
Chapter 84 - [Moment] [Chase]

Chapter 84 – [Moment] [Chase]


Moments later, the enticing aroma of meat on the grills filled my nose. It was mouthwatering that made my stomach grumbled with hunger.

My eyes flickered to Cain. He was busy preparing our dinner. Still, I often caught him glancing in my direction from time to time. Must be to check how I was doing.

When our eyes met, he smiled and threw a wink in my direction. I shifted my head to the other side and suppressed a smile. If not that there were others around, I'd probably giggle to death.

After an hour, I deducted that fishing and I weren't meant to be. I went to Cain's side with two fishes swimming inside a bucket in my hand.

There was also little Pluffy slumping on the grass with his four paws spread on the ground, looking all exhausted after playing with the water.

I laughed a little. Making sure that the little one had a full rest, I fed him water and went to Cain's side. I cleaned the fish and put it on the grill. Then I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled myself into the warmth of his chest.

His hand rested on my shoulder, pulling me closer to him while his other hand was busy grilling our dinner.  He kissed my hair from time to time as we stood there in silence, treasuring each moment.


Cold air, warm fire, and bright stars.

A romantic place to be.

As soon as we finished dinner, we set up the tent in one of the best spots for viewing stars. We spread a comforter outside the tent and snuggled with each other in the comforting warmth the other gave off while Little Pluffy nestled its way behind me under the warm blanket.

Sounds of night creatures tickled our ears, and the soothing music of nature dispersed all tension in my body as we lost ourselves in the moment under the starry night sky.

. . .

. . .

"Cain . . ."

"Mmm . . . ?"

"I want to buy a bike and ride it going to school."

Cain's fingers froze on my hair.

. . .

. . .

After a short paused, he resumed caressing my hair and said a simple, "Alright."

I smiled and snuggled closer to him while my hands rubbed his chest, fingers sprawling on the hard lines of his muscles, taking in his warmth as much as I could. 

. . .

. . .

"Leanna . . . ," he whispered as if in pain.

"Mmmm . . . ?"

"I'll not be home for three weeks to a month starting on Monday."

It was my turn to freeze.

I wanted to ask him why, but the words jammed beneath the lump in my throat.

Cain explained further when he saw my expression, "There are problems at work which needed my appearance to resolve. I'll be traveling to different countries starting next week."

I remained quiet.

What else can I say?

Cain gently pinched my chin, forcing me to look at him. His frosty eyes were thawing with the warmth of longing.

"I promise to finish it early and come back to you," he said, voice so soft it melted my heart.

I forced a smile as not to make him unhappy than he already was and softly kissed his eyes.

"Don't worry about me. I have little Pluffy to accompany me."

My hand gently stroked his face, and he kissed my fingers when they grazed his lips. We gazed at each others eyes before our lips met and our tongues intertwined.


"That's it?" Estela said in incredulity. "They're just going to kiss and sleep after that? They're not going to have sex?"

Estela didn't hide the irritation in her voice. They'd been spying on her brother and Leanna ever since morning, hoping for some action. But the lovers were adamant to just stare at each other all day! Doing what normal boring couples do!

Honestly, her brother was better than that!

"Honey, stop crying. This is a wonderful moment." Hynes embraced his wife, Lily, who was sobbing since sunrise.

"I can't stop the tears . . . Darling our son . . . our son became . . . *sob . . . human. I just . . . I'm so happy!" Lily shoved her head against Hynes's chest and howled like there was no tomorrow.

". . . Honey, you know . . . it had been a long time since we last camp outdoors . . . ," Hynes whispered in a suggestive tone which made Lily paused and giggled.

"Why don't you and I reminiscence on the last time we came here, yes?" Hynes wiggled his eyebrows, and Lily smiled with fluttering eyelids.

Estela rolled her eyes. "Get a room you two."

The couple stood and made their way inside their tent, embracing and whispering sweet nothings to each other.

After a moment of being alone, Estela sighed.

"I guess it's just going to be you and me my trusty camera, and all the single insects out there."



The warm, refreshing morning, the gentle rushing sound of the waterfall and the echoing laughter and giggling made the atmosphere light and festive.

The soft musical laughter from the young girl was contagious and brought smiles on everyone's faces.


I laughed and giggled so hard when Cain and I decided to play chased in the river.

I didn't know how it happened. The moment I got up and went into the river, Cain started chasing me with little Pluffy joining in the fun.


My insides hurt from laughing so hard when he caught my waist and tickled me into submission. I wiggled myself out from his embrace and ran towards the waterfall.

"I surrender! I surrender!" I yelled through panting breaths.

Running towards the waterfall was apparently a bad idea. I thought I could jump since I saw many people jumped there yesterday, but the height only froze my body in fear.

Cain looked at me before a very concerning grin spread across his face.

I opened my mouth to say no, but my lips clamped shut when he suddenly appeared right in front of me. He lifted me onto his shoulder and then he leaped into the water without warning.

Little Pluffy's frantic barks rang in my ears followed by loud splashes of water and utter darkness and silence.


I swam my way up, gasping for air. When I found my breathing, the devilishly handsome man was grinning from ear to ear –– not feeling guilty at all for scaring me half to death.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as peals of laughters bubbled in my throat. "Let's . . . *huff . . . do it again!" I said between breaths.

Cain laughed a little and led me towards the shallow parts of the river, surrounded by large rocks. Before I could even ask what he was doing, he pressed me against the rocks and kissed me hard.

"Mmnn . . . ," I moaned when he sucked my tongue.

"C-Cain . . . T-there are . . . nghh . . . people . . . agh . . . we're outdoors . . . ," I said but didn't make any effort to stop him as he sucked my neck down to my collarbone.

"Mmm . . . ," he hummed, licking his lips. "Don't worry. They won't see us . . . ," he said with a whiskey voice which made my legs quaked.

His tongue swiped over the slope of my breasts, and my arms embraced his neck for support. He licked his way inside my mouth, silencing me into obedience.

He then cupped my bottom, lifted me, and pressed me against the smooth side of the rock. My legs circled his waist, pressing myself against him while our tongues devoured each other.

"Nghh . . . ," he groaned when I squeezed my breasts against his chest.

Enticed by the soft feeling, his tongue trailed wet marks towards my breasts. He tugged the collar of my shirt, exposing my cleavage, and sucked my soft curves. His other hand slid inside my garment, feeling my skin. He raised my bra, hurry in his actions, freeing the fullness of my breasts before he squeezed the soft flesh and rubbed my nipples between his fingers.


We were jolted awake when we heard little Pluffy's whimpers, followed by a splashing sound.

"Little Pluffy!"

I cried as my heart stopped. I pushed Cain away from me and went to that splashing sound. My eyes brimmed with tears, searching for the little guy while I push my worries at bay. I was fearing for the worst when I couldn't spot him.

Arf! Arf!

My legs almost gave out with my sigh of relief when I saw the little furball swimming towards my direction, wagging his tail in excitement. His eyes were innocent as the smile on his face, tongue slipping from his mouth.

He seemed to be enjoying swimming in the water.

Little Pluffy circled me a few times before I carried him in my embrace. He licked my face, and I stared him in his round puppy eyes.

"You pig! Almost gave me a heart attack! Don't ever do that again."

Little Pluffy whimpered as if he understood me. His ears were pulled back and he licked the water off my face. I broke into giggles and squeezed him in a tight embrace as we made our way towards the shore.



Schedule of chapter release for Leanna is between 2PM – 10PM Hong Kong time.  ^^

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