Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1970 Emergence of Chang Er

Chapter 1970 Emergence of Chang Er

“Hehehehe” Ye Chen chuckled as he listened to what Zhi Fuze said.

“Let’s go back” Zhi Fuxe invited Zhi Fuze to come back, they had been outside for too long and would make others worry.

“See you later” Zhi Fuze said to Ye Chen, this woman is still very excited and cheerful all day long.

Zhi Fuxe and Zhi Fuze left Ye Chen, both left Ye Chen.

Since Zhi Fuxe and Zhi Fuze had left, Ye Chen also went, he went along and wandered around.

Ye Chen hadn’t finished walking around, he continued to look around this place.

This was the residence of the disciples of the Five Lord Divine Academy, so there were countless disciples of the Five Lord Divine Academy living in this place.

They were disciples of the Five Lord Divine Academy, naturally they would be extremely arrogant when they met an outsider like Ye Chen.

The Five Lord Divine Academy is a prestigious place, of course they feel proud to be in this place, they feel that they are very powerful kings and are not comparable to the participants taking part in the competition.

It was not strange that they were quite arrogant when dealing with participants in the competition.

Ye Chen didn’t care much about this matter, to be honest he didn’t really care about this kind of matter, to Ye Chen these people were just spoiled young masters and young ladies.

“wow look who it is” the people around started to get noisy, they seemed to have just seen something good.

“Ohhh. . ., is there a show?” Ye Chen was quite curious about what happened, he was quite curious about what was going on there.

Ye Chen decided to come closer and see what was going on, when Ye Chen approached, he found a beautiful woman walking elegantly.

This woman has a beautiful face and has eyes of different colors, at first glance this woman is beautiful and charming.

Plus this woman used her charms to attract the opposite sex, she did this in order to be famous among the male students.

Ye Chen was already familiar with the woman in front of him, the woman in front of him was Chang Er.

“She’s still the same, she’s very popular, she uses her Charm to seduce others” Ye Chen looked at Chang Er, it seemed that this woman didn’t change even after Ye Chen gave a punishment.

Ye Chen smiled to himself as he recalled what he had done to Chang Er.

“I don’t know what if he meets me” Ye Chen wanted to see Chang Er’s reaction when he met her, it would be very interesting.

“Hi everyone” Chang Er greeted everyone, this lady was acting nice to everyone.

As one of the recognized beauties, Chang Er should always be friendly and full of smiles, she couldn’t let her fans down.

This is indeed a little difficult to do, but she believes that what she does will pay off when everyone knows and obeys her.

Chang Er liked to make men into toys, she loved doing that and making a man kneel under her pomegranate skirt.

There was a sense of pride when Chang Er did that.

Chang Er walked she enjoyed the times when she was famous and seen by many people.

Ye Chen walked closer towards Chang Er, the two of them would soon pass.

“Bad girl, looks like last time’s lesson wasn’t enough for you” when Ye Chen passed Chang Er, he said to Chang Er about last time’s lesson.

Chang Er was immediately shocked when she heard this voice, to be honest this voice shocked her.

Ye Chen passed Chang Er just like that, he moved away from Chang Er who was frozen in place.

” he . . . . ?” Chang Er looked at Ye Chen’s back, Chang Er didn’t expect that Ye Chen would be here, it was quite surprising to see Ye Chen in front of her.

Ye Chen quickly disappeared from Chang Er’s vision, he merged with the passersby.

Chang Er left immediately, she wanted to know if the person just now was Ye Chen.

Chang Er started chasing Ye Chen, she started chasing Ye Chen who was already in the distance.

Chang Er could sense Ye Chen’s presence, from the start Ye Chen did not hide himself from Chang Er.

With Chang Er’s abilities, she could easily find the whereabouts of Ye Chen, Chang Er found the whereabouts of Ye Chen who was currently on the roof.

” You . . .” Chang Er was shocked when she saw Ye Chen, Ye Chen’s figure changed slightly, but it was definitely Ye Chen.

“hahahaha” Ye Chen laughed evilly, when faced with Chang Er, he became an evil figure.

Chang Er was a little scared of Ye Chen, ever since that time, she was afraid when she faced Ye Chen.

“It seems you haven’t changed, maybe I should teach you a lesson” Ye Chen said to Chang Er, Ye Chen said that he wanted to teach Chang Er a lesson.

“No, I’ve changed a bit, don’t do that again.” Chang Er backed away, she retreated slowly when facing Ye Chen.

Ye Chen stepped forward, he drew closer towards Chang Er who was trying to run away from him.

Chang Er kept retreating, subconsciously she was already cornered by Ye Chen.

Chang Er had no way of escaping anymore, she had no way of escaping from Ye Chen.

“You can’t run away anymore” Ye Chen said to Chang Er, Ye Chen told that Chang Er would not be able to run away again.

“Please let me go” Chang Er asked Ye Chen, she was like a helpless butterfly when caught by her prey.

“Why should I let you go, do you have a reason that requires me to let you go?” Ye Chen asked Chang Er.

“I’m just a weak girl, how can you bully a weak girl like me” Chang Er said to Ye Chen.

“Weak girl, so cute, since when did you become a weak girl, you seem strong, don’t lie to me” Ye Chen said to Chang Er.

Chang Er was quite strong, she was one of the top-ranked disciples with quite a bit of strength.

Ye Chen suppressed Chang Er, Chang Er felt embarrassed when she was suppressed by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen held Chang Er’s chin, he looked at Chang Er who was in front of him.

“what will I do next?” Ye Chen wanted to know what he would do to Chang Er.

Chang Er could only surrender, she did not put up any resistance against Ye Chen, she accepted what Ye Chen did.

“Hey look at that. . ., the goddess came out. . . .” when Ye Chen was teasing Chang Er, he heard a very loud scream, it was much noisier than before.

“This place is so noisy, is someone coming again?” Ye Chen wanted to know what was going on, it was much noisier than before.

“It must be her. . .” Chang Er seemed to already know who was coming.

“You know her?” Ye Chen asked Chang Er.

“Of course, I had a few skirmishes with that woman.” Chang Er informed that she had a skirmish with the emerging woman.

“Oh, so you also have enemies in the academy, it’s funny” Ye Chen said to Chang Er, Ye Chen didn’t expect that the popular Chang Er would have enemies.

“I have quite a number of enemies, most of them are women” said Chang Er to Ye Chen.

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