
Chapter 63 - [Shameless] [Donation]

Chapter 63 – [Shameless] [Donation]


I smiled, eyes narrowing. "It's lovely."

Sophia and Holley smirked at each other.

I went closer and slid my eyes to the sales lady with the name tag 'Karen' on her shirt.

"Karen, can I have this one?"

Instead of pointing to the cushioned cut diamond ring, I jabbed a finger towards a cushioned cut twenty-carat Jadeite diamond ring beside it.

Nixon's face paled.

Karen's shot me a bewildered look. She didn't reach for the Jadeite ring just yet. She took a long glanced at Sophia, expression asking for approval.

Sophia's smile was a tad bit forced as she said, "That's not what I pointed. I was pointing at that diamond ring beside it."

"Oh! I'm sorry," I said with wide eyes and fake innocence. "I couldn't see where you're pointing. I thought that with your impeccable taste, you'd choose the expensive, rare stone. I never thought you'd pick a plain boring diamond that only adults with kids would wear."

Sophia's face twisted like she ate something sour. The look she gave me felt like she wanted to pull my hairs out. Only she didn't. Least she wanted her image of being a frail, innocent lady to crumble right before everyone. So, she just contented to clenched her fingers to control herself.

I shifted between them, looking all apologetic.

"What to do. I like that rare stone. But . . ." I gave Nixon a hesitant side-eye. "It's so expensive. It's not right for Mr. Mandeville to buy something this expensive for a person he just met. Even if he already said that he would buy me anything I want."

It was Nixon's turn to gaped for words. He didn't expect that I would be this shameless. Even Holley and Sophia chose a less expensive set, out of politeness. I knew he could afford it, but it would take a lot of explaining to his parents when they knew that he bought a twenty-carat Jadeite diamond ring for a random country girl just to show off.

But if he refused, I bet his pride wouldn't let him sleep at night. Not to mention that he already gave his word.

Nixon's face changed from pale to red to dark. I sighed when he didn't respond for a whole minute. "It's alright, Mr. Mandeville. Forget about what you said. After all, no one keeps their promises."

Nixon's face crumpled in anger. With gritted teeth and heavy heart, he snapped at the saleslady.

"Wrap it up."

I smirked in triumph.

In the end, the sales lady each handed us our shopping bags of jewelry.

Holley promptly faced me with an apologetic face. "Leanna, I'm sorry. Do you mind if you can carry some of my things? I would ask the boys, but . . ."  She ran her teeth over her lower lip as she eyed the boys' hands, clamping with bags. "As you can see, they have their hands full."

They smirked.

I stared at their shopping bags, dangling in their fingers, and glanced at my single little bag.

This girl takes every opportunity to attack me. If I refused, I would look inconsiderate in front of everyone.

"You don't mind, right?" Holley batted her long lashes, pupils enlarge, looking all cute.

I smiled my sweetest, complete with tilting head and closed eyes. "Yes.I.Mind."

Holley's smile froze, and silence stifled the room.

I flicked my attention to Nixon's stunned face.

"But I'm sure Mr. Mandeville will take this great opportunity to be a gentleman in front of a beauty, right?"

Nixon recovered from the mention of his name. He then grabbed the shopping bags from Holley's hands, stammering, "I-I'll carry this for you."

Not minding that he couldn't walk straight with all the bags dangling near his legs, he forced a smile and walked ahead.

We got out of the store with four people feeling dejected and me feeling bored. I wanted to go home and drew instead of playing with this bunch of spoiled, immature kids.

I was going to bid them adieu when two people blocked our way, both wearing animal costumes.



"Hello everyone, we are a non-profit certified international organization called Animals are Love. Can we take a bit of your time to explain our organization and goals?  And if you're interested, please donate to our cause."

Holley's face lit up. "Oh my, of course! We would love to."

They zoomed to the booth guided by the two people wearing costumes. I sighed, lips ruffling as I did and followed them.

"Wow! Isn't this young Miss Goldwood, young Miss Collin, and Mr. Mandeville? I'm Emma Deleon," one of the members said. From the way she was dress and from the way she spoke, I bet she's the leader.

Rowan frowned, he probably didn't like the fact that people didn't know him.

I stood by the booth and grabbed a pamphlet, ignoring the others, who exchanged pleasantries to the woman named Emma.

I was concentrating on reading the pamphlet when I was disturbed by Holley's voice. I didn't notice that they were already beside me.

"Leanna, aren't you going to donate?"

"All of us donated ten thousand dollars each." Sophia covered her mouth. "Oh, right. You probably don't have enough money. Do you want us to cover for you?"

They snickered.

Emma, sensing that something was wrong, stood behind the table in silence.

"Honey, I can pay for you, but it'll cost you a night," Rowan whispered in my ear. He took the liberty at inspecting my body with his lustful eyes.

I ignored them and gave Emma my full attention. "Sorry, I don't have enough cash with me nor did I bring with me a cheque."

Emma waved her hand. "Oh, that's alri––"

"But I can donate this, right?" I gave her the bag which held the twenty-carat Jadeite ring.

I don't want it anyway.

"T-t-this! Of course, you can donate it! We can auction or sell this!" Emma was full of smile, expression in euphoria when she unwrapped the box and the ring glittered beneath her eyes.

"Are you crazy?! That's a six hundred-thousand-dollar ring!"

Sophia's shout shocked the daylights out of everyone.

"Who's that? That gave me a shock."

"That's Collin's young miss. I didn't know she can also shout like that."

Whispers weaved the bustling sidewalk which pulled Sophia out of her momentary loss of self. She swiftly followed up, "Uhmm . . . it's because that ring was gifted to you. You shouldn't give it out so casually."

I tilted my head, and with an apologetic face said, "I'm sorry, but I'm sure Mr. Mandeville will understand. After all, he is such a generous young man. He'll not get angry at me for donating his gift for such a noble cause, right?"

Nixon's face was so crumpled that I thought he would cry. His trembling hands were white from being pressed into fists like he was holding himself so he wouldn't strangle me to death.

"Well then, everyone, it's nice knowing you. I must return now since it's getting late," I said and bolted away without waiting for their response.

. . .

. . .

It had been quite a while after Leanna left the group, but none didn't know what happened.

They couldn't believe what kind of girl she was. It was a first meeting that a girl was not afraid of them. Who was not scared of destroying her own image. Who would throw away half a million dollars' worth of jewelry just like that.

They thought, since she came from the farms and mountains, she was meek. Easy to bully.. But in truth, she appeared meek but thick-skinned.

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