Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1091 - Human

Chapter 1091: Human

“Holy sh*t, he was kicked out of the rankings just because they can’t win. Can they be any more shameless?”

“Don’t play if you are a sore loser! Why the f*ck are we fighting in the arena? Can’t you just decide on who’s first place?”

“Ya… so pitiful…”

“Screw whatever King of Earth. Ya is the real King of Earth.”

Instantly, the entire Federation and overseas were enraged, but what was the point? Ya was still kicked out of the rankings. It was impossible for him to return to the rankings.

Zhou Wen’s expression was nasty. He wasn’t thinking about victory or defeat.

Whether Zhong Ziya could get first or if he had suffered grievances wasn’t important to Zhou Wen.

However, Zhong Ziya had signed a betting contract. If he didn’t get first place, he would have lost the bet. His body would suffer a backlash from the Guardian and he would completely lose himself.

Now, Zhou Wen wished he could immediately find Zhong Ziya and see how he was doing, but he had no idea where Zhong Ziya was.

“Grim Demon, what will happen if you lose after signing a betting contract?” Zhou Wen called Grim Demon out and asked with a cold expression.

Grim Demon replied with some schadenfreude, “A betting contract has a powerful binding effect on both parties. Even a Calamity-grade expert would find it difficult to violate it. I reckon that the kid’s body should already belong to the Guardian of the bet.”

Upon hearing Grim Demon’s words, Zhou Wen knew that there was no hope. Even a Calamity expert couldn’t escape the conditions of a betting contract. Zhong Ziya was most likely doomed.

No matter what, they won’t let humans get first place, right? Zhou Wen looked at the ranking with cold eyes. The anger in his heart was indescribable as he walked towards the cube.

If Zhong Ziya were to be defeated, it would be because he was inferior. However, forcefully kicking him out and taking his life was unacceptable to Zhou Wen. He had nowhere to vent his anger.

When Grim Demon saw Zhou Wen walk towards the cube, he hurriedly chased after him and asked, “What are you doing?”

“To participate in the cube ranking battle,” Zhou Wen answered.

Grim Demon hurriedly said, “Actually, you don’t have to go. We are one. If I take first place, it’s equivalent to you taking first place. Now that I’m first, I can guarantee that I can definitely secure first place and retrieve the Dimensional Wheel.”

Zhou Wen naturally knew that Grim Demon winning meant that he had won. However, Zhou Wen didn’t wish to win in such a manner, nor would he let Grim Demon win.

Although Grim Demon belonged to him, Grim Demon also represented a race in the dimension. Grim Demon’s win also meant that the race had won. This wasn’t what Zhou Wen wanted.

“You are to stay here and wait for my challenge. You decide what to do.” Zhou Wen unsummoned his Companion Beasts, leaving Grim Demon standing there before going up the cube.

As Ya had been kicked out, Grim Demon, who was originally second on the rankings, was first. After Zhou Wen got onto the cube, he injected his Essence Energy into it.

The cube immediately reacted. Among pure humans, only Zhou Wen could activate it.

As Guardians and dimensional creatures had natural names but humans didn’t, his name was blank when the cube did a verification scan. Zhou Wen had to fill it in himself.

“Human.” Zhou Wen only filled in one word.

As there were no other Guardians or Companion Beasts challenging Grim Demon, all the cubes in the world displayed his challenge request and name.

“Human!” All the humans were stunned when they saw this name.

This was because dimensional creatures and Guardians had natural names. Even if humans participated in the battle after contracting Guardians, the cube would only show the Guardian’s name and not the human’s.

And ‘Human’ clearly wasn’t a Guardian’s name.

“It should be a human like Ya, right?” People guessed.

“Even if he’s a human like Ya and as powerful as Ya, I’m afraid it’s useless. He will ultimately be kicked out. Those b*stards in the dimension won’t let humans get first place. Not even half a human can.”

“Just defeating Grim Demon to vent our anger would be nice though.”

“How can it be that simple to defeat Grim Demon? That Grim Demon is definitely at the Terror grade. There might be a chance but only if this person is as powerful as Ya.”

Everyone discussed spiritedly. They basically believed that the challenger was a monster that was half-human and half-Guardian.

In fact, most humans didn’t acknowledge people like Wang Mingyuan and Ya. The reason they had supported Ya previously was partly because Ya was so outstanding and partly because they had no other choice.

Pure humans couldn’t even leave their names on the rankings. They had no chance of supporting them.

As people discussed, Grim Demon accepted the challenge. The scene on the cube’s screen changed to the cube’s arena. Two figures appeared in the cube’s arena.

One of them was naturally Grim Demon. However, most people wanted to know what the fellow who claimed to be “Human” looked like. Although they knew that it was impossible for him to be a pure human, most of them had a sense of affinity towards him for daring to use the name ‘Human.’

However, when they saw the figure, they were stunned.

The figure wore human clothes and looked like a human from head to toe. Apart from a white jade mask on his face, he looked like a human.

“He really looks like a human?”

“It’s impossible for him to be a pure human. He must be half-human like Ya.”

“But there’s no sign of mutation on him at all.”

“Don’t you see him wearing a mask? The mutation part is definitely on his face.”

Everyone was in a flurry of discussion, but Zhou Wen stood there motionless as he looked at Grim Demon with a complicated expression.

The mask on his face was called Moonlit Mask Armor. It was transformed from a Companion Beast, Moonlit Rabbit.

The Moonlit Rabbit Companion Beast was formed from the pearl he had obtained from Moon Goddess. Although it had a Mythical foundation, it was still at the Mortal stage.

Moonlit Rabbit: Mortal (Evolvable)

Strength: 11

Speed: 11

Constitution: 11

Essence Energy: 11

Talent Skill: Moonlight Transformation

Companion Form: Facial Armor

The reason he was using the Moonlight Mask was because of the Moonlight Transformation skill. Although it was only a facial armor, the existence of this skill prevented others from seeing his true identity.

Zhou Wen didn’t wish to become famous. He only wanted to vent his anger and prevent any Guardian from becoming the King of Earth.

When people saw Grim Demon finally move, they stopped their discussion and focused their gazes on Grim Demon.

Everyone knew very well how terrifying Grim Demon was. Many people even believed that he wasn’t weaker than Ya. He had only admitted defeat because of his relationship with Ya.

They also wanted to know how powerful Grim Demon would be if he really unleashed his combat strength.

Grim Demon walked in front of Zhou Wen step by step. Everyone believed that Grim Demon was about to attack, but Grim Demon’s next move petrified everyone.

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