
Chapter 103 - [Chaos] [One More Day]

Chapter 103 – [Chaos] [One More Day]


Arthur Goldwood hummed as he led Danal and Evelyn Goldwood to where Hawthorne Jones's study where together with the uneasy old man. He was in a good mood for everything was going according to plan. After tonight, Holley would officially be engaged to Cain Fay and they could finally have a share of the Fay's richest, securing their future in generations to come.

No one noticed that amidst the crowds partying, Russell and Cedrick left. No one knew where they went and no body cared for everyone was enjoying themselves.

Eventually, Arthur, together with Holley's parents and Hawthorn Jones, entered the study.

Arthur repressed a smile when he heard the soft gasps and moans.

Danal Goldwood frowned, yet he didn't say anything while Evelyn quietly clasped her hand in excitement. Hawthorn Jones, on the other hand, was fidgeting on the side. He was anxious no matter what he did to calm himself. He felt like something bad was going to happen.

Anyone would be angered if their teenage daughter was having premarital sex –– but not the people in this room.

Danal Goldwood had a lot of emotions on his head, but above it all was excitement. Just thinking of having a share of the Fay's wealth and power and Cain Fay as a son in law was enough to put him in a good mood. He always wanted a son, so when Holley was born, he was a bit disappointed.

But now, everything was finally going according to plan and he couldn't wait to taste the power and riches that would soon to come.

Evelyn Goldwood, on the other hand, was a modern practical woman and a doting mother. She knew in this modern age, wealth was second to none. In her case, wealth was second to her daughter's happiness. She didn't care about the rest. Holly could finally be together with Cain, the man she loved so much.

Arthur was grinning from ear to ear until he heard a man's voice, calling Holley's name –– clearly not Cain Fay's voice.


Arthur yelled in panic and barged inside the room. The moment he entered, he saw two naked people intertwined in an awkward savaged position.

Danal and Evelyn thought it was the cue, and they put on their best panic expression. But soon, they realized that the situation did require for them to panic.

"Get away from her, you asshole!" Arthur went mad and punched Nixon's face.

Nixon was caught off guard but quickly recovered. He was in a daze as he let go of Holley's limp frame and zoomed towards Arthur in all nakedness.

Arthur was taken aback when Nixon grabbed his shoulders and forcefully kissed him. In Nixon's eyes, he was seeing another Holley, tempting and seducing him.

"H-Holley . . ." Evelyn lost consciousness at the sight of her daughter's sorry state.

Holley's eyes were lifeless red and swollen. Her cheeks covered in dried mucus and tears. Her lips cracked, and her limp body was covered in bruises and marks. She was bleeding all over!

"G-guards!" Danal gripped his chest. He was on the verge of having a heart attack!

Men in black suit rush in the scene. But they glided to a stop as they didn't know how to respond to the situation.

There was Hawthorne Jones, paralyzed and shaking at the corner of the room.

Holley Goldwood, lying naked, half-dead on the bed.

Evelyn Goldwood, unconscious on the cold floor.

Danal Goldwood, gripping his chest, face all red as he gasped for breath.

And . . .

. . .

. . . This?!

Arthur Goldwood, wrestling a naked man on the floor.

. . .

. . .

It was utter chaos!


[One More Day]

Cain's lips twitched up as he closed his laptop after sending a video to his Uncle Hardin.

He thought he had to plan and schemed some more to solve those rumors surrounding his wife, but never did he thought that the cause of all those rumors was the one who would solve it for him.

Now, to go back home to his wife.

He couldn't resist a smile to form on his lips, thinking of Leanna's surprised face. His mouth on hers. His body, enveloping her delicate frame. His hands fondling her delicious soft brea–– 

"Boss, Mr. Adnan Sahid is on the phone."

Cedrick's tone had a hint of uncertainty. Not sure if he should disturb Cain's daydreaming face.

You already did.

"Tell him I'm busy," Cain said and went back to his naughty thoughts –– but the Verunian Prince would not let him daydream anytime soon.

"Cain! me' man! What's this about canceling your attendance for tomorrow's masquerade party? I hope you won't go back on your words me' friend!"

Adnan Sahid's voice echoed inside the car.

Cain resisted the urge to grab the phone from Cedrick's hand and turn it off. He didn't like it if someone used his words against him.

"Adnan, your investment is no longer needed, so my presence is no longer required," Cain said with a flat voice, hoping the man got his drift –– but the tenacious Prince had really thick skin that not even his sharp tone could penetrate.

"No can do me' friend! I've already announced to the world that you'll be coming to the opening of my casino in Vegas. Are you going back on your word –– Cain Fay?"

Cain wanted to grab the phone and throw it out the car's window.

. . .

. . .

When he didn't respond, Adnan took it as him agreeing.

"I'll be expecting you tomorrow, me' friend! Oh! And remember, no body double. The security will have a whole-body scanner. Just so you know."

Then the Prince ended the call.

"Boss, I will have your outfit deliver in your unit," Cedrick chimed in, all poker-faced. His shoulders were ever so trembling, suppressing his laughter.

The guy has guts. Cain closed his eyes, trying hard to calm himself. The raging excitement he felt had long gone decapitated, replaced by barren lands –– stormed by ice-cold hail.

He waited for three weeks, what was one more day?

My love . . .. just one more day.

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