Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1583: Half Of The White Rose Star Realm Was Destroyed

Chapter 1583: Half Of The White Rose Star Realm Was Destroyed

"Let's unite and help her" Chi Shui was going to help Chi Zuiye, they had to unite and defeat Yun Kenz as soon as possible.

several people had already fallen victim to the cruelty of these mercenaries, so Chi Shui could not ignore this and would seek revenge.

What a coincidence that Ye Chen had eliminated 9/10 of the mercenaries, now that only Yun Kenz is left, they will fight against Yun Kenz.

Chi Shui and the Seven Fairy Succubus set up a formation, they all pooled the strength they had.

this way everyone unites, they all unite against the existing enemy.

This is the formation of the Heaven Dream Sect, its name is Eight chains of Succubus.

This formation required at least eight people with extremely high cultivation bases, otherwise it would be impossible to use this technique.

That's why this technique can only be used when Chi Shui is in the same place as the Seven Fairy Succubus, otherwise they won't be able to use the Eight Chains of Succubus.

When this formation was used, an octagonal chain appeared on the surface, this chain instantly remembering Yun Kenz's body. 

Yun Kenz's body was currently bound by extremely strong chains, these chains completely sealed Yun Kenz's movements.

"Bastard" Yun Kenz tried his best to free himself from the chains that bound him, unfortunately Yun Kenz was unable to break free, the chains that bound him were too strong, they were even stronger than Chi Zuiye's.

Of course this chain is strong, it is the combined strength of Chi Shui and the Seven Fairy Succubus, of course its strength will be stronger than Chi Zuiye's.

"What's wrong with my head, I feel dizzy" Yun Kenz started to feel dizzy, he started to feel dizzy and his consciousness was a bit blurry.

Besides having a function to bind the enemy, this technique is also very powerful to make the enemy weak, Eight chains of Succubus is able to make people shackled into feeling weak and helpless.

"Good job" Chi Zuiye was pleased with the performance of Chi Shui and the Seven Fairy Succubus, he was extremely pleased with the performance that the eight of them had put in.

Now that Chi Zuiye can show his abilities, he can use his full power to kill Yun Kenz.

"O lightning, for the contract we made, drop the strongest lightning you have." Chi Zuiye started to chant a spell, it seemed that this was the highest technique Chi Zuiye had.

Kenz. Chi Zuiye casting the spell, the sky began to change color, the dark black clouds began to turn purple.

Even the area around here was starting to be illuminated with an extremely dazzling purple color.

"Rumble…." a very loud rumble sounded, this rumble was so loud that it made the ears hurt when he heard it.

Even though it was loud, it wasn't as strong as Heavenly Lightning, at least it wasn't capable of shaking Yun Kenz's soul.

"It would be terrible if I were to be attacked this time." Yun Kenz felt a dangerous feeling, it would be very bad if he was hit by Chi Zuiye's attack.

Chi Zuiye was no longer holding back, she used all her remaining strength to use this supreme technique.

If this wasn't able to kill Yun Kenz, then it was certain that things would end here.

Yun Kenz tried his best to break free from the shackles of the Eight chains of Succubus, he had a hard time doing this because of his hazy consciousness.

"I can't, I can't escape myself." Yun Kenz couldn't escape, he was no longer able to escape from this fate.

"Hahahahaha" Yun Kenz suddenly laughed, he laughed with great satisfaction.

"what's wrong with you, have you gone crazy?" Chi Shui asked Yun Kenz, the current Yun Kenz looked like a person who had gone Crazy.

"I was crazy from the start." Yun Kenz didn't dodge Chi Shui's accusations, he was indeed a very crazy person.

Chi Shui probably didn't know how crazy Yun Kenz was, this guy was so crazy and so terrifying when he was killing people.

"Since I can't escape this fate, then I will take all of you with me" Since Yun Kenz couldn't dodge Chi Zuiye's strongest attack, Yun Kenz intended to use a suicide technique to take Chi Shui and the others away.

Yun Kenz started to gather all the profound energy he had into the heart point, he intended to use this power to blow it all up.

As Yun Kenz did this, the veins in his body began to emit flashes of lightning, within his body it seemed as if an electric current was flowing through him.

