Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1058 - Wei Ge's Decision

Chapter 1058: Wei Ge’s Decision

However, as he flew up, he suddenly vanished along with his Companion Beast as though he had been devoured by an invisible monster.

“Didn’t you say that the dimensional creature is over there?” Wang Qiuyuan said in horror.

“It’s still there,” Ice Maiden said expressionlessly.

Shen Yuchi’s expression changed constantly. He suddenly turned around and ran. At the same time, he ordered, “Follow me.”

Wang Qiuyuan didn’t hesitate and ran with Shen Yuchi. Wei Ge followed as well. Zhou Wen only thought for a moment before following.

The few of them jumped into the mineshaft together. Shen Yuchi led the way and rushed towards the dead person they had previously discovered.

When they got to the side of the corpse, they were already covered in cold sweat.

Thankfully, they had made the right bet. The invisible dimensional creature didn’t attack them.

“Director-General, what should we do now?” Wang Qiuyuan asked Shen Yuchi.

“We can’t leave now.” Shen Yuchi looked at the dead person and the Bone Pottery jar in front of him. “Perhaps our chance for survival lies here.”

Zhou Wen had to admit that Shen Yuchi was indeed the head of the bureau. He was bold, careful, and quick-witted.

All the nearby creatures had been devoured, but this sitting dead person hadn’t been affected at all. Therefore, Shen Yuchi took a gamble. From the looks of it, he had made the right bet.

At the very least, the Terror-grade creature didn’t immediately attack them or chase after them.

“What’s this?” Ice Maiden had also joined in their retreat. She didn’t attack the terrifying creature. From the looks of it, she didn’t have much confidence. Otherwise, she would have attacked without retreating.

“I don’t know. A dead person that was originally here,” Zhou Wen said.

“That creature seems to be afraid of something here. It hasn’t approached,” Ice Maiden said as she looked nearby.

“From the looks of it, my guess should be correct. Perhaps the things here can help us escape.” Shen Yuchi’s gaze landed on the Bone Pottery jar.

Of the things here, the Bone Pottery jar was naturally the most magical. The tiny flame in the altar was still burning as though it wouldn’t be affected by any external force.

If there was anything here that could affect the Terror creature, this was most likely the culprit.

Zhou Wen and company stared at the Bone Pottery jar, but no one took it.

Ice Maiden didn’t know what it was as she constantly sized up the Bone Pottery jar and the dead man.

“Director-General, we have limited oxygen. We have to make a decision soon,” Wang Qiuyuan said as he stared at the Bone Pottery jar.

“Zhou Wen, what’s your take?” Shen Yuchi didn’t immediately make a decision. Instead, he looked at Zhou Wen.

“This thing is a little odd. It’s best not to touch it,” Zhou Wen said.

Shen Yuchi clearly didn’t want to take the risk and wanted Zhou Wen to give it a try. The stronger something was, the more dangerous it was. But, before figuring out what it was, Zhou Wen wasn’t willing to touch it either.

After all, it might be something that could intimidate Terror creatures. Since even Terror creatures were afraid of it, Epic humans might be courting death if they came into contact with it.

“Now that we are in the same boat, we should work together to tide through this crisis. Otherwise, everyone might die here.” Shen Yuchi paused before saying, “Why don’t we do this? Let’s draw lots and choose someone to come into contact with the Bone Pottery jar. What do you think?”

“If you want to draw lots, you can do so yourselves. There’s no need to count me in,” Zhou Wen said.

Wang Qiuyuan frowned and said, “Why aren’t you counted? Should we take the risk and let you reap the benefits?”

Zhou Wen shook his head and said, “I don’t need to reap the benefits. This is because I’m confident of escaping back to Earth alive, so I don’t need to take the risk.”

Wang Qiuyuan opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say a word. His expression didn’t look good.

Zhou Wen indeed had the right to say such things. After all, Ice Maiden—who was of unknown origins—was the only one among them who could see the dimensional creature. Furthermore, she remained unharmed despite staring at it.

Shen Yuchi nodded. “That’s right. Zhou Wen, you aren’t from our bureau. There’s no need for you to take the risk with us. In that case, let’s draw lots.”

“Director-General, there’s no need to draw. Let me give it a try,” Wei Ge suddenly said.

“Although I’m the director-general of the bureau, I don’t have the right to let my subordinates risk their lives. Let’s draw lots,” Shen Yuchi said.

“Ever since the day I joined the bureau, I’ve been prepared to risk my life,” Wei Ge said calmly. “I’m the weakest person here. My chances of survival are the lowest. Please allow me to do something within my abilities for the bureau. If I’m lucky enough not to die, I hope you can remember my tiny contribution. If I die, there’s no need to mention anything else.”

“This…” Shen Yuchi pondered.

“Please fulfill my wish, Director-General.” Wei Ge bowed.

“Whatever then. What other unfulfilled wishes do you have? If we are lucky enough to escape, I will definitely help you complete them,” Shen Yuchi said as he glanced at Zhou Wen from the corner of his eye.

At this moment, Shen Yuchi hadn’t forgotten to observe Zhou Wen’s reaction.

However, Zhou Wen stood there expressionlessly. This was because before Wei Ge spoke, he had secretly made a gesture that only Zhou Wen could see, telling him not to act rashly.

“Thank you for fulfilling my wish, Director-General. If I am to die here, I hope you can take care of my family when you return. I’ll be very grateful,” Wei Ge said.

“Don’t worry. Our bureau will definitely not treat meritorious employees unfairly. If anything happens to you, the bureau will definitely let your family live a comfortable life,” Shen Yuchi said solemnly.

“Thank you, Director-General. I’m relieved.” With that said, Wei Ge walked towards the Bone Pottery jar.

He walked to the side of the jar and slowly squatted down to carefully examine the Bone Pottery jar.

President Wei shouldn’t be someone who will sacrifice himself for the bureau. Zhou Wen was somewhat worried for Wei Ge, but Wei Ge’s secret gesture was telling Zhou Wen that he could handle it.

Shen Yuchi and Wang Qiuyuan looked at Wei Ge nervously. Shen Yuchi didn’t forget to observe Zhou Wen. Seeing that Zhou Wen was only watching coldly without any reaction, his doubts about Wei Ge were basically gone.

Wei Ge sized it up for a while, but he didn’t seem to discover anything. Finally, he gritted his teeth and extended his hands towards the Bone Pottery har, hoping to lift it up.

If the dimensional creature was really afraid of the Bone Pottery jar, they could return to the spacecraft and leave the Moon with it.

The moment Wei Ge held the Bone Pottery jar with both hands, the tiny flame inside suddenly spewed out, turning into a terrifying flame that shot into the sky.

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