Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1654 Dimension Mastery

Shui Yixian should have known what was inside the God Sealing Cube, but Shui Yixian didn’t want to tell Ye Chen about this matter.

Shui Yixian looked outside, she sensed that many monsters were approaching this place.

”They’re too fast, I’ll take care of them first.” Seeing this, Shui Yixian decided to take care of the monsters, she wouldn’t let the monsters in this place bother Ye Chen.

Shui Yixian came out, she went and faced the enemy who had come to attack them.

The moment Shui Yixian appeared, the monsters immediately went and attacked her, they all immediately pounced on Shui Yixian.

”get away from this place” Shui Yixian told all the monsters to leave, she didn’t want to destroy them all at once.

”Bitch, don’t talk too much, your head is mine” the monsters shouted, they didn’t want to leave and instead challenged Shui Yixian.

Shui Yixian raised her hand, when Shui Yixian did that, a great light enveloped the place.

All the monsters instantly melted when they received the golden light emitted by Shui Yixian.

In a matter of seconds, all the monsters have been defeated by Shui Yixian, Shui Yixian’s strength is very strong, he is able to defeat all the existing monsters very easily.

More and more monsters were arriving, there were countless monsters starting to arrive to fight Shui Yixian.

The number of monsters in this place is very large, when Shui Yixian decides to fight, then her position has been found, and the monsters will definitely come and fight her.

”This will be a very long battle, I hope you resolve this matter soon.” Shui Yixian hoped that Ye Chen would soon resolve the matter.

Until then, it seemed that Shui Yixian had to stay in this place and prevent these monsters from getting any further and bothering Ye Chen.

Inside Ye Chen was still studying the contents inside the scroll, he was trying his best to quickly master the contents inside,

The contents inside these scrolls were very complicated and had to be retranslated by Ye Chen, so it might take a little longer to decipher everything .



Time passed by almost 2 days 2 nights Ye Chen almost translated all the contents in this scroll.

”This is finally over, Ye Chen is very happy, finally everything is finished, now only need to test it on the God Sealing Cube” Ye Chen took out the God Sealing Cube, he took out the God Sealing Cube and started to open it.

The process of opening the God Sealing Cube would also be a long one, this process was extremely complicated and took time.

Ye Chen used the technique he had just discovered, he used a special array of Arrays he had learned to open the God Sealing Cube.

With this Special Array named God Code, Ye Chen could open the God Sealing Cube, although Ye Chen would have to take a longer time to fully open and see the contents inside the God Sealing Cube.



Time went back already more than 4 days, Ye Chen still trying to open the God Sealing Cube.

Ye Chen had spent quite a bit of time, he needed more time to be able to open the God Sealing Cube.

”Click. . .” While Ye Chen was concentrating, Ye Chen found a voice, this voice came from the God Sealing Cube.

”open?” Ye Chen immediately opened his eyes, he immediately saw what was inside the God Sealing Cube.

This method turned out to be successful, Ye Chen managed to find a method to open the God Sealing Cube which was extremely difficult to open.

The God Sealing Cube began to open, this box began to emit a very strange crystal.

This crystal has an abstract shape that changes to fruit, even though it still retains its shape.

”This” Ye Chen stepped forward and took a closer look, Ye Chen felt a very familiar feeling about this crystal in front of him.

Ye Chen stretched out his hand towards the crystal, when Ye Chen did this, the crystal in front of him instantly entered Ye Chen’s body.

Ye Chen began to feel power filling his body, Ye Chen’s body began to be filled with a power that felt very strange.

Ye Chen closed his eyes, he just let this process happen, Ye Chen showed no resistance.

After about 15 minutes, Ye Chen opened his eyes, he had successfully fused with the crystal just now.

Ye Chen stretched out his hand, he tore apart the dimension that was in front of him.

”master, that power” Chu Yuechan asked Ye Chen, Chu Yuechan just saw an extraordinary thing.

”It’s a Dimension crystal, I didn’t expect that it would contain something like this.” This coincidence was so great, Ye Chen didn’t expect that the God Sealing Cube contained such a thing.

”Isn’t this a very suspicious coincidence?” Chu Yuechan felt very suspicious about this matter, how could things be like this, how could the God Sealing Cube that Ye Chen had obtained could retain the inheritance of the Sage God.

”This may already be fate” Ye Chen said to Chu Yuechan.

”I can’t believe it, all of this must have been arranged, could it be that Shui Yixian had arranged this matter?” Chu Yuechan felt that everything was arranged, how could things turn out like this, this coincidence was very unlikely to happen.

”I will learn a new ability that I have” Ye Chen was still quite unfamiliar with this ability, to be honest in this life Ye Chen had never seen anyone master the ability to control Dimension, so Ye Chen was still unfamiliar with this matter.

It was fortunate that Ye Chen had the legacy left by the Sage God, almost everything left behind by the Sage God was very useful to Ye Chen.

The Sage God left some notes on dimensional power, this power was capable of tearing apart and creating new dimensions, so Ye Chen had to be careful when using this power or the world order could change if Ye Chen was not careful.

There might even be countless Void Abysses that would appear due to the collapse of a dimension.

”This is an enormous power.” From this record alone, Ye Chen could tell that it was a very large force.

”What are you waiting for quickly learn it” Chu Yuechan told Ye Chen to immediately learn what to learn, Ye Chen must quickly master the new power he got.

”Okay, I understand, you don’t have to say it” Ye Chen said that he would do it soon.

The technique the God Sage left behind was called Dimension Mastery.

The first level is Dimension Breaker.

Second is Dimension Shaker.

Third is Half Dimension.

”I will learn it” Ye Chen decided to learn everything.

”Looks like this place is going to collapse” Chu Yuechan felt that this place was going to collapse, if Ye Chen really practiced everything, then this place would be destroyed.

In history only the Sage God was able to master this power, it was said that almost all beings were afraid when faced with this ability.

Ye Chen started to cultivate the basic strength he had, just as Chu Yuechan said, the cave was instantly shaken and shattered the moment Ye Chen used his power.

”This seems too much.” Ye Chen only used a small amount of his strength, not expecting the result to be like this.

maybe Ye Chen should just find another place, this place is not suitable for training.

an open space would probably be the best choice for now, this place is too risky to be used to train a great power like this

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