Lady Lin’s First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 536 - Small Love and Big Love

Chapter 536 Small Love and Big Love

Mu Tiannan and White Fairy have been worried about Lin Luoran for the whole night when she was fighting with gold hawk.

Only old Black Tortoise is calm, waiting for Lin Luoran’s triumphant return.

In any case, it is a fierce battle destined to win. Black Tortoise still hopes that gold hawk can fight more seriously to prove that Lin Luoran has already become a qualified Gathering Vitality cultivator.

The Gobi is bathed in the light of the rising sun again. At this moment, the temperature is comfortable for Gobi animals. It is still not too hot, so they leave their caves to look for food. Morning is always the best.

At the foot of the rocky mountain far away, a beautiful woman comes slowly. She is like gliding on the Gobi, rising and falling. With an amazing speed, she comes here quickly even though it is quite a long distance. When she gets closer, they can see the dry bloodstains on her body. Apparently, she was seriously injured last night.

Unlike her awkward appearance, her face is glowing.

Gold Reiki flocking to her last night has helped her to break through the early stage of Gathering Vitality and she officially became a cultivator of the middle Gathering Vitality period. Her advancement came from the abundant Gold Reiki in the Gobi and the support of the tremendous changes in space. In the past, Lin Luoran must have closed-door training to consolidate it.

However, she doesn’t want to think about it at this moment.

What she needs now is self-affirmation, proving that she is not a puppet in the script but a living person. Will Black Tortoise tell her the truth? Lin Luoran is not sure, but she still has to try it.

“You have advanced.” Black Tortoise looks at Lin Luoran carefully with a hint of joy.

Lin Luoran just says evenly, “It’s all your credit.”

It’s all your credit that I was chosen. Since more than 300 years ago, you have noticed me. You tried so hard to lead me to this secret land. You used the snake monster as a toy for me to practice. You negotiated with the gold hawk to fill the five elements of gold in space with its death.

Goldie brought me a lot of joy three hundred years ago—but was it also someone that you arranged?

These words choke Lin Luoran’s throat. Why does she have the ability to attract people to “care about” her?

Lin Luoran looks strange. Although Black Tortoise doesn’t know her character thoroughly, it has lived for a long time. In such a long life, even a stone can become sophisticated, let alone Black Tortoise.

It readily admits its arrangement, “You don’t have to worry about gold hawk. For it, its soul entering the space to make up the gold of the five elements is the only chance to get rid of its imprisonment. It will have great luck in the future. For you, don’t you always want to find your family? If the five elements are not complete, the Tower of Babel cannot be opened. What’s your chance to find them? ”

Lin Luoran doesn’t respond when she hears it talking about her family.

In the past, she could do everything to find her family and friends. After experiencing so many things, the mystery that always shrouds in front of her makes her wonder—is the disappearance of the Lins family also arranged just to motivate her to gather the five elements?

Black Tortoise stares at her gently, “Are you thinking if these things are all arranged—if the missing of your parents and friends is arranged like the gold hawk’s soul entering the space?”

Lin Luoran hesitates for a moment and then nods. Although she doesn’t want to admit it, Black Tortoise can still read her mind. Since she has decided to figure it out, she must be honest.

Unexpectedly, Black Tortoise nods, “In a sense, I was the reason why they could open the Tower of Babel and find the correct teleportation coordinates.”

Lin Luoran feels kind of excited. Black Tortoise admits it, which is the first time she gets a positive answer since she was separated from her family. The crazy Taoist’s message is too short and mysterious, but Black Tortoise just mentions a key word: teleportation coordinates.

Even if she has the star atlas, she can’t find her family and friends of the cultivation world without teleportation coordinates.

Ignoring her excited look, Black Tortoise continues, “But you will be totally wrong if you think your family’s disappearance is deliberately arranged to encourage you to gather the Five Elements.

Think about it carefully—why were you separated from your family?

It’s because of the obsessiveness in your heart. You couldn’t let go of the mortal world, trying to keep your mother always with you as a mortal. Therefore, you decided to go to Penglai Spirit Mountain. There has always been a warning in the Huaxia records that one day in heaven equals one year on the earth. You entered the Penglai immortal world as a cultivator who had not certified Tao—you should have been mentally prepared for what would happen.

