Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1922 Ye Chen bullied Yue Whang

Chapter 1922 Ye Chen bullied Yue Whang

“Who are you?” Yue Whang asked Ye Chen, he seemed to have a hard time talking to Ye Chen.

The pressure released by the man at the front was so disturbing that Yue Whang couldn’t help it.

“I told you that you don’t need to know who I am” the robed man refused to tell Yue Whang who he was.

Yue Whang gritted his teeth, this man in front of him was so annoying.

“Hahaha” the man in the robe was so excited, he managed to make the arrogant Yue Whang kneel down.

The person wearing the robe was Ye Chen, he used this to disguise himself and act as someone who had a very old age, by doing so, Ye Chen hoped to deceive Yue Whang.

What Ye Chen did seemed to work, Ye Chen had managed to trick Yue Whang by using this disguise.

Ye Chen’s disguise was so good and so good, even Yue Ya didn’t realize that the person in front of him was Ye Chen.

Ye Chen used God Domination Pressure to put pressure on Yue Whang, so Yue Whang would think of Ye Chen as a strong person.

Yue Whang was in quite a bit of trouble, he was unable to put up a fight against Ye Chen.

” Damn, this pressure makes my brain dizzy.” Yue Whang couldn’t think, his brain was suppressed and couldn’t be used to its full potential.

Yue Whang used everything he had, he tried to use everything he had to resist the pressure that Ye Chen was giving off.

veins started to appear on Yue Whang’s forehead, Yue Whang used his full strength.

Yue Whang wanted to try to break free from Ye Chen’s evil grip.

“Little boy, just give up and admit your defeat” Ye Chen said to Yue Whang, Ye Chen told Yue Whang to give up right now.

“I won’t give up” Yue Whang was against giving up, there was no surrender in his dictionary.

Yue Whang was a strong man who had experienced countless battles, nothing like this would stop him.

Yue Whang tried to get up and fight, he could definitely put up a fight.

With a very strong and persistent effort, Yue Whang was finally able to put up a fight, Yue Whang was able to get back up and try to fight Ye Chen.

“Not bad” Ye Chen said to Yue Whang, he was like an old man speaking to a little boy.

“I don’t know what kind of tricks you use, but now it won’t work for me.” Yue Whang said that Ye Chen’s tricks would no longer work.

“What kind of trick are you saying, do you think I’m using a trick, it’s so funny” Ye Chen said to Yue Whang.

“I don’t believe in your strength, Yue Whang refuses to believe in Ye Chen’s strength, he really doesn’t believe in Ye Chen’s strength.

Yue Whang still refused to believe in the strength of the man in front of him, this fellow could use a technique to bully him.

“He’s much smarter than I thought.” Ye Chen admitted that Yue Whang was smart, he didn’t believe it and was afraid after Ye Chen used God Domination Pressure.

If this was a normal person, they would have given up and apologized to Ye Chen, but since this was Yue Whang who had rich experience and had experienced life and death, he naturally did not easily believe in Ye Chen’s strength.

“If you still don’t believe it, let this old man show you his strength.” Ye Chen would show his strength, he would show his strength to Yue Whang.

“I won’t bother looking at you, just go straight to the battle.” Yue Whang Not bothering to bother, he started a battle and attacked Ye Chen.

“Impatient little boy” Ye Chen said to Yue Whang.

Yue Whang didn’t care what Ye Chen said, his main focus now was to win the battle with Ye Chen.

With his experience of hundreds of thousands of years, Yue Whang was certain that the man in front of him was only a liar and did not possess this kind of power.

Yue Whang attacked Ye Chen, he made a powerful attack towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen just kept quiet, he let Yue Whang attack him.

Yue Whang’s attacks were unable to injure Ye Chen, none of the attacks he made hit Ye Chen’s body.

“What happened, why didn’t my attack hit?” Yue Whang was confused, his blue flame attack was unable to injure Ye Chen.

“Brat, is this all you can do?” Ye Chen said in a disdainful tone.

Yue Whang was naturally annoyed when he heard this, Yue Whang decided to use an extremely powerful move to crush Ye Chen.

“You forced me to use this, I will ensure that your body will be destroyed” Yue Whang said in an enormous voice, he would destroy Ye Chen with this attack.

Yue Whang gathered his own strength, Yue Whang used up the vast amount of profound energy he had.

It seemed Yue Whang intended to use an extremely powerful technique against Ye Chen.

“He actually used that” Yue Ya was worried about the old man in front of him, Yue Whang would use such a powerful technique, it would be very difficult to resist Yue Whang’s attack.

“Goddess, will that person be able to withstand it?” Vei asked Yue Ya.

“I don’t know, I don’t know about that matter, by the way where did you find this person?” Yue Ya asked Vei, she wanted to know where Vei found such a strong person.

” that. . .” Vei looked confused in answering Yue Ya’s question, she couldn’t answer Yue Ya’s question.

“I met her by accident, she said she wanted to help the goddess solve the problem” Vei said to Yue Ya.

“ohhhh” Yue Ya turned her gaze towards the man who was fighting Yue Whang, when Yue Ya looked at Ye Chen, Yue Ya more curious.

Blue Flame Great Ball” Yue Whang’s attacked Ye Chen, he used an extremely powerful attack to attack Ye Chen.

Yue Whang didn’t dare to underestimate Ye Chen, that’s why he used his full strength to attack and fight Ye Chen.

An azure ball of fire that was tens of thousands of miles in size formed above Yue Whang’s palm.

“Go to hell” Yue Whang threw a huge Blue Flame Great Ball at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen stretched his hand forward, he intended to block the attack Yue Whang was trying to launch.

Ye Chen took Yue Whang’s attack, when throwing the Blue Flame Great Ball touched Ye Chen, it was immediately tame and obeyed Ye Chen.

The Blue Flame Great Ball did not explode and was instead now under Ye Chen’s complete control.

The battle that was going on was enough to attract the attention of the other elders in the Blue Moon God Star Realm, they all came and saw what happened.

Yue Whang had just used enormous strength against Ye Chen, this naturally attracted the attention of the elders present. in the Blue Moon God Star Realm.

“what happened in this place” all the elders saw what happened, when they arrived, they saw the battle fought by Ye Chen and Yue Whang.

Ye Chen was currently holding the Blue Flame Great Ball attack with one finger.

“Your attack isn’t bad, but an attack like this is still not enough against me” Ye Chen said to Yue Whang.

Ye Chen Raised his finger, with just one finger lift, the Blue Flame Great Ball in his hand disappeared.

“Huh? ? ?” Yue Whang couldn’t believe what he had just seen, the scene that had just happened was impossible.

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