
Chapter 73 - [Extortion] [Retaliation]

Chapter 73 – [Extortion] [Retaliation]


"Are you going to post it publicly?" I asked, curious.

Zoe pouted with a scowl on her face. "You kidding me? Posting it publicly, they would just deny it. They'll use their money and connections and the whole matter will close, just like that." She snapped her fingers, accompanied by the dramatic motion of her head.

"Then what are you going to do with it?"

She gave me a rascal smile and pretended to look at her nails. "You know . . . I'm low on money these days."

I grinned. "You're going to extort them money? Aren't you afraid?"

"What's there to be afraid? I've already packed my things and stayed in the dorms." Her deep blue eyes glint with ferociousness. "I'm soooo going to extort them money that I'll be living in luxuries for years!"

I laughed. "And they're just going to let you?"

"Of course they will! Their image is more important than their life. If they can settle their problems with money, to them, it's not even a problem at all!"

I giggled.

"When did you two get close?"

Holley and Sophia approached us –– all smiles.

Argh! It's still early in the morning!

I glared at them, hoping it would scare them away.

"Leanna, why do you look so mean?" Holley stood in front of us, oblivious to my glares.

I sensed all eyes zoomed on us. The students were taking turns glancing in our direction. Their expression said, why would the famous Holley Goldwood speak to a nobody and the black sheep of the Collin's?

I looked at Holley with a blank face and with a sarcastic voice, said, "I thought if I look hostile, you won't approach me." I tilted my head and smiled. "And yet, here you are."

Sharp gasps buzz in wild frenzy. They were probably thinking I lost my mind for making an enemy out of THE Holley Goldwood.

Holley portrayed a pained expression as she replied in an aggrieved voice, "Why do you hate me so much?"

The crowds shoot dagger glares in my direction.

Great! So much for being low key.

"I don't hate you," I said, "In fact, I don't care about you at all."

Some students clamped their hands on their mouth, suppressing their snickers. Holley's face burned red, and her lips opened stunned.

And of course, Sophia came into the rescue. "Leanna, you don't have to be so mean. We just wanted to be your friend," she said, face so innocent it was almost a sin.

. . .

. . .

Moments passed that I didn't answer. Eyes never swayed on the stage, treating the people in front of me as nothing but annoying farts.

Sophia was a little embarrassed and cleared her throat. "Leanna, I said, you don't have to be so mean. We just wanted to be your friend," she repeated, voice clear and sharper than before.

My browse crumpled. "No need to repeat yourself, I ignored you just fine the first time."


The other students couldn't hold it anymore and choked in their peals of laughters.

Sophia's face was so red, and I bit back my laughter when she still maintained her angelic smile even though her expression was about to burst from anger.

Zoe took a step forward. "Sophia, why don't you and Holley stroll back to where you came from and leave us alone? We don't have the energy to pretend to like you today."



Sophia was shocked that Zoe talked back at her. Zoe never did so in the past. No matter how she bullied her, the girl never fought back –– silently enduring at the side.

Sophia inwardly grimaced while keeping her angelic smile. With a concerned face and voice said, "Zoe, mom, and dad are worried about you. How could you just pack your things and live in the dorms without even telling us?"

"As expected of the black sheep."

"No manners at all."

"Even to her own parents, no parental love whatsoever."

Sophia continued, "Mom and dad are angry, but I'll help you talk to them. You shouldn't run off like that. You should listen to our parents once in a while."

"Did you hear that? She doesn't even listen to her parents."

"She's making Sophia look so bad. So shameless."

"Haven't you heard? She's an embarrassment to the Collin's."

Zoe smiled and crossed her arms. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you're so knowledgeable about how to live my life now." Her hips then slanted to the side. "Tell you what, why don't you give your unwanted lectures to someone who cares?"

Sophia looked hurt and stammered, "I-I didn't mean to. I'm just concerned about you."

Zoe rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to retort, but I cut in.

"Sophia, are you sure you wanted to continue your charade?" I licked my lips and dangled my phone in front of her.

Sophia's smile fell, and colors drained from her face. She then seized Holley's hand and pulled her away.

I smirked while the other gossip.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. The moment that girl brought out her phone, Sophia just walked out."

There were still whispers and glances thrown our way until the introductory event started.

Zoe nudged me with probing eyes. "How did you even became enemies with Holley Goldwood?"

"She thinks I stole Cain Fay from her," I said, my attention on the stage.

Zoe's eyebrow arched. "THE Cain Fay? Okay, I won't even ask how you met the elusive man, but Cain Fay doesn't even like her."

I gave her a sidelong glanced and grinned. "How do you know?"

"Duh! I was practically dragged at Holley's birthday party every year. And the last five years they've been engaged, Cain Fay was only seen together with her on her birthday. And anyone who had eyes could see that the man didn't even have an ounce of interest in her. He'd rather focus all his attention on his laptop. The whole party, he was sitting all alone, typing on his laptop like he was a stranger, accidentally stumbling his way there. He didn't even kiss nor greeted her. I'm practically amazed he didn't break the engagement much early on."

I giggled. I could picture Cain doing just that.

After the introductory event, Zoe and I exchanged numbers.

"What's with this ridiculous, unfair schedules?!" she exclaimed when we were about to part ways, going to our respective buildings.

"You just have three classes a week, and I have like five, and you have so many free times!" she added.

I shrugged my shoulders.  "Art is a difficult subject."

"So is linguistic." Then She groaned. "My building is this way. Let's have lunch later."


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