As for the invasion of the alien alliance, do you still have no idea about what triggered it?

Due to the invitation of Zu Mountain apprentices and your own curiosity, you went to the Kalahari Desert recklessly. Your friend then fell asleep for a hundred years and forgot about everything. More importantly, you guys were not careful enough when dealing with alien consciousness. Her consciousness attached to the jade stone star atlas sent the message about the earth out. The first to intercept the message was the Alpha Alliance.

This was the important reason why the alien alliance suddenly attacked the earth and why the earth had become a scorched place when you returned from Penglai.

You decided to open the Tower of Babel again, and then you should definitely gather the five elements. You must kill one monster of the Gold. Then why not kill gold hawk with higher personal ability?

You think that your words, deeds, and movements are arranged by someone. However, who can control your thoughts? Sometimes once you do something unconsciously, you will live with the consequences in the future. We help you with your personal ability enhancement, but your experience is real. Growing up in such an environment, you have your own judgment of good and evil. Your unique view of right and wrong also defines your own ways of handling things.

I have been wandering in human society for these years. I have heard people saying that character determines destiny. This sentence is totally perfect for you.

No one forces you to go to Penglai, no one forces you to go to the Kalahari Desert, and no one forces you to gather the Five Elements in space.

You see, these are all your choices. Who can manipulate your destiny? ”

After Black Tortoise gradually finishes speaking, Lin Luoran’s face turns pale. Since returning from the Penglai immortal world, she has always regarded herself as a victim. It is painful for her to be separated from her family, but what about the countries, families, and nations that have completely disappeared in the interstellar war?

She rebuilds faith for the people of the earth, thinking that she is righteous. However, it never occurs to her that she is the reason why the earth was destroyed by gunfire.

Lin Luoran feels that she is a small leaf, flowing up and down with the water. She has never felt so overwhelmed!

Everything that Black Tortoise talks about shakes Lin Luoran’s primordial spirit. Both White Fairy and Mu Tiannan are dumbfounded.

Character determines destiny! Mu Tiannan completely understands this sentence. If he had not been stubborn, he should have turned into ash before the New Era. He would never have struggled so much step by step until now, living as a half monster and half demon unacceptable by the world.

But he has never regretted his choice.

After living for so many years, he can be able to see her again. With his long life span and soaring strength, he also tried his best to make the earth strong again.

His whole body is stained with indelible darkness, but it is still his own choice and he doesn’t regret it. How can Black Tortoise blame Lin Luoran for the invasion of the Alpha Alliance?

Must there be someone to take responsibility for some coincidences? If Tao of nature is really fair, Mu Tiannan thinks he should be the one to take responsibility. Lin Luoran is too silly to bear such a heavy burden.

Mu Tiannan thinks of it and asks, “Even if what you said is true, because of her carelessness, the consciousness attached on the jade stone star atlas sent out the message about the earth and it was intercepted by the Alpha Alliance. Eventually, it triggered a war. According to your theory, character determines destiny. Of course, she was not careful enough. However, did someone force the Alpha Alliance to invade the earth?

It takes two to make a quarrel. I happen to know some old history about the fake saintess… Nihon always wanted to leave the earth by the jade stone star atlas, and Luoran and senior cultivator Jiang couldn’t stop it. After the fake saintess left, don’t you think something more terrible than the Alpha Alliance would be here?

Perhaps the condition of the earth today would be worse, or maybe the earth where we live would disappear in this boundless universe. In this case, can Lost Land in the heterodimentional space be preserved?

All factors result in the situation nowadays. Why do you only mention what she did? It is only a small reason that can even be neglected. ”

Mu Tiannan is reasonable. He has the nerve to go against Black Tortoise, so the turtle finally looks at him. Although Mu Tiannan has many shortcomings, he is not a stupid person. He always takes action after he makes up his mind, even though the cost is turning into a monster.

“If you want to get something, you should be prepared to give up something else. ” Black Tortoise feels that it has to re-evaluate the future of Mu Tiannan.

Lin Luoran hears Mu Tiannan’s refreshing words, but they can only comfort her a little bit. Black Tortoise’s questioning makes her speechless and frustrated.

