Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1056 - : Bone Pottery

Chapter 1056: Bone Pottery

Everyone was nervous because this was the Moon. If anything happened, just damage to the space suits could result in their deaths.

After arriving on the Moon, they had already used radar to scan the area, but they didn’t find anything abnormal.

Zhou Wen didn’t dare be careless. He kept Truth Listener on, but here, Truth Listener’s ability seemed to be affected. It wasn’t as useful as on Earth.

Everyone felt uneasy as they headed for the base.

With a Mythical Companion Beast mount, they moved quickly. The Great Might Vajra Bull quickly adapted to the gravity here and ran no slower than on Earth.

Shen Yuchi also summoned a Mythical Companion Beast. It was a giant rhinoceros. It was more than enough for the rest to sit on.

Although they had already seen the photos, they were still shocked by the scene before them when they arrived at the base.

The base that was hundreds of meters long had been squashed into a pit by some creature. Most of the buildings were flattened. Even if they weren’t flattened, they were crushed into the rock stratum.

There was no need to look. It was impossible for there to be a living person inside.

However, there were no dimensional creatures around. After Shen Yuchi communicated with everyone, he planned on heading straight to the Essence Crystal mine, which was also the spot where the tree stump had been found.

Similarly, when they arrived at the Essence Crystal mine, they didn’t find any dimensional creatures, nor did they see any astronauts.

There were quite a number of Essence Crystal ores scattered on the ground. In the excavation crater, there were also quite a number of Essence Crystals shimmering with a charming luster.

“It’s gone!” an inspector named Wang Qiuyuan said as he stared into the mine.

Everyone knew what he was talking about. Previously, the huge pit was where the tree stump was. As its roots were spread out, they had dug a huge pit.

But now, there was only a huge crater left. The tree stump had gone.

Everyone’s hearts turned cold. Without the petals and the tree stump, their trip was equivalent to a wasted trip.

“What’s that?” Zhou Wen saw something strange as he looked at a corner of the mine.

Everyone traced Zhou Wen’s gaze and saw something in a huge hole in the mine.

However, their eyesight wasn’t as strong as Zhou Wen’s, so they couldn’t see what it was.

“Zhou Wen, can you see what it is?” Shen Yuchi asked Zhou Wen.

“It looks like a human’s back is facing us, but it doesn’t look like a human,” Zhou Wen said as he organized his words.

“What do you mean it looks like a human, but not a human?” Wei Ge asked.

“I can’t see the front. His back looks like a human, and he’s wearing ordinary human clothes. But this is the Moon. How can a human sit here in ordinary clothes?” Zhou Wen said.

Everyone used the binocular function of their helmets to take a closer look. Indeed, they saw a figure sitting with his back facing the cave entrance. They could only see his back, but they couldn’t confirm if he was really human.

“Retreat. Let the Companion Beasts take a look.” Shen Yu ordered his Companion Beasts to approach.

Everyone felt a little uneasy as they watched the rhinoceros slowly approach. However, the figure remained motionless.

The rhinoceros walked to the side of the figure, but the figure still remained motionless.

Shen Yuchi frowned slightly and didn’t let the rhinoceros attack. “Wang Qiuyuan, go take a look.”

Wang Qiuyuan responded and carefully looked over and approached.

“Director-General, it’s a human, a dead human, but this place is a little strangeā€¦” Wang Qiuyuan said in surprise after circling around the person sitting there.

He sounded very surprised, as if he had discovered something unbelievable.

“What’s strange?” Shen Yuchi immediately asked.

“Fire, there’s fire here.” Wang Qiuyuan’s voice sounded from the communicator.

Everyone was alarmed when they heard that. Logically speaking, it was impossible to ignite a flame on the moon. Therefore, it was indeed strange for Wang Qiuyuan to say that there was a fire there.

“Do you know that person? Is he an astronaut from before?” Shen Yuchi asked.

“I don’t know him. I don’t think he’s an astronaut from before. His looks are a little strange, and his clothes are also very strangeā€¦” Wang Qiuyuan couldn’t describe him accurately.

“Survey the surroundings. Report any situation immediately. We’ll head over now.” Shen Yuchi led everyone over.

Zhou Wen and company were very careful. There was actually a person without a space suit sitting there. This was very strange to begin with, making them feel uncomfortable.

Everyone carefully came to the cave and indeed, they saw a dead person. His flesh and blood were shriveled, and his face and clothes were covered in dust. He looked like he had been dead for a long time.

He looked like someone from the East District, but his cheekbones were especially high and his eyes were deep. He was somewhat different from East District people.

His hair remained relatively intact. Under the dust, one could tell that his hair was black.

The style of his clothes was very strange. It looked like a robe with long, wide sleeves. They didn’t look like the clothes worn by modern people.

This wasn’t too strange. The strangest thing was that there was a white jar in front of the person’s toes. It was at most twenty centimeters in diameter.

Inside the white jar was a tiny flame that looked like a lighter’s flame.

Although the flame was very small, it gave off a magical feeling. This was the Moon. There was no oxygen, yet the tiny flame was burning steadily. This was very unusual.

Everyone looked at Shen Yuchi. He was the leader of this operation. Now that he had encountered such a strange matter, he naturally needed to make a decision.

“Don’t touch him. First, explore the area and see if there are any other discoveries,” Shen Yuchi said as he sized up the white jar.

“Director-General Shen, did you notice something amiss?” Zhou Wen asked Shen Yuchi.

Shen Yuchi said, “Have you seen this jar before?”

“No.” Zhou Wen had already taken a careful look and couldn’t tell what the jar was made of.

It looked a little like jade, but it wasn’t that exquisite. Saying that it was made of clay wasn’t right due to its luster.

“If I’m not wrong, it should be bone pottery, a special kind of pottery,” Shen Yuchi said.

“Are bone pottery and bone porcelain the same thing?” Zhou Wen asked with a frown.

He had heard of bone porcelain. Because of the addition of bone powder, the porcelain that was produced under heat could be made thinner, harder, and more beautiful.

“It’s not the same. Bone porcelain uses bone powder as the raw material. Bone pottery doesn’t use bone powder as the raw material to make the pottery. Instead, it’s pottery made from blood and blood sacrifices. It’s also called blood pottery or corpse pottery.” Shen Yuchi continued with a solemn expression, “In the past, I saw an expert’s collection. He had bone pottery. According to him, bone pottery is usually used in ancient rituals. Ordinary people have no chance of coming into contact with such things.”

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