"Ancestor, hurry up" Chi Shui urged Chi Zuiye to finish her spell immediately.

"I'm doing it" Chi Zuiye was trying her best, she was going to do the fastest she could.

Chi Zuiye was finally done, now she could directly attack Yun Kenz.

From above the sky began to form a very large purple of lightning ball , the diameter of this lightning ball is very large, it is possible that the diameter of this lightning ball is thousands of miles.

With such great power, Chi Zuiye seemed to intend to exterminate Yun Kenz along with this of the stars.

The battles of high-level cultivators were indeed extremely formidable, a star could be shattered in the face of a battle between cultivators who were at the peak of current cultivation.

"You guys get out of the way right now." Chi Zuiye ordered Chi Shui and the others to get out of the way immediately, they had to leave as soon as possible and take the female disciples as far away as possible.

"Okay we understand." Chi Shui nodded, they would soon leave this place.

Chi Shui and the Seven Fairy Succubus left the formation, they left the formation and left this place.

"Where are you going, you all won't be able to run" Yun Kenz would not let Chi Shui and the Seven Fairy Succubus go.

Yun Kenz is ready to release the enormous power in his body, when the enormous power in Yun Kenz's body is released, there will be an enormous explosion.

This explosion will definitely destroy the whole Heaven Dream Sect and everyone in it.

"I won't let you do that" Chi Zuiye wouldn't let Yun Kenz succeed, she had to stop this man's actions.

Chi Zuiye dropped the lightning ball towards Yun Kenz, the lightning ball fall down towards Yun Kenz and hit Yun Kenz's body.

Just as the ball of lightning was about to hit Yun Kenz's body, suddenly Yun Kenz's body emitted a great force, a huge explosion occurred and hit Chi Zuiye's lightning ball.

When two great forces collide with each other, this creates a phenomenon of enormous explosion impact, rock and earth are lifted and flown away from the source of the explosion.

Ye Chen is currently going to Qi Yunzhi's place, he is as fast as he can take Qi Yunzhi away from this place.

This place was extremely dangerous, so they had to leave as soon as possible from this place.

"husband, we better get out of this place" Chi Shui came to Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen to leave this place, soon a big explosion will definitely happen.

Right now Ye Chen didn't have the profound energy to leave this place, all he could do was take out his profound ark to carry himself away from this place.

At once Ye Chen could take the injured female disciple along with him.

"Everything quickly ascend right now" Ye Chen took everyone aboard the profound ark.

All the female disciples ascended, they all boarded Ye Chen's profound ark.

Fortunately Ye Chen's profound ark is huge, so there are a lot of people it can accommodate.

"Let's go quickly." Chi Shui told Ye Chen to leave immediately, otherwise they would be affected by the huge explosion that occurred.

"Um.. "Ye Chen nodded, he controlled the profound ark to leave this place as soon as possible.

Using the best of Profound Crystal resources, a profound ark can of course fly very fast, it can cover great distances in mere seconds.

Ye Chen used a speed that was much faster than the speed of light, this would greatly drain the worn out profound crystals.

Ye Chen didn't care about this matter, as long as they could survive, then he would exchange all his profound crystals.

Safety was something more important, Ye Chen didn't want to be stingy on something like this.



Chi Zuiye tried her best to suppress the explosion from Yun Kenz, the explosion from Yun Kenz was so powerful, it could rival his attack power.

"If it continues like that then" If this situation continued, then it was certain that an even bigger explosion would occur, it would definitely cause even more destruction.

"Cracked…." what Chi Zuiye feared happened, a crack began to appear amidst the two great powers colliding with each other.

"Boom…" a huge explosion occurred, this huge explosion swept away nearly half of the White Rose Star Realm.

The White Rose Star Realm now only had half of it left.

Ye Chen, Chi Shui, Qi Yunzhi and the others were already quite far away, they had already gone quite a distance from the White Rose Star Realm.

Ye Chen could see that the explosion just now shattered half of the White Rose Star Realm, Chi Zuiye and Yun Kenz's strength was indeed very strong.

"Is the ancestor okay?" Chi Shui was worried about Chi Zuiye's safety, she hoped that Chi Zuiye would be fine.

Ye Chen closed his eyes, he began to try to sense Chi Zuiye's presence.

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