Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1072 - Then Let's Give It A Shot

Chapter 1072: Then Let’s Give It A Shot

Now that the Moon is being destroyed, I can still escape back to Earth. If Earth is destroyed in the future, where can I escape to? Zhou Wen looked solemnly at the Tree of Immortality that was beginning to tilt.

The legendary Tree of Immortality had the ability to recover on its own, but under the power of the logger, the damage to the Tree of Immortality’s body didn’t automatically heal and was constantly expanding.

“Go. It will be too late for you to leave once the Tree of Immortality falls.” Moon Goddess’s voice sounded from the Moon Goddess Temple.

Shen Yuchi and Wang Qiuyuan turned around and ran in the direction of the spacecraft. As the Moon had cracked open, many cracks had appeared around Toad Palace and the Moon’s crust. There was no need for them to leave through the door.

However, Zhou Wen didn’t move. He looked at the Tree of Immortality and asked, “You are the Moon Goddess, the ruler of the Moon. With such powerful strength, why can’t you stop him?”

Moon Goddess sighed softly and said, “Because I’m a creature born on the Moon. The logger can disobey the Moon’s rules, but I can’t. It’s ironic. As a creature of the Moon, I can only break free from the restrictions and use my powers as I wish after the Moon shatters.”

“Then if you were given a choice, do you want to preserve the Moon, or do you want freedom and strength?” Zhou Wen asked.

“I’ve lived here for countless years, so I’m too lazy to move.” Moon Goddess said with a bitter smile, “From the looks of it, there’s nothing I can do even if I don’t want to move.”

“Then let’s give it a shot and see if we can protect the Moon,” Zhou Wen said as he took out a calabash. Zhou Wen released the Seven Seas Dragon King. At the same time, he released Grim Demon from the Demonic Sword.

“Grim Demon, no matter what method you use, protect that tree,” Zhou Wen said as he pointed at the distant Tree of Immortality.

“I only have one method… That is… to kill…” Grim Demon’s eyes were filled with a ruthless killing intent. It transformed into a demonic aura that filled the sky and swept towards the Tree of Immortality.

Grim Demon! So Grim Demon is Zhou Wen’s Guardian! Shen Yuchi’s heart started racing when he saw Grim Demon.

Grim Demon became famous from a single battle. He had trounced his challenger, and humanity was guessing who he belonged to.

He never expected Grim Demon to be Zhou Wen’s Guardian.

It’s actually his. In that case, those Mythical Companion Beasts are also Zhou Wen’s. They don’t belong to any family? Many thoughts flashed through Shen Yuchi’s mind as he looked at the distant Zhou Wen with a complicated expression. He gritted his teeth and quickly fled.

Moon Goddess was also somewhat surprised, but her surprise was completely different from Shen Yuchi’s.

It wasn’t rare to have a Guardian. It was normal for a human like Zhou Wen to be fancied by a Guardian.

However, the Guardian didn’t come from Zhou Wen. Instead, it came from Zhou Wen’s Companion Beast’s sword. Moon Goddess had never heard of a Guardian being attached to a Companion Beast.

Furthermore, this was a Terror-grade Guardian. This was even more shocking.

Grim Demon rushed over and engaged in a crazy battle with the logger. It was the toad that played the supporting role.

Unlike the toad, Grim Demon didn’t consider stopping the logger at all. He only wanted to kill his opponent.

He attacked, unleashing crazy attacks.

Zhou Wen could clearly tell that the logger no longer had the energy to chop the tree.

After receiving Zhou Wen’s order, the Seven Seas Dragon King also moved. However, it didn’t participate in the battle. Instead, it charged at the Tree of Immortality and spewed the glue-like liquid at its damaged spots.

As the power of the logger was special, it seemed to have a restraining effect on the Tree of Immortality, making it difficult for the wound to automatically heal.

Zhou Wen didn’t have powerful Companion Beasts that could heal the Tree of Immortality’s damage in a short period of time. Therefore, he got the Seven Seas Dragon King to use glue to cover the damaged spots.

Even if the logger extricated himself from Grim Demon and the toad and wanted to chop the tree again, he had to either destroy the glue or chop from another angle. Either choice could buy a lot of time for the Tree of Immortality.

Of course, Zhou Wen didn’t believe that the glue could really ward off the logger. This was because the Seven Seas Dragon King’s ability was actually restrained by ice and fire-elemental powers.

This was also the reason Zhou Wen didn’t get the Seven Seas Dragon King to participate in the battle. It was restrained by the logger, so it had little effect.

Grim Demon had already become the main force in the battle against the logger, and Chang’e’s role was gradually diminishing.

Jade Rabbit also wanted to help, but its body was too big. With one strike, it nearly sent Grim Demon flying. With it attacking the logger together with Grim Demon, not only did it fail to gain the upper hand, but it nearly injured Grim Demon a few times. Zhou Wen had no choice but to summon it back.

Jade Rabbit crouched by the side with an aggrieved look, as though it knew that it had done something wrong.

Zhou Wen didn’t have the ability to participate in the battle so he picked up some fallen petals and put them away. They might be useful in the future.


With a loud bang, the toad was sent flying. It slammed into the trunk of the Tree of Immortality and spat out large amounts of blood.

The ax wounds on its body crisscrossed and it was powerless to enter its Terror firm. It didn’t look like it had the ability to continue fighting.

On the other hand, Grim Demon was surprisingly resilient. He wasn’t at a disadvantage even when fighting the logger alone.

What Grim Demon said in the past might not have been bragging. His combat strength is indeed off the charts, Zhou Wen thought to himself. If he’s really as powerful as he says but is so humble in front of Neonate, what’s Neonate’s background?

Demonic Neonate had too many secrets. Before she had been absorbed by the Dead Man Tree, Zhou Wen couldn’t even tell if she was a dimensional creature or a human. She was a unique existence.

Just as Zhou Wen was pondering over it, he saw a change in the situation. Without Chang’e’s participation in the battle, the logger switched his stats to fire.

Terrifying flames spewed out, turning into a sea of flames which enveloped a large area near the Tree of Immortality. Its leaves and petals, as well as its trunk, immediately burned upon contact with the flames.

Grim Demon had powerful combat strength, but he wasn’t good at protecting others. He only wanted to kill the logger before the Tree of Immortality was burned down.

However, the logger’s strength was equally unfathomable. Grim Demon failed to gain the upper hand.

Just as the Tree of Immortality was on the brink of incineration, the Moon’s tremors intensified. Zhou Wen was momentarily at a loss as to how he could resolve his present predicament.

Just as Zhou Wen was hesitating about whether he should use the Ice Dragon King’s Tooth to see if he could extinguish the flames on the Tree of Immortality, he suddenly felt a strange force and thought coming from his body.

Banana Fairy’s evolution is complete! Zhou Wen was immediately overjoyed when he sensed her will.

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