Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1035 - Surrender

Chapter 1035: Surrender

Another company seemed to have used their connections to obtain the order from the bureau.

Tang Zhizhong also acquired the other company’s space suits to do a comparison test. He found that their space suits were not as good as his company’s, which made Tang Zhizhong very angry.

Furthermore, the space suits that the bureau had ordered previously would have a huge impact on Tang Zhizhong’s company if they didn’t take receipt of the goods. It might even collapse.

There weren’t many technology companies nowadays, and it was very difficult for them to survive. Tang Zhizhong came this time because he hoped that the bureau could take receipt of the batch of space suits according to the contract. It didn’t matter if they stopped the partnership in the future.

“It’s getting tougher and tougher for technology companies these days. If I can ride through this ordeal, I’m prepared to close down the business. There’s no future if I continue. Even if I don’t go bankrupt this time, it will eventually happen in the future. Young people nowadays only want to enter a dimensional zone to obtain Companion Beasts. No one’s dream is to explore the universe,” Tang Zhizhong said with a sigh.

“How long can your company’s space suits last in space?” Zhou Wen asked.

“That depends on the environment. There are so many terrifying phenomena in space that it wouldn’t be of much use even if you wore a space suit. The primary use nowadays is in places like the Moon and space stations. If it’s in a relatively safe area on the Moon, as long as there’s enough oxygen, food, and water, the space suit I manufacture won’t have any problems generally speaking, for a year or two. As long as the life support system isn’t destroyed, there’s no need to worry about survival.” When Tang Zhizhong mentioned the space suit, he immediately became extremely confident.

“Can I eat and drink while wearing a space suit?” Zhou Wen asked Tang Zhizhong. At the same time, he thought to himself, Going to the moon seems like a good idea. It won’t be difficult to use the Chaos Bead to carry enough oxygen, food, and water for a month.

“Of course. Our company has been constantly researching and improving space suits. We can do all the daily necessities like eating, drinking, and defecating in space suits. However, the premise is that we have enough supplies. The life support system of space suits can’t carry that many reserves…” As the two of them spoke, they had already arrived outside Sky Pass.

“How many space suits did the bureau order from you?” Zhou Wen asked.

“110 sets,” Tang Zhizhong answered.

“Where are those space suits now?” Zhou Wen asked as he sent a message to Wang Lu, asking her to help investigate Tang Zhizhong’s company.

“They are still in the warehouse. The bureau has been looking for all sorts of reasons to not take receipt of them. I only hope that they will take the space suits even if I’m required to kneel and kowtow. There are so many employees in the company who are counting on the space suit payment for their wages,” Tang Zhizhong said with a long face.

After receiving Wang Lu’s message, Zhou Wen said to Tang Zhizhong, “Uncle Tang, bring the space suits over. I guarantee that the bureau will accept them.”

“Are… Are you serious?” Tang Zhizhong looked at Zhou Wen in disbelief. Zhou Wen was so young, and he was clearly not a local. It was difficult for him to believe that Zhou Wen had such great power.

“You should know very well that it’s impossible for the bureau to take receipt of your space suit. If you believe me, there will still be a chance. If you don’t believe me, there won’t be a chance at all.” Zhou Wen looked at the time on his phone. “I’ll give you an hour. If you can send the space suits over, I guarantee that the bureau will take receipt of them and pay you accordingly. The premise is that I have to see those space suits with my own eyes.”

“May I know who you are?” Tang Zhizhong looked at Zhou Wen in surprise.

“Does it matter who I am? Time waits for no one. You only have 59 minutes left.” Zhou Wen looked at the time again.

“Please wait. It won’t take an hour. I’ll get someone to deliver them in half an hour.” Tang Zhizhong also knew that there was almost no chance of success going to the bureau to ask for money. He was just giving it a shot.

Tang Zhizhong made a call and contacted his staff to get them to deliver the space suits over as soon as possible.

Sky Pass was also known as the number one pass in the world. It was a very famous and unknown dimensional zone in the Imperial Capital.

The reason why this place was famous was that in the decades since Sky Pass became a dimensional zone, no one had been able to enter Sky Pass through the main entrance. Later on, someone discovered a special method to bypass the main entrance and enter.

And the person who discovered this method was the bureau’s director-general, Shen Yuchi. Therefore, this place later became the bureau’s headquarters.

It wasn’t famous because other than the members of the bureau, very few people could enter Sky Pass. Very few people knew what was inside.

Zhou Wen stood in front of Sky Pass and saw a majestic city gate tower. However, the city wall was forty meters tall. On the tall signboard, there were four majestic words: “World’s Number One Pass.”

Typical city gates opened on both sides outwards, but the city gates here didn’t have two panes. They looked like they were one entity without any gaps.

Legend had it that this was an unbreachable door. Back then, Sky Pass was very famous. Many experts hoped to be the first to enter.

Unfortunately, even if they attacked Sky Pass with Mythical Companion Beasts, no one could break through the city gates.

Up to now, the city gates of Sky Pass had never opened.

“Bro… No, no… Young… Sir… Who are you related to in the bureau? Can you really help us get the bureau to take receipt of the space suits?” Tang Zhizhong asked nervously after ending the call.

“Many people in the bureau know me, including Director-General Shen Yuchi,” Zhou Wen said with a smile.

Tang Zhizhong was overjoyed when he heard that. “That’s great. Our company is saved. Sir, what’s your name? What’s your relationship with Director-General Shen? Are you his relative?”

Tang Zhizhong wondered if Zhou Wen was Shen Yuchi’s son. Otherwise, how could he get the bureau to so easily take receipt of his space suits?

To his surprise, Zhou Wen said, “Director-General Shen and the bureau have been trying to arrest me for a long time. My arrest warrant should still be hanging on Director-General Shen’s wall, I guess?”

“You… You… Are you joking?” Tang Zhizhong was somewhat dumbfounded as he looked at Zhou Wen in a daze.

Zhou Wen didn’t answer. He stood in front of Sky Pass and looked at the guards on the city gate tower.

Tang Zhizhong traced his gaze and saw rows of inspectors standing on the city gate tower that only had a few guards. All of them were pointing their guns at them.

“Zhou Wen, why are you here at the bureau?” the leader of the people on the city gate tower said to Zhou Wen from above.

Tang Zhizhong recognized that person. He was one of the four Censors under Shen Yuchi—Yu Guang. Although he was in the Imperial Capital, he was still a famous person.

“Haven’t you always wanted to arrest me? I’m here to surrender myself.” Zhou Wen extended his hands as though he was waiting to be handcuffed.

Tang Zhizhong was already dumbfounded. Even a fool could tell that Zhou Wen was really a wanted criminal of the bureau, but how could a wanted criminal be so foolish as to surrender himself?

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