
Chapter 142 - [Round 2] [Busted!]

Chapter 142 – [Round 2] [Busted!]

*WARNING! Chapter contained sexual scenes not suited for young audiences. Skip to the next chapter if you're not comfortable with this type of scene.

You've been warned.


[Leanna's POV]

[Round 2]

That familiar salty-sweet smell filled my nose, and I unconsciously gulped as I knew what was coming next.

Instead, I was completely caught off guard when he cupped my breasts and slid his penis between them.

T-this is!

The popular Titjob I heard of!

Never in my wildest dreams that Cain would do this kind of perverted thing to me.

But I was not about to complain.

"Mmmm . . ."

The incredible warm sensation of his arousal, sliding in and out of my skin, oddly made me feel relaxed as I enjoyed the slow rocking of our body.

"Oh . . . ," I purred when something hot and thick and slimy was pouring between my breasts, and I knew ––  it was no oil.

The sweet torturous agony of not seeing his face and all the lewd things he was doing to me almost made me rip my hands out of the blankets tight hold.

The slow rocking turned violent when he moved faster and harder. His body trembled. His shaft stiff, hard as steel as his swollen tip hit my chin. I even felt the veins bulging from his thick length while he rocked himself against my breasts in relentless rhythm.

I knew he was about to come.

"Nghh . . . !"

He groaned in pleasure and released my breasts. His hand held my nape, raising my head.

"Open your mouth . . . ," he hissed in pain and urgency.

I opened my lips, and the tip of his pulsating cock stretched my mouth while my tongue savored the strong flavor of his cum.

I wanted to shift my head when I almost choked from his continued release, but his tight grip on my nape made my head immobile.

"Swallow it," he commanded.

Which I readily obeyed.

He shoved the length of his cock into my throat, forcing me to swallow all of him till the last drop. The muscles in my throat relaxed to accommodate his size as I greedily gulped all he had to offer.

Musical moans and panting breaths percolated in the room before he pulled his penis and released my nape. He removed my mask and kissed my forehead.

"Are you . . . *huff . . . okay?" He whispered between breaths. I clenched, and my legs rubbed against each other, needing friction.

My mouth and throat were still burning from his cum, so I gave out a nod in reply.

For minutes he just stared at my flushed, teary face before he leaned and pressed his lips on mine in a passionate kiss before he untied my hands and planted feather-light kisses on my wrists.

The blanket's marks on my wrists were turning purple, and Cain stared into my eyes, face full of guilt. My fingers stroked his cheek, letting him know that there was nothing for him to feel guilty about. I still couldn't utter a sound for the reason all of me was gasping for oxygen. I was too exhausted!

Playing S & M tired me to the bones. What's more, if we get married?

I shoved the idea in the very back of my head. I made a vow that from now on, I will improve my stamina since my lover is so passionate and had an insatiable appetite.


[Leanna's POV]




"Mmmm . . ."

I woke from the noises and footsteps of people in the hallway. It was noisy so early in the morning. Made me wonder what was going on.

I sat on the bed, half-asleep, and looked at the sleeping man beside me.

Arf! Arf!

"Shhhh . . ."

I placed my fingers in front of my mouth, gesturing to little Pluffy to be quiet while the furball sat and tilted his puffy head to the side, wagging his tail. 

He was so cute!

I was not surprised that Cain moved into my room yesterday night while carrying little furball in his arms.

I glanced at the bedside clock.

[6:04 am]

Breakfast starts at seven, and at nine, we would head out for the tree planting.

I shook Cain's shoulders in a gentle rocking motion.

"Cain . . . you should go back to your room."

Even though Artem University owned this hotel, it was open for tourists.

"Mmm . . ."

Cain pulled me into his embrace, and my face smacked hard on his broad chest.

"Cain . . . wake u––argh!"

Cain pressed me against him on the bed and devoured my lips like he was hungry for my kiss. All fight left me when he pushed his erection against my sex, moving his hips in a slow rocking motion as his penis continued to harden.

A pleasure moaned rumbled in my mouth as my hips met his in every thrust. He groaned in pleasure as he ground his cock against my wetness through our clothes.



My head flung to the door while little Pluffy gave a low warning growl signaling that the one who was knocking –– was not a friend.

I pushed Cain and stood to my feet while my eyes never left the door, unsure of what to do. Then I snapped at the laid back man with bulging eyes.

"Hide. Quick."

I grabbed little Pluffy and shoved them both into the bathroom.

"Be quiet," I warned and closed the door.

I fixed myself and put on my robe with haste, ignoring the fact that I was only wearing Cain's oversize shirt underneath the robe. After making sure that I hid the purple marks on my wrists and hickeys on my neck, I opened the door.

This is not happening!

It was like one of those thrilling movies where your parents were about to know that you were hiding a man in your bedroom. That was what I feel right now when I saw Ingrid, the music teacher. She was in front of my door together with, not one, but a whole group of students.

What the hell is this?!

I spotted Zoe and Estela among the crowds with a teasing look on their faces. Their eyes were prying the small gap between the door and myself, searching for something.

"What's going on?" I asked, shifting my eyes between them and the crowds.

"Miss Lee, miss Goldwood reported that she lost her necklace at the indoor spring yesterday night and hadn't found a trace of it." Professor Ingrid answered, leveling her eyeglasses on the bridge of her nose, trying to look strict.

"Since only the students of Artem were present at the spring yesterday night, we are in the middle of interrogating each one of the students, and you are next in line on the list."

My eyes flew at the pretty Holley Goldwood, who looked so pitiful with tears in her eyes while Nixon was holding her in his arms. His expression was full of accusations.

"I haven't seen it," I said, and my hand shot to the door frame, blocking anyone in.

"Can we come inside and have a look at your things?" Professor Ingrid threw a pointed look on my hand that was blocking the entrance.

"I already said I didn't see it." Panic crept in my nerves, for I knew what they were about to do.

I was not afraid that they would find Holley's necklace or whatever it was inside my room, but more worried that they would find out a man was hiding inside my bathroom!

"Professor . . . I-it's alright . . . Leanna said she didn't see it. And . . . I've already caused enough trouble for everyone." Holley was all apologetic as she pleaded with the professor, which made the crowds sympathetic towards her.

"Holley, what are you saying?" Professor Ingrid objected. "You said that necklace is worth a fortune."

Then she stared at me, giving me the angry eyes. "Miss Lee, we already conducted searches in other rooms as well. It's only fair that we search yours. If you have nothing to hide, I suggest you let us through."

Damn it!

I was paralyzed in place now, covered in cold sweat as my stomach twisted in nervousness that I wanted to poop. No matter what I choose, this was a dead end. If I decided not to let them in, they would label me as a thief. But if I chose to let them in . . .

They'll found out Cain is here in my room!

I had to convince them to leave no matter what. I didn't care if they labeled me as a thief as long as they wouldn't find out that I was hiding my lover in my room.

I opened my mouth, but gasps after gasps overpowered my voice. The crowds' eyes widened as their jaws drop, looking at me in shock.

. . .

. . .

*sigh . . .

He's right behind me, isn't he?

Warm, strong hands circled my waist, pulling me closer in a possessive embrace. Even without seeing his face, I knew he was looking down on everyone with constricted pupils. Letting everyone know I belong to him.

. . . I wish the ground would crumble and swallow me whole.



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