
Chapter 114 - [ . . . With A Kiss] [My Precious]

Chapter 114 – [ . . . With A Kiss] [My Precious]

[Estela's POV]

[ . . . with a Kiss]

"Little Stela . . . treating you like a little sister for so many years. I can't promise you that I'll treat you like a girlfriend right away . . . But, what I can promise you . . . I will love you from now on as a woman . . . as Estela Fay . . ."

My lips quivered, trying to hold my cries while my body didn't restrain itself. My hands embraced Zhander's head, leading it to rest against my breasts.

"Oh, Zhander! I love you! I love you so much!"

"I love you too . . . ," Zhander said, voice a little helpless as he circled his arms around my waist.

. . .

. . .

I released his head and cupped his cheeks to meet his gaze.

"Zhander, let's seal our love with a kiss!"

The thought excites me, not minding Zhander's face turning awkward.

I closed my eyes and puckered my lips, edging it towards him.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited for this day to come!

I'd always imagined this scene a thousand times every day in the past years to the point that I hammered my morals into dust when it got between me and my lewd fantasies.

Seconds felt like an eternity when I waited for his lips to touch mine.

I was about to open my eyes when warm, moist lips grazed my forehead. My eyes flung open, and it shot daggers towards Zhander.

"What was that?" I confronted.

"A-a kiss."

Zhander covered his lips with his fingers like it was burned. His eyes were avoiding mine while his cheeks blossomed red in embarrassment.

This was the first time I ever saw him being shy. I would have squealed non-stop from the cuteness, but I was feeling defiled at the moment.

"No. That was not a kiss. A kiss is when you lick, bite, nibble, and suck the lips. You then parted it with your tongue and plunged your tongue inside to explore the wetness within as your tongue battle each other in a wild frenzy while you're both choking with each other's saliva."

Zhander's face turned even redder as he stared at me in disbelief.

"L-little Stela . . . w-who told you that?"

"What?! I'm seventeen years old. Do you think rainbows, ponies, and dollhouses will come out from my mouth?"

After a moment, Zhander chuckled as he embraced me. He led my head to rest against his warm, broad chest as he inhaled my hair, gently caressing it.

"Little Stela, let's take it slow . . . You're still too young."

"Slow?! Like how slow?! Like an hour slow?! Or like a day slow?!" I didn't hide the anxiousness in my voice.

"How about you finish college first. Until then, let's keep our relationship wholesome. Let's not go beyond holding hands and hugging. Kissing is also acceptable as long as it doesn't involve the tongue."

. . .

. . .

I could feel another negative energy forming inside me.

Ohhh~ Zhander. I swear this sweet torturous feeling will return to you a hundred folds. Tehehehehe!

Zhander shivered when a dark obsessive air preyed upon him.


[Leanna's POV]

[My Precious]


I stared at the bundles of cute stationery envelopes in my hand and flicked my eyes at the charming lady in front of me.

Just looking at Estela's blooming face was enough to know that she and Zhander made up.

I suppressed a smile and pretended I was still hurt on the way she acted at me yesterday.

"What's this?" I asked.

Estela smiled and hopped to my side and embraced me tightly. She took a peek at Cain and whispered, "It's my collection of my brother's photos. You can have it as an apology for my behavior yesterday, as well as, thanks for helping Zhander and me."

My fingers snaked around that bundle of envelopes. Guarding it with my life.

"Tehehehe~. I'll wait for you in the lobby!" Estela said in a singsong voice and bolted to the elevator, leaving me all alone to battle Cain's scrutinizing gaze.

"What is it?" he asked.

"N-nothing important."

I avoided his scrutiny and jogged into my room. Determined to lock my treasure inside my vault for me to ogle and fantasize later after school when Cain was still at work.

But of course, Cain was a tall man towering at six feet while I was five feet and seven inches. His slender legs were longer than mine. Before I could grab the handle of my bedroom door, Cain blocked my way and extended his hand.

"Hand it over," he said, full of authority and arrogance.

Unconsciously, I shifted my hands in my back, away from his chilling eyes.

"Leanna . . . ," he warned.

Built with the instinct to survive, I dashed to exit my unit. My hand turned the handle when a sturdy pair of arms circled my waist, pulling me in a tight embrace.


Laughter escaped my mouth when Cain tickled me into submission.

Little Pluffy was jolted awake. He didn't know how to respond to the situation upon seeing Cain tickling me until tears glistened in my eyes. He growled at Cain, but the cold man just threw a piercingly cold stare at him, and the furball curled in a ball. Little Pluffy covered his eyes with his tiny paws as he trembled under the constricted pupils of the ruthless man.

"Ahahaha! S-stop! Aahahaha! S-stop it!" My eyes blurred as my mind became dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

"Leanna . . . Be a good girl and hand it to me."


I flinched when he plunged his tongue inside my ear, causing the bundle of envelopes to flew out of my hands.

I wanted to stop him from snatching my bundle of fantasies, but the gasping for air became my body's number one priority.

Cain stared intently at the photos before he looked at me with a plastered smirk on his face.

Ahh . . . My precious . . .

He sat on the sofa, leaned on the headrest, crossed his legs, and pressed his fingertips together as his eyes never left mine.

I stood in front of him and stretched my hand.

"Give it back," I demanded.

"These photos have my face on it. It belongs to me."

"That's not fair! Estela gave it to me."

"I have the right to my photos."

I opened my mouth, wanted to retort, but no words came out. After seconds of just staring at each other, I crossed my arms, straightened my back and look down at him. Trying to act all high and mighty.

"I can always ask Estela to give me another one."

Cain just smirked.

"I wonder who Estela will heed between the two of us."

I gasped, and my eyes felt like they would pop from there sockets. I couldn't believe that this man would argue with a sixteen years old teenage girl!

So childish!

"Leanna . . . How about this . . . A picture for a wish."


"You don't want to? I guess I have to burn all of these, then."

"No! I'll do it! I'll do it!" I went on my knees and gripped his waist when he motioned to stand.

Cain smirked and patted my head.

"Good girl, Leanna . . .. Now, for my first wish."

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