Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1099 - Blood Shaman

Chapter 1099: Blood Shaman

Translator: CKtalon 

Instead of saying that Cave Era had lured Banana Fairy away, it was better to say that Banana Fairy had held back Cave Era, attacking her until she could only constantly escape. She didn’t dare take on Banana Fairy’s Supreme Yin Wind.

Seeing that her Companion Beast was about to be ganked to death, and that she wasn’t Banana Fairy’s match, Cave Era could only admit defeat and leave the cube.

“This is more satisfying. It’s great watching this.”

“So Companion Beasts can be so powerful. Pure Companion Beasts can defeat a Guardian. There’s nothing impressive about a Guardian.”

“That beautiful fairy Companion Beast is practically my dream lover. When can I have such a Companion Beast?”

As no one challenged him, Zhou Wen temporarily left the cube.

Suddenly, Zhou Wen’s phone rang. This left him puzzled because there was no signal here. He couldn’t contact Li Xuan and company even if he wanted to.

He took out his phone and saw that it was An Sheng.

“Ah Sheng, how did you get through?” Zhou Wen glanced at his phone and realized that there was still no signal, but the call was very normal.

“It’s all thanks to…” Before An Sheng could finish his sentence, An Tianzuo, who was sitting in his office chair, looked up and glared at him. He immediately corrected himself. “It’s just a special Companion Beast. Let’s not talk about that. Young Master Wen, you have to be careful of a Guardian named Blood Shaman. He has the ability to seal Companion Beasts. No one can use a Companion Beast in front of him. Overs… Du… du…”

Just as An Sheng was about to say the word ‘Overseer,’ An Tianzuo reached out and took back the bell in An Sheng’s hand. An Sheng could only shake his head helplessly.

“Hello… Ah Sheng… Hello…” Zhou Wen suddenly couldn’t hear any sound. He looked at his phone’s screen and realized that the line had been disconnected. He couldn’t get through again. There was no signal.

What Companion Beast is that? It can actually forcefully connect without a signal. I have to think of a way to get one later. Although Zhou Wen seldom made calls, it was irritating when he needed to make a call but did not have a signal.

Blood Shaman? I wonder if the Heaven-Opening Scripture can withstand the power of the seal. Is the seal considered a nomological power? Zhou Wen thought for a moment and felt that it wasn’t safe to rely on the Heaven-Opening Scripture alone. If it didn’t work, he would have to rely on himself.

As for whether Blood Shaman would appear, Zhou Wen didn’t doubt it at all. The dimensional bigwigs definitely wouldn’t watch him take first place. As long as there was such a Guardian, there was a 99% chance of it coming to deal with him. The other 1% was them having been taken down by Zhou Wen.

Time ticked by. After more than half an hour, there was still no Guardian challenging Zhou Wen. Furthermore, people were still excitedly discussing the various Companion Beasts Zhou Wen had used.

The various media outlets were analyzing Zhou Wen’s various Companion Beasts, especially Banana Fairy. Almost all the headlines of the various media outlets used her as a cover.

Li Benyi was the fastest. During the pet showcase from before, he had already made plenty of Companion Beast merchandise. However, they weren’t too popular back then. Now, they were absolutely popular.

Li Benyi’s dolls and figurines began to sell like hotcakes. As for the Guardian figurines and figurines that sold very well, the market demand was much lower. Almost no one cared about them now.

In the past, they had no choice. They felt that Guardians were too powerful and could only support Guardians.

However, now that Human’s Companion Beasts had appeared out of nowhere, it allowed people to see the strength of Companion Beasts. It also changed people’s perception of Companion Beasts and brought them back to the sights of humanity.

Ordinary people couldn’t come into contact with Guardians, but they had a high chance of obtaining Companion Beasts. They naturally wished to believe that Companion Beasts were the strongest.

At that moment, the dimension wasn’t calm either. How long had it been since Earth had recovered? Yet, a Terror-grade Companion Beast had appeared. This was extremely terrifying for the dimension.

If this continued, a Calamity-grade Companion Beast might soon appear on Earth. That was a situation that the dimension was very unwilling to see.

In front of a glorious palace, a warrior in gorgeous armor genuflected and said with his head lowered, “Your Excellency, we have already contacted Blood Shaman. He has also agreed to fight, but he wants ten divine fruits.”

“Give them to him.” A familiar voice sounded from the palace. He was the one who had presided over the cube battle and changed the rules.

“Yes.” The warrior stood up and was about to leave when he heard another voice coming from the palace. “How’s the situation with the other members of the Octokind?”

“They have already agreed to lend out the Body Cleansing Stone, but the price is very high. They are still negotiating,” the warrior answered.

“Didn’t the Dragon King stop it?” the voice in the palace said again.

“No,” the warrior answered.

“You’re dismissed. Tell them that they have to bring back the Body Cleansing Stone.”


After the warrior left, a god-like man was sitting sideways on the roof of the palace, frowning in thought.

A seductive woman circled around the man’s body and leaned her fair head against his chest as she said gently, “Your Excellency Di Tian, why does it have to be a Body Cleansing Stone? The monarchs of the various races are already communicating with each other. I believe there will be an outcome very soon. When that happens, that person will be kicked out of the rankings like Ya. Why do you have to pay such a huge price to obtain the Body Cleansing Stone?”

“It’s just preparing for a rainy day. We absolutely must not let existences like Ya and Human obtain the Dimensional Wheel, much less give them a chance to stand on Wang Mingyuan’s side,” Di Tian said indifferently. “It’s fine if he’s kicked out. Otherwise, the Body Cleansing Stone will naturally be of use.”

“How can he not be kicked out? He’s just a human. How can he resist the cube’s rules? Furthermore, with Blood Shaman restraining his Companion Beasts, he will probably be defeated in the next round. Your Excellency Di Tian, you don’t have to worry excessively about a mere human,” the woman said.

Di Tian didn’t say anything. He only used his fingers to stroke the woman’s beautiful hair that was like a river in the night. His eyes were deep and unfathomable.

“Worry excessively? That fellow is also a human. If I don’t worry too much, I’m afraid a second or third person will appear…” The figure of the gentle-looking man appeared in Di Tian’s mind.

When an hour was almost up, and people thought that Human was about to obtain first place, the cube suddenly lit up. Another person issued a challenge.

Everyone looked at the cube’s screen, but the name they saw was unfamiliar. They had never seen it before.

It’s really him. Zhou Wen saw the word Blood Shaman and couldn’t help but be grateful for An Sheng’s timely intelligence. Although he might not have been at a disadvantage without the intelligence, it was better to be prepared in advance than to think of a solution at the last minute.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Wen agreed to the challenge. No matter who came, he had to do his best to vie for first place. As long as he wasn’t kicked out like Ya, he definitely wouldn’t let any Guardian become the King of Earth.

Zhou Wen and Blood Shaman appeared in the arena at the same time. Blood Shaman in blood-colored armor made a shocking move. He extended his hand and swiped at his palm, causing blood to gush out like a fountain.

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