
Chapter 61 - [Shopping] [Coincidence]

Chapter 61 – [Shopping] [Coincidence]


I was shocked to find many people, especially university students, at one of New Haven's famous shopping area. The place was a long stretched of stores, complete with unique boutiques, retailers, eateries, award-winning restaurants, museums, and theatres.

The shopping street was pack, maybe because the day after tomorrow, the school would officially start.

Fortunately, I found a vacant parking slot to park my Chrysler Jeep. I got out of the car, checked my memo pad, and went for my first haul.


It was nearing three in midday when I finished everything on my list. I grabbed a hotdog sandwich for lunch, and went back to my car, shoving everything in the backseat.

I was ready to leave when a boutique caught my sight, selling one of a kind clothes for men. From the simple well-aged and elegant architecture, I knew that what they're selling were expensive.

I licked my lips, walking my way towards it.

Inside, men garbed in three-piece black suits with bow ties, and women dressed in white long sleeve shirt with black pencil cut skirt greeted me. All were wearing black gloves.

As expected, there were four customers at the moment, and both were looking rich.

A pretty lady approached me with a name tag 'Jessie' on her shirt.

"Welcome, my name is Jessie, and I will be your assistant during your stay," she said, tone nothing but cheerful accompanied by the warmest smile she could muster.

Everyone didn't mind me, a young girl all alone, strolling inside a luxury shop like they were already accustomed to it.

I guess, as long as you have the money, age isn't an issue.

I nodded at Jessie and went directly to their goods.

The clothes lived up to their jaw-dropping price as all of them were made from the most expensive quality fabrics and pelts.

I contemplated on what to get for Cain, and finally decided with four monotone pastel-colored neckties from mulberry silk, and a long coat and scarf, sewn from Vicuna wool. I grabbed three more long Vicuna coats for my father and the twins.

Jessie's smiles were so broad I was worried her lips would rip.

I paid for the clothes with my card and head for the exit when a black suit stopped my strides.

"Please also wrap this up for me."


Jessie held the suit, and we made our way into the counter when a man's voice stopped us in our tracks.

"I want that one!"

My eyes snapped at an approaching man with gold hair, blue eyes, and white skin.

A pure breed British man!

"Well? What are you waiting for? I said I want that one," he said to a guy with a name tag 'James.'

James hesitated, looking troubled. He then shot me an apologetic face. "Excuse me, Miss can you give this suit to young master Mandeville."

It was not a question, more like a final verdict.

James stretched the word 'Mandeville' as if letting me know who the man was –– fortunately, I didn't know nor care.

"I set my eyes on this one first," I said, frowning.

Both Jessie and James eyes widened as they stared at me in disbelief like I murdered someone.



The Mandeville guy finally looked my way, sizing me as his brows crumpled. His eyes bulged, a flashed of admiration crossed his face before it turned proud and arrogant within seconds.

"So? You haven't purchased it yet. It doesn't belong to you." The Mandeville guy then snapped at James. "What are you waiting for?"

James was about to snatch the suit when I raised my voice, saying, "I didn't think Mr. Mandeville would fancy this suit so much that he even wanted to snatch it away from this little lady. But if you like it, then you can have it. After all, I 'am not so petty as to deny you something you wanted so badly to covet."

The other customers glanced our way, covering their mouths as they snickered.

The Mandeville guy's face burned crimson. "H-how dare you! Don't you know who I 'am? I can have your fam––"

I turned and swayed out of the store. I zoomed to my car and carefully placed the clothes in the backseat. I was going to open the driver's door when a soft angelic voice ushered me to a halt.

"Leanna Lee."

I turned to look where that voice came from, and the beautiful face of Holley Goldwood appeared in my sight.

Really?! The country is so big! How in the world did we even cross each other's path?!

I stared at the beautiful woman. Long stylish blond hair, big misty eyes, soft pouty red lips, smooth white skin, and an angelic face. Her beauty was one of a kind.

A natural-born rich pampered princess from top to bottom. She was the kind who you couldn't take your eyes off and would love to stare all day, men and women alike.

Alright, she's beautiful than me. So what?

"Holley, do you know her?" A sexy, pretty blond lady strode to us. Her face also had that charm that made you want to look at her and care for her.

"Your friend?" said a man with a boyish face. Though he was not as handsome as that Mandeville guy, he still had his own appeal.

The guy with a boyish face approached us, and when he swept me with his gaze, the glint in his eyes turned into one of malice and lust as he plastered a perverted smile.

Before I knew it, I was surrounded.

"Yes, a friend. Leanna, are you also shopping? You should join us." Holley gave out a blinding smile. Before I could refuse, she grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of the boutique where I went into earlier.

It took a lot of self-control on my part not to slap her hand away from mine. I let her pulled me for the reason I didn't want to make a scene. When we stopped in front of that boutique, she released my hand and introduced me to everyone.

"Guys, this is Leanna Lee," Holley said, voice sweet as honey before she turned to her friends. "This is Sophia and Rowan."

"Leanna, what a pretty name, fitting for a pretty lady," Rowan said with his seductive voice. He reached for my hand, and I took a step back.

"I'm sorry I already finished my shopping. You guys have fun," I said, voice flat and tone dismissing accompanied by my poker-face.

I turned to run when Sophia stopped me.

"Then how about you accompany us instead?"

Holley clasped her hands. "That's right! Leanna, Sophia is from New Haven. She knows where to shop best. I'm sure you'll enjoy all the bargain prices."

They all snickered while I remained bored as I watched their play.

"What are you guys talking about?"

The Mandeville guy walked out from the boutique and stood by Holley's side.

"Oh! Nixon, done with your shopping here?" Holley shot a brief glance at Nixon before settling her eyes on me. "Meet Leanna, Leanna this is Nixon."

Nixon skimmed his eyes past everyone and rested on me.

"You!" he yelled, eyes wide and face warped in anger.

I rolled my eyes.


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