
Chapter 52 - [Celebration] [Club]

Chapter 52 – [Celebration] [Club]


From here on out, we'll publish two chapters in one to make up for the word count ^^

Smashed that vote, comment, and review button to support the story and for faster release rate ^^



Dii . . .

. . . iinngg~!


My eyes flung open while my mind still in the hazy fog of dreams. Regaining my reality, I glanced at the bedside clock.

[7:05 pm]

After the meeting and lunch with Uncle Luke, I returned to my condo. I was planning to watch a movie for the rest of the afternoon, but drowsiness overtook me. I was even wearing the dress at the meeting.

I sighed and drank a glass of water on top of my bedside table. It had been a long time since I dreamed of that particular event of my life.

Associating with Cain Fay brings back bad memories! I concluded.


I scrambled to my feet and rushed to the living area. The pretty face of the reception lady appeared on the screen when I pressed the intercom.

"Hello Miss Lee, Mr. Zhander Jansen is in the lobby and wanted to see you, saying that it's urgent," she said, voice and face apologetic.

I sighed.

It turns out, no matter how over the top the security is, it's still useless against people like Zhander Jansen.

I didn't make it difficult for the reception lady. "Alright, tell him to wait. I'll be in the lobby in a moment."

After checking my appearance, I went down and greeted the impatient face of Zhander. When he saw me, his face lit up.

"Is it your habit of not answering your phone?" he said, voice teasing paired with a playful smile.

My mood brightened upon seeing his pleasant smile.

It was refreshing.

"Sorry I was asleep. What's up?"

Zhander approached me in even strides. I raised my head and met his gaze.

"Let's celebrate. Jansen Corp. will fund Azuela Cove," he said, smiling from ear to ear.

Somebody's in a good mood.

Inflicted with his cheerful mood, I felt light and pondered his invitation.

I'll be leaving New York tomorrow, might as well go exploring with him.

I nodded, and Zhander's face brightened as his smile widened.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise."

"Alright, let me go get my phone and bag."

Zhander grabbed my hand, pulled me out of the lobby, and dragged me in front of his car before I could take a single step back to my unit.

"There's no need for that. It's my treat, and I'll take you home safely before midnight."

I didn't have the chance to complain when he opened the passenger door, guided me inside, and drove off to who knows where.


It was unusual for me to be together with a man, even more so if it was only the two of us. But I had faith in Zhander maybe because I trusted Uncle Luke. But when he said to celebrate, I was expecting a cozy, peaceful dinner, perfect with candlelight, jazz music, and whatnot.

Never in my wildest dreams that he brought me inside a sophisticated modern inspired room, which sat in the sixty-five story of a seventy story building with skyline views, huge dance floor, chockfull of lipstick-red boots, sassy grown-ups downing on vintage and seasonal drinks, eclectic crowd getting wasted and DJ's spinning wild mix of sounds that pulled everyone to their feet.

It's utter chaos!



Doesn't Zhander know that I'm a minor?

I was getting dizzy from all the noise, the crowds, and the sickening smell of sweat and perfumes hanging in the air.

Should I fake a stomachache so I can go home?

Too late, Zhander pulled my hand and navigated his way with impeccable ease towards a table with a million-dollar view. But we skid to a stop at the sight of a group of people sitting at that million-dollar view table.

I glanced at Zhander. It might be because of the dim light, but his face was darker than usual.

We approached the group, and Zhander pointed to a list of young, glamorous men and women sitting at the table, which I assumed, was our table.

"Leanna, meet my friends."

He didn't tell me anything about meeting his friends!

"This is Knoll, Ejiofor, Saoirse, Zephyrine, and Quvenzhane. Everyone, this is Leanna."

. . .

. . .

Alright, he lost me on the 'Knoll' part.

I forced a smile and let Zhander pulled me to sit beside him.

"Zhander, it's rare for you to bring a girl and a young girl at that! Don't you know it's illegal?" one of the boys said, tone light and joking.

"Little missy, how old are you? Shouldn't you be taking your snooze by now?" a sexy blonde lady chortled, and the four of them snickered.

They stopped when Zhander shot them a pointed look.

"Everyone be nice. Don't make fun of my friend." Zhander then gave me an apologetic gaze. "Sorry, please don't get offended."

"None taken." I smiled.

Zhander's expression softened as his eyelids dropped a little. "Let me get you something to drink."

He stood to his feet, and my fingers shot to his shirt, stopping him.

"Zhander, I'm a minor," I reminded.

They all laughed.

"Sweet cake, don't sweat it. See those girls there trying hard to look like grown-ups?" Knoll pointed to a group of young girls, drinking and laughing. "They're high school students." He grinned and winked at me.

"Don't worry. I'll get you a nonalcoholic drink." Zhander threw Knoll a glanced, which the latter responded with a nod before he went to the bar counter.

I was going to stop Zhander again when the charming brunet lady barraged me with questions.

"Little girl, when did you and Zhander met? What's your relationship with him? I don't recognize you. Which family do you belong? Don't you know who Zhander Jansen is?"

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop scaring the poor girl. What's with all this bombardment of questions?" Knoll said, trying to lighten the mood, concealing the panic in his voice with little waves of laughters.

The sexy blonde lady rolled her eyes. "Oh please! It's not like you're not interested to know." She then shifted her attention to a striking woman. "This is Saoirse. She and Zhander have something going on. You can't even compare to her, so it's better if you scamper home. Don't get into a delusion that Zhander likes you just because he took you out."

Knoll opened his mouth, but I cut in, "Whether Zhander likes me or not, it still didn't change the fact that HE personally asked me out." I smiled my sweetest.

The tension that followed was so thick I could slice it.

Saoirse's face darkened. She was about to say something when Zhander returned to my side, handing me my nonalcoholic drink.

"What's wrong?" Zhander asked.

"Nothing, we're just saying that Leanna should try this club's drinks." Saoirse beamed.

"Yes, it's a shame if she misses out all these expensive drinks that she can only drink today and probably can't afford to drink in her entire lifetime." The blonde lady winked at her companions, and they all snickered, except for Knoll who was looking all uneasy. He loosened his collar, a bead of sweat shone on his forehead.

Zhander ignored all of them, not leaving his attention on me. "Leanna, if you want to try the drinks here, I'll buy it all for you. You don't have to worry about getting drunk.. I promise to take you home safely," he said, voice almost above a whisper, soft and gentle.

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