Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1640 Dark research with human subjects

This light is very bright, Ye Chen can only see a golden light that is very, very bright beyond the sun’s rays.

This did not last long, in just a short time, the golden light disappeared from Ye Chen’s sight.

When Ye Chen opened his eyes and saw what was happening, Ye Chen discovered that the monster in front of him had disappeared now that Ye Chen’s front was empty and nothing.

”What was that just now?” Ye Chen didn’t know what was going on, everything was going so fast, Ye Chen didn’t see what had just happened.

”Who are you, come out” Ye Chen tried to find out who just did this, he wanted to know the person who just helped him.

The surroundings were very quiet, Ye Chen didn’t find any sign of someone in this place.

” ? ? ?” where did that person go?, Ye Chen found out where the person just went, Ye Chen was quite curious about the whereabouts of the person who just helped him.

”When Ye Chen tried to find out, Ye Chen found that he couldn’t find anyone just now, this place was completely empty, there was only Ye Chen alone.

”Yuechan, the person just now” Ye Chen asked Chu Yuechan, he was asking about the person who just helped him.

”She’s gone, you won’t find him, besides he’s very mysterious, she hides herself very well.

Chu Yuechan told Ye Chen that the person who had left just now, this person was quite mysterious, she left so quickly that Ye Chen couldn’t see it.

Ye Chen was quite curious, he was quite curious about the person who had just helped him.

Just now, Ye Chen felt a very, very strong light power, it was even more powerful than Zhao Yanyan’s.

”Too bad she’s gone.” Ye Chen felt pity when he saw that the person who had just helped him had left, but Ye Chen wanted to know who was capable of wielding such strong power.

”Master take a good look at the floor” Chu Yuechan told Ye Chen to look at the floor in front of him

”what is it?” Ye Chen took a good look at the floor in front of him, when Ye Chen did that, Ye Chen found that the floor underneath was black slime.

” this?” Ye Chen approached and found out what it was, Ye Chen began to do a research to find out what was in front of him.

When Ye Chen was looking for what was in front of him, Ye Chen found something strange, it seemed that this was a trace of a melted monster’s body.

”Did the monsters just melt, so their weakness is light.” Seeing this, Ye Chen could tell what the weakness of the monster he was fighting was, it seemed that the monster he was fighting was weak to light.

”It seems that the monsters you are fighting are very weak against the power of light.” Chu Yuechan noticed this, she was also thinking the same thing as Ye Chen.

”So it’s true.” Now that Ye Chen finally believed, he already knew the weakness of this enemy.

”Even if you don’t have the ability to control light, you should know about it.” Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

”I don’t have the power of light, but I can still rely on the Heavenly Armor that I have.” Ye Chen may not have a strong light element, even so, Ye Chen still has the light ability of the Heavenly Armor.

”Are you sure you want to use that?” Chu Yuechan doubted that Ye Chen would use the Heavenly Armor to do battle.

”no choice, it seems that the enemy is not normal” Ye Chen had no choice, if the situation was urgent, then Ye Chen had to use it.

”Let’s continue and look for the whereabouts of Qingyu and Nianci” Ye Chen had already found the enemy’s weakness, now Ye Chen was only looking for the whereabouts of Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu.

Ye Chen stepped forward, he walked through this place, this place was so dark it was quite hard to see what was in this place.

it wasn’t strange that the previous monsters were able to live in this place, it was probably because this place had an air and darkness that suited them, if they came out, it was likely that their strength would be weakened.

Ye Chen continued to advance, he didn’t expect that the road in this place was so long and full of branches, there were so many paths to choose from in order to find Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci.

Ye Chen had to use God Eyes, it was the only way for Ye Chen to be able to find a suitable path.

Ye Chen didn’t want to get lost, therefore using God Eyes was the best path.

”I found them” Ye Chen finally found the whereabouts of Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci, both of whom were currently tied up in a place guarded by the same monster that Ye Chen had previously fought.

”As I thought, the monsters here have intelligence.” Ye Chen had already guessed this, the monsters in this place must be controlled by someone, how could they be obedient and not eat the humans they are guarding.

Ye Chen wanted to know who was behind all of this, he was curious about the person who was behind all of this.

Ye Chen sneaked in, himself looking for the person responsible for this matter.

Ye Chen searched around this place, he found a young man with long hair who was doing some research, this person seemed to be performing surgery on someone.

Ye Chen didn’t know who this person was, he didn’t know and had never met this person, so Ye Chen was naturally unfamiliar with this person in front of him.

Ye Chen didn’t immediately go and beat this person, he observed what this person was doing.

What this guy was doing was like he was carrying out an operation, he was stuffing something in the body of one of the villagers he had captured.

”With this seed you will obey me” This man took out a seed that looks like a human heart, the color of this heart is black and filled with very disgusting mucus.

”What is that thing, I feel a very strong sense of danger.” Chu Yuechan felt danger when she saw the object in this young man’s hand.

Chu Yuechan had never felt this kind of feeling, she first felt something like this when she saw the thing in the young man’s hand.

”The name of the young man in front of Ye Chen is Zhong Yole.” He was a crazy and dangerous researcher, even in the God Realm he was highly sought after and hated by countless people.

Zhong Yole also joined the Vengeance Fate Sect, he was quite active while in the Vengeance Fate Sect and at the same time became one of the most protected people by the Vengeance Fate Sect.

Zhong Yole’s research was very useful, he carried out forbidden research that could make a person very strong in a very short time.

So it’s not strange that there are so many people from the Vengeance Fate Sect who have enormous and terrifying strength.

”arghhh. . .” Zhong Yole started to insert the heart core into the human body in front of him, as Zhong Yole did that, a loud scream of pain immediately rang out in the ears of Ye Chen and the people around this place.

The hostages were terrified, they were all terrified as they listened to what Zhong Yole was doing.

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