Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1076 - Never Cares About Consequences

Chapter 1076: Never Cares About Consequences

“To me, you are a work of art. Don’t give me the chance to personally destroy you,” Night Thearch said.

“Compared to being a work of art, I want to be a tool without any beauty,” Zhong Ziya said.

“Since you insist on fighting, then attack,” Night Thearch said calmly.

“I had the same thought,” Zhong Ziya said as he fused with his sword and transformed into a stream of light that streaked towards Night Thearch.

Zhong Ziya’s sword techniques and movement techniques were already at the Mythical stage and weren’t inferior to Zhou Wen’s. In fact, due to the augmentation of his Mythical attributes, he was even stronger than Zhou Wen.

However, no matter how terrifying the Primordial Immortal Sword in his hand was, it couldn’t touch Night Thearch’s clothes. Night Thearch was like a ghost, his figure unpredictable. Zhong Ziya’s sword was always three inches away from him, so he couldn’t hit him.

“It’s really perfect. You’re better than I imagined.” Night Thearch praised as he dodged Zhong Ziya’s sword.

Others might think that Night Thearch was mocking Zhong Ziya, but Zhou Wen knew that Night Thearch didn’t have any intention of mocking him. Those words were most likely heartfelt.

Night Thearch was just too odd. He could kill ten million people without any guilt. It could be said that he was a true devil.

However, he especially indulged those humans with excellent talent. Even though Zhou Wen was his enemy and had nearly killed him, Night Thearch didn’t take any revenge.

Zhou Wen couldn’t completely understand his mentality. He felt that he was a strange person that couldn’t be fathomed.

“Your sword is very determined. This is very good, but it’s still not good enough,” Night Thearch continued.

“How is it not good enough?” Zhong Ziya’s sword streaked across Night Thearch’s face, almost touching him, but he ultimately failed to touch Night Thearch.

“It’s not focused enough.” Night Thearch flashed past Zhong Ziya like a ghost.

“My sword has no distracting thoughts.” Zhong Ziya turned the Primordial Immortal Sword in his hand and stabbed in a direction that had nothing but thin air. Night Thearch was not there.

In the next second, the space around the area changed. The two of them seemed to have been swapped. Zhong Ziya’s seemingly missed strike stabbed right in front of Night Thearch.

“Just because there aren’t any distracting thoughts doesn’t mean that one is sufficiently focused.” Night Thearch’s body was similar to the dawn-like darkness as he silently retreated. That strange strike kept advancing in front of his nose, but it was like the light of dawn which couldn’t touch the night sky. It was forever a distance away from Night Thearch.

As he fought, Night Thearch said, “Your sword is too sentimental. It can’t be devoted. If you want to use a sword, you have to be devoted to the sword. If you want to kill someone, you have to devote all your attention to the process of killing. You have too many emotions in your heart, so it’s inevitable that you will be distracted. That’s why you can’t focus.”

“I don’t believe that there’s anyone in this world who can be absolutely focused.” Zhong Ziya constantly attacked, his sword techniques and skills changing.

One after another, his illusory clones charged at Night Thearch from all directions, but Night Thearch dodged them again and again.

“Indeed not, but I’ve seen one who came extremely close. He’s more heartless than you and closer to a focused state than you. However, you aren’t bad either. If you can turn emotions into extreme emotions, you might surpass him,” Night Thearch said.

“I think I know who you’re talking about. He’s indeed very strong.” Zhong Ziya suddenly threw out the sword in his hand. Primordial Immortal Sword split into millions of identical ones in the air and rained down on Night Thearch.

However, Night Thearch stood there without moving. He allowed the millions of ancient swords to pass through his body, but none of the swords could injure him.

He didn’t take on his Terror form. The swords didn’t injure him. Not because of the power of the Terror transformation; instead, it was because the swords were only illusions that didn’t really exist.

“He also has his flaws. Compared to you, he’s too conservative and can’t accept new powers. This is a fatal flaw. Therefore, in comparison, I think more highly of you. You have a chance to improve further.” Night Thearch suddenly made a move. His two fingers grabbed the real Primordial Immortal Sword amidst the millions of illusory Primordial Immortal Swords.

The Primordial Immortal Sword trembled and hummed between his fingers, but it couldn’t move at all.

“Leave. Your time hasn’t come yet. I’m looking forward to the arrival of that era.” Night Thearch casually waved his hand, and Primordial Immortal Sword flew back and entered the scabbard in Zhong Ziya’s other hand.

This battle dazzled everyone. Everyone was shocked by Night Thearch’s strength.

Ya, who had been undefeated and almost invincible, seemed to have been easily suppressed in front of Night Thearch.

“Time waits for no man.” Zhong Ziya had no intention of retreating.

“I didn’t want to kill you before, much less now. However, you have to leave this place,” Night Thearch said with a frown.

“Before I get first place, I definitely won’t die, nor will I leave,” Zhong Ziya said firmly.

“Is there something more important than death?” Night Thearch asked.

“Yes,” Zhong Ziya answered with certainty.

“Then let me see if you have the qualifications to stay.” As Night Thearch spoke, he took a step forward. In that instant, the entire arena turned into an eternal night.

The cube’s big screen turned pitch-black, and nothing could be seen. Only the sound of armor tearing could be heard.

In the blink of an eye, the arena lit up again.

Night Thearch had already returned to his original spot, and Ya was still there. However, many wounds had opened up on his cloak and armor. Blood was constantly flowing out, dyeing his armor red.

“Go back,” Night Thearch said.

“Thank you,” Zhong Ziya suddenly said.

Before Night Thearch could figure out what Zhong Ziya meant by ‘thank you’, he saw that the wound on Zhong Ziya’s body was no longer bleeding, but effusing light.

The light was corroding his body, gradually turning his flesh and blood into light.

“Terror form…” Night Thearch looked at Zhong Ziya in surprise. Clearly, Zhong Ziya was transforming into his Terror form.

“Kill him.” A voice entered Night Thearch’s mind.

Night Thearch looked at the Terror-form Zhong Ziya and knew that this was a critical moment for his advancement. This was the best opportunity to kill him. Once he completed the Terror transformation, it wouldn’t be so easy to kill him.

However, Night Thearch only stood there and watched without any intention of attacking.

“I said kill him. Didn’t you hear me?” The voice entered Night Thearch’s mind again.

Night Thearch remained unmoved as though he hadn’t heard anything.

“Do you know the consequences of violating our agreement?” The voice was already somewhat angry.

“I, Night Thearch, never care about consequences,” Night Thearch said indifferently.

In the dimension, a distorted figure of light and shadow roared angrily. Terror-grade force crushed everything nearby into powder, but it was still unable to vent the anger in his heart.

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