After torturing Lin Luoran for a while, Black Tortoise feels that it’s time to stop her from self-grief and self-denial. It continues.

“He is right. The message from the alien consciousness is just a tiny part. In fact, the disaster of the earth is inevitable.

Firstly, this catastrophe can be traced to the migration of the gods and buddhas in the immortal world and the disappearance of the primitive world. Secondly, the earth Reiki exhausted while extraterrestrial civilization plotted the earth. Qi-trainers and monsters had internal and external troubles, and then the cultivation civilization declined. Thirdly, it’s the end for the earth. All things left here would be destroyed by external forces, including people, monsters, plants, and even the whole planet.

Many years ago, a little girl accidentally heard of the eternity calamity. She loved this planet which was abandoned by the gods and Buddhas. Only because of her stubborn love, she gave up her totally free life and stayed here to change the last eternity calamity.

She said that even though people couldn’t enhance personal ability here, such a beautiful planet should never be ruined. She paid a great price and spent a lot of time, effort, and personal ability to prepare. She did good deeds little by little, only hoping that good results could be produced after ten thousand years.

You must have known this little girl. She was the former owner of sacred pearl. She had a poor background and imperfect qualifications. She was not beautiful, and she was the stupid person, ‘Momo’.

The earth had been empty inside. Only destroying everything and then rebuilding it can help it to escape the eternity calamity.

You are the result of Momo’s hard work, a good result from a good cause, a lucky chance that was created after breaking. (There is an old saying in Huaxia, there’s no making without breaking.)

Momo was stupid. She did all this without even getting the support of that man. So she is no longer in this world. No one can force you to do it. She has her arrangements and expectations. Lin Luoran, you are not Momo. You should also have your own life and choices. ”

It says that she is not Momo and she should have her own life and choices.

It says that she is what Momo had tried so hard to get, a good result from a good cause, a lucky chance that was created after breaking.

Lin Luoran is stunned, while White Fairy and Mu Tiannan look at each other without a word.

The three of them may be the first group of witnesses who hear the complete truth in thousands of years. When things come to the destiny of their birth planet, neither White Fairy nor Mu Tiannan can intervene.

But they can’t figure it out—it is related to planet vicissitude, but how can it be linked to Lin Luoran, a Gathering Vitality cultivator?

Lin Luoran has been silent for a long time, as if she is asleep. She finally speaks again.

“I have always suspected that maybe I am the reincarnation of Momo… But you told me I am not…”

Her words are very simple, but Black Tortoise can understand how much questioning and denying they contain. It can understand such kind of feeling, but it does not agree.

“Who is ‘Lin Luoran’? It is not just a simple name. Your background, growth experience, personality, behavior, your family and your social relationships determine that you are ‘Lin Luoran’, not someone else. As for Momo, there is no one exactly like her in this world. ”

At this moment, Lin Luoran is unstable. Therefore, she doesn’t notice that Black Tortoise’s answer is a disguised replacement of concept. There is no positive denial or affirmation in its words.

It is Lin Luoran’s matter but Mu Tiannan is actually more sober. He wants to speak, but he still doesn’t say anything out of selfishness.

Black Tortoise pauses for a while, making Lin Luoran digest what it said before continuing, “As for ‘you are the lucky chance that was created after breaking’, it is related to the mystery of the disappearance of Gathering Vitality cultivators thousands of years ago and where your family and friends are.

You may have suspected that whether the disappeared Gathering Vitality cultivators have been to the spiritual world. This kind of guessing is somewhat ridiculous. People can’t become immortals without entering the spiritual world. The gods and Buddhas in heaven made the spiritual world and selected Qi-trainers of high quality to live there. Such a place is not on a certain planet, but belongs to a small bit plane. According to the rule, only Divinization cultivators can become immortals after passing Divinization doom and there is no other way to go there.

This is the law of that ‘world’ and it does not depend on the will of cultivators. It’s ridiculous that some cultivators were trying to trespass by space nodes to go to the spiritual world… There was a cultivator that put such an idea into action. Although he found the node, he was completely lost in the vast starry sky. He could never return to the earth in his life, let alone going through the Divinization doom to become an immortal in the spirit world. ”

When hearing that someone tried to trespass by space nodes, White Fairy’s face turns red immediately. Mr. Wuye, who was like an immortal, also had such an absurd idea.

