dress up so beautifully and neatly, where do you want to go?" Ye Chen asked Fairy Zhen.

"Come with me, you will know where we are going," Fairy Zhen said that Ye Chen would know where they were going.

Fairy Zhen dragged Ye Chen out of his room, she dragged Ye Chen away from the Sect,

Ye Chen really couldn't understand where Fairy Zhen would take her. 

"Where are we going?" Ye Chen asked again where they were going.

"We are going to a special meeting which is quite far from this place," Fairy Zhen told Ye Chen that they were going to special meeting.

"What kind of meeting is that?" Ye Chen wanted to know the details about the meeting they were going to attend.

"This is a meeting organized by the Alchemist Association in Sky Cloud Peak Star Realm." Fairy Zhen told Ye Chen that They were going to the Alchemist Association meeting.

"Wait a minute, why did you take me to such a place?" Ye Chen asked why Fairy Zhen had brought herself to such a place.

"That's because I want you to pretend to be my disciple for a while," Fairy Zhen told her purpose in bringing Ye Chen away with her.

"Oh now I understand what happened, so you want me to pretend to be your disciple for a while" Ye Chen now started to understand why Fairy Zhen forced herself to come along with him.

This woman planned this a long time ago, she intended to seek help from Ye Chen.

"What's with that reaction of yours, don't you want to help me solve this problem?" Fairy Zhen looked very dissatisfied when she listened to what Ye Chen said.

"Of course I want to do that for you, but I want a reward for doing that," Ye Chen said that he was willing to do that but on one condition.

"What gift do you want from me?" Fairy Zhen immediately asked what gift Ye Chen wanted.

"I want a kiss from you," Ye Chen told Ye Chen that he wanted a kiss from Fairy Zhen.

"Huh? Are you kidding me?" Fairy Zhen looked dumbfounded when she listened to what Ye Chen said.

"No, I'm not joking with you," Ye Chen told that he wasn't joking with Fairy Zhen.

"I won't do that" Fairy Zhen said that she wouldn't do that.

"Then I won't do what you want either, I should just go back to my room," Ye Chen said that he wanted to go back and didn't want to continue this journey.

"Wait a minute" seeing Ye Chen who wanted to go back, Fairy Zhen immediately stopped him.

"what's wrong? have you changed your mind?" Ye Chen asked Fairy Zhen.

"Yes, I changed my mind, I will do what you want," Fairy Zhen said that she changed her mind.

"Do you promise to do that?" Ye Chen asked Fairy Zhen.

Ye Chen didn't easily believe what Fairy Zhen said, that's why he wanted to make sure that Fairy Zhen wouldn't lie to him.

"I promise, I will not lie to you," Fairy Zhen told Ye Chen that she would not lie to Ye Chen.

"This is just a kiss, so there won't be anything bad about this matter," Fairy Zhen said in her heart,  herself that there would be no problem with something like this.

This was just a kiss, so there would be no problem if Fairy Zhen did this for Ye Chen. 

"Well, if you agree, then I will be happy to do what you want" Seeing Fairy Zhen agree with what she wanted, Ye Chen felt very happy.

"Then let's go right now." Ye Chen invited Fairy Zhen to leave right now.

Ye Chen was excited, it was obvious that Ye Chen was currently in a cheerful state.

Fairy Zhen couldn't help but smile when she saw this, Ye Chen was very mischievous.

"Oh my gosh, how come I meet this little devil" Fairy Zhen shook her head, how could she meet a little devil like Ye Chen, she always lost at Ye Chen's hands.

for only Ye Chen was a genius in the Alchemist realm, so Fairy Zhen could still put up with this matter.

Fairy Zhen guided Ye Chen to the place where the Alchemist meeting was being held, coincidentally this meeting was a bit far from the Sect, so it took a while before they arrived at the scene.

After flying for several hours, Ye Chen and Fairy Zhen finally arrived at the Alchemist

meeting place. The meeting place was very crowded, there were a lot of people gathered in this place.

Ye Chen saw that there were a lot of medicinal herbs here, bottles of pills, Cauldrons, and several manual copies of pill recipes for sale


"It's very crowded here" Ye Chen didn't expect this place to be so crowded.

"Of course, people from all over the Sky Cloud Peak Star Realm come, so it's not surprising that this place will be very lively and bustling." Fairy Zhen told Ye Chen that everyone from all over the Sky Cloud Peak Star Realm came.

In addition, there were several that most likely came from outside the Sky Cloud Peak Star Realm.

"It's too crowded, there's no way it's just a meeting" Ye Chen started to feel something wrong, it couldn't be if it was just an ordinary meeting.

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