Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1830 Convince Ning Xia's heart

Chapter 1830 Convince Ning Xia’s heart

  ”This will be a very dangerous thing” Ning Xia said to Ye Chen, she told Ye Chen that this would be a very dangerous.

”I don’t care, I will never be afraid of danger” he doesn’t care about the danger he has to face.

For Ning Xia, Ye Chen would not be afraid to face trouble, even if it was a big problem and put himself in danger.

Ning Xia was silent, she was speechless when she listened to what Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen’s words were very touching, they touched Ning Xia’s heart deeply.

Ye Chen made Ning Xia’s heart feel at ease, there was a special feeling when she listened to Ye Chen’s words, Ning Xia felt that Ye Chen gave her a safe feeling.

” what’s this?” Ning Xia was confused, she was confused about what had happened, why she could feel this kind of feeling.

Ning Xia could see that Ye Chen had a protective figure, the words that Ye Chen spoke made Ning Xia feel safe and at peace.

Ning Xia was getting more and more confused, she was getting more and more confused about what she should do.

In this kind of situation, what should he do, should he believe and involve Ye Chen in his troubles.

”It’s okay, he is a good man, he is sincere in helping you, just accept him” Ning Xia’s gentle personality said to Ning Xia.

”Don’t be fooled, he’s quite good at seducing women, you just see how many women he has” cold personality said to Ning Xia.

Ning Xia’s two personalities were not good, they made Ning Xia even more dizzy.

”How can you say that, he has helped quite a lot, look now our strength has increased drastically” The gentle personality said that Ye Chen had helped them a lot.

”He has got our first time, so it can be considered even, here we are mutually beneficial” said the cold personality.

”Stop it right now, please don’t say anything weird again” Ning Xia was annoyed, both of which made her even more dizzy.

Ning Xia is dizzy, the two have different views on Ye Chen, this is not helpful for Ning Xia.

”Lord Peak” Ye Chen called out to Ning Xia who was dreaming, he called Ning Xia who was dreaming about something.

”Chen, That. . .” Ning Xia was still trying to string words together, she was trying to answer Ye Chen with words that matched and didn’t hurt Ye Chen’s feelings.

”Lord Peak Ning, I will do what is best for you” Ye Chen said to Ning Xia, Ye Chen would do hi best, even if he had to risk his life.

”Shhh” Ning Xia covered Ye Chen’s lips, she told Ye Chen to be quiet.

Ning Xia knew that Ye Chen was very serious about this matter, she could understand Ye Chen wanting to help her.

Ning Xia can no longer say, Ye Chen’s character is indeed like this, it is not strange that the cold Mu Xueying is willing to follow Ye Chen and is willing to share, this man has something Ning Xia has never seen.

Ning Xia now also wants to follow Ye Chen, she really wants to follow Ye Chen because Ye Chen can make Ning Xia feel safe.

Ning Xia and Ye Chen were getting closer, the distance between the two was very close and slightly adrift.

Ye Chen stretched out his arms and hugged Ning Xia’s waist, he pulled Ning Xia closer.

Ning Xia was shocked by what Ye Chen did, Ye Chen’s hand was already on her waist and touched Ning Xia’s waist.

”Chen, you” Ning Xia said to Ye Chen, Ye Chen pulled her very close.

”Lord Peak Ning, I want to hug you” Ye Chen said to Ning Xia, Ye Chen said that he wanted to hug Ning Xia.

”Don’t call me that, it’s embarrassing for me” Ye Chen embarrassed Ning Xia, the way he called Ye Chen made Ning Xia feel very embarrassed.

”Then what should I do, should I call you Xia like before?” Ye Chen said to Ning Xia.

Ye Chen once called Ning Xia intimately, sadly it was rejected by Ning Xia.

Ning Xia blushed a little, to be honest if the situation was like this, then she liked Ye Chen to use an intimate name.

”If it’s the two of us, you can call me that way” when the two of them were together then Ning Xia allowed Ye Chen to call herself by an intimate name.

”Then you can also call me husband like the others” Ye Chen said to Ning Xia.

”No, I don’t want to do that.” Ning Xia said that she didn’t want to do that, she didn’t want to do anything like that again.

”Why, are you still embarrassed, after what happened?” Ye Chen said to Ning Xia.

After all, they had gone quite far, so why should Ning Xia be embarrassed.

”Chen, why are you so pervert” Ning Xia said to Ye Chen, Ning Xia could feel that Ye Chen was a very pervert.

”I’ve always been like that, didn’t Xia also have that” Ye Chen said to Ning Xia.

Despite looking dignified, when on the bed, Ning Xia can be very lewd and full of passion.

”Please don’t say that” Ning Xia said to Ye Chen, Ning Xia felt that it was embarrassing to remember.

”No need to be ashamed, you will get used to such things, it is normal for a couple” Ye Chen said that it was very normal for a couple.

”Your experience is big enough, I’m not like you” Ning Xia was not like Ye Chen, she didn’t have as much experience as Ye Chen.

”Do I need to teach you?” Ye Chen asked Ning Xia, he wanted to teach Ning Xia.

”Teach what?” Ning Xia asked Ye Chen, Ning Xia asked what Ye Chen would teach.

”Of course it teaches you a lot of things.” Ye Chen would help Ning Xia, he would help Ning Xia adapt to herself.

Ye Chen’s one hand started to touch Ning Xia, he started to climb to Ning Xia’s double peak.

”Chen, you. . .” Ning Xia tried to fight back, Ye Chen touched her in a quite sensitive part.

Ye Chen didn’t let Ning Xia fight back, with a little trick, Ning Xia immediately felt an amazing pleasure.

”This feeling, it’s been a long time” After so long Ning Xia finally regained this comfortable feeling, it had been a long time since she had felt this comfortable.

Ning Xia quite liked the feelings given by Ye Chen, the feelings given by Ye Chen made Ning Xia feel that she was in the seventh heaven.

”Xia, do you like it?” Ye Chen asked Ning Xia.

”I . . .” Ning Xia couldn’t answer Ye Chen’s question, Ye Chen’s question was too embarrassing for Ning Xia.

”If you don’t want to answer, I’ll just stop, you might not like it” Ye Chen said while teasing Ning Xia.

”no don’t stop” Ning Xia had just had fun, so how could she let Ye Chen stop when she had just had fun.

”Then tell me” Ye Chen told Ning Xia to say the feeling she had.

”I like this” Ning Xia said to Ye Chen, she ignored the embarrassment and told the truth.

In this world perhaps only Ye Chen could do this, Ye Chen was the only person who could make Ning Xia be honest with herself.

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