Black Tortoise says that someone had found the space node but got lost forever and never returned. White Fairy and Lin Luoran hear these words and look at each other. They think of the remains of “Danling Taoist” they saw on the wild planet.

It turns out that Danling Taoist didn’t succeed in Divinization at that time. He tried to take a shortcut, but he was lost in the starry sky.

Black Tortoise hasn’t talked about ancient stories for a long time, because people rarely listen to it carefully. But things are different today, there are three attentive listeners. It has become more excited.

“More than a thousand years ago, Gathering Vitality cultivators disappeared. More than a thousand years later, the cultivation world gathered cultivators of five elements with single Taoist root to open the Tower of Babel. They all went to the same place.

That place is in the gap between the human world and the spiritual world. It is connected to the spiritual world so it is nourished by a little magical energy from the spiritual world. It is also a better place for cultivation than the earth. Meanwhile, it is also connected to the earth so it is encumbered by the bad environment of the human world. As a result, it becomes a unique bit plane. The civilization there is diversified, not only including cultivation and Training Qi. It is inclusive of all things, just like a small universe. Going through Divinization doom there has a much higher success rate.

Your family are there.

As long as you gather the five elements, you do not have to enter the Divinization period and you can open the Tower of Babel to go to that unique place.

You have already known that you are the lucky chance person chosen by Momo. Because of this, if you want, I can complete the five elements like gold hawk for you. You can go and meet your family immediately.”

Its words totally speed up Lin Luoran’s heart.

It is a huge tempting cake in front of her. She is not a saint, and she is very short-sighted. She only wants to meet her family as soon as possible. This is her only obsession after returning from Penglai Spirit Mountain.

She wants to say yes to Black Tortoise. She can be cruel and ignore Black Tortoise’s life. However, Black Tortoise’s words keep coming to her.

It said that she is what Momo had tried so hard to get, a good result from a good cause, a lucky chance that was created after breaking. Momo was stupid. She did all this without the support of that man, so she is no longer in this world.

The little girl who can warm people’s hearts with a smile is no longer in the world.

Lin Luoran still remembers how she held her hand. Her palm was so cold. Even though she was smiling, she seemed to be sad. She once saw Momo practicing calligraphy in The Great Truths, repeatedly writing a word figure boringly. She kept practicing it secretly until she was beaten back. She once heard Momo’s laughter all over the forest, which could even touch plants.

Momo is delicate, kind, and hardworking. She had some of the most important and beautiful qualities of a person.

But such a beautiful and flawless little girl has gone away because of her stupidity as Black Tortoise said. The word “Momo” in the Huaxia language means tiny. The little girl was so stupid and tried to change the eternity calamity with her tiny power, but she is no longer here. If Black Tortoise doesn’t tell the story, what she did will never be known.

After enjoying the good results she made, the sacred pearl she left behind, and the care of the man in robe, can Lin Luoran choose to reunite with her family at this moment and destroy the silly girl’s efforts, feeling no shame?

Lin Luoran is questioning herself. She doesn’t enhance her personal ability to take great responsibility. However, she has enjoyed the contributions of others. If she leaves indifferently, maybe she will always live in the self-blame for the rest of her long life.

Many smart people can choose to go to better places and burn the bridge after crossing it. Lin Luoran can choose to follow them.

She seems to have to make another silly choice.

“If I reject your proposal at this moment, can I still meet my family again?”

Black Tortoise finally shows a real smile which looks particularly sincere on its simple face, “You are also a silly girl. Small love and big love—in fact, you have already made a choice, haven’t you?”

Big Love? People are selfish. She doesn’t understand what big love is. Maybe it’s because she is a little more stupid and softer than others. She can’t tolerate the fact that this beautiful planet with so many histories turns into dust in the universe one day.

Primitive world of ten thousand years, Huaxia civilization of five thousand years… there is nothing like this blue planet in the universe and a “home planet” belonging to the Huaxia people with yellow skin and black eyes.

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