
Chapter 86 - [Only You] [Prologue]

Chapter 86 – [Only You] [Prologue]

[Only You]

"I'll call you every day." Cain caressed my cheek.

"Mmm . . ."

I cupped his hand and led it to my lips, kissing it softly. I stared into his frosty eyes and smiled. I wanted to send him off with a smile on my face.

Cain returned my gaze. Gone was the coldness, and indifference on his expression, replaced by warmth and gentleness. His pupils dilated, reflecting my face. Contained within his gaze were doting and helplessness. It was the kind of look that intoxicated me into an addiction of staring always.

He bent and hugged me, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I embraced him back, inhaling his scent. I love how I felt so small against him and how I felt so safe in his arms.

He was hugging me so, so tight that it was difficult to breathe. Despite this, I still pushed myself to him, wanting to mold ourselves into one. I bit my lip as my tears dropped against my will.

At this moment, nothing else mattered. Not even the sky falling nor the earth exploding. Only this man. This man who silenced all my fears. Who made me felt so safe. Who found fragments of me that I didn't even know existed. Who showed me a love that I no longer believe was real. Only this man. This man who I love so dearly –– mattered.

Sensing the heavy silence, little Pluffy whimpered, woken us from our moment.

We glanced at the little furball and laughed beneath our breath. Cain bent down and scratched little Pluffy's chubby chin. "Protect her for me."


Little Pluffy sat straight, his mane was puffier than before as his tail wag in eagerness.

I giggled and wiped away my tears.

Cain patted my head, and I stared over at him.

We stared at each other in silence before my eyes gradually closed. His lips brushed mine in a soft caress. The kiss was so gentle and sweet like he was careful so that we wouldn't lose ourselves.

"Young Master, it's time," Russell announced behind our back.

Cain let out an exasperated breath.

He licked my neck before sucking the sensitive skin, leaving a red mark. He then kissed my forehead and swiftly walked towards the elevator with heavy steps like any seconds longer with me was torture.

Russell followed behind him, but not before throwing a dead glare my way.

I don't understand why that man always looks at me with hostility.

I shrugged my shoulders and carried little Pluffy in my arms as we waved Cain goodbye.



[Zoe's POV]

All I ever wanted was to feel love.

My mother didn't love me. She kept herself busy with her infatuation with my father.

My father didn't love me. He just stared at my mother and me without any emotion on his face.

Sometimes I wondered –– why they were even married and made me if they didn't want me?

Without my parent's love, I learned to take care of myself. To fill the gaps in my heart, I focused all my attention on painting.

When my mother died from depression, I didn't even shed a tear. It was like watching a stranger lying motionless on the hospital bed.

While my father just stared at my mother without any sentiment, not a bit of guilt nor shame of what he did.

I wondered if this what love would do to you?

Just like my mother. She loved my father too much, which led her to this state, dying from sadness because the man she devoted all her life didn't love her back.


That was not love.

It was obsession.

I knew I watched too much drama.

When my father remarried, I thought I would finally feel what it was like to be loved by a mother –– but clearly, I was still dreaming.

Emma, my stepmother, didn't hide her loathing and disgust when she gazed at me. My father still looked at me like he didn't know me. My stepsister, Sophia, treated me like I was below her in everything.

I think I did became rebellious and wild to catch their attention, yet my father just stared at me with disgust while Emma and Sophia held me in contempt.

Realizing it was not me who had a problem, but more like, I would never be loved no matter what I did, I gave up the idea of one whole happy family.

When Nicholas Farrell came into my life, I thought I finally felt the love I so craved –– but then again, I was still dreaming.

He wanted me to be a girl I was not. He wanted me to be gentle and noble like other girls. He wanted me to speak and act like other girls. He wanted me to wear dresses and skirts like other girls. He wanted me to grow my hair long like other girls.

Knowing it was stupid, but I still did it.

I lost my sense of self and accepted the version of me, which was expected by everyone.

Until I met her.

Leanna Lee.

She didn't care about her reputation while she lived a carefree life. Devoid of people's acceptance and judgment. Her lazy no care attitude baffled me. She was openly being mocked and judged by many, and yet, she was still the happiest person I know.

It dawned on me that she was happy because she was simply happy with herself. She knew her worth and didn't need anyone to affirm it.

When Nicholas broke off our engagement, all I felt was anger on wasting too much time on him. Maybe I was not in love with him after all, but in love with the idea of love.

Braking off the engagement. I was free. Free from all the things that suffocated me. Free from all this pretending to be ladylike shit. Free from the shackles that were holding me back to be happy.

Without a second thought, I packed my things and applied to live in the dorms. Away from all the negative people in my life.

Best decision I ever made.

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