Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1103 - Mythical Immortal Slaying

Chapter 1103: Mythical Immortal Slaying

Translator: CKtalon 

Zhou Wen looked at the Guardians and was surprisingly calm.

Apart from Zhou Wen himself, there were a total of nine Guardians in the top ten and Blood Shaman wasn’t among them. Zhou Wen only recognized two of them.

Zhou Wen had seen Night Thearch, Cave Era, Jiuyue, and Great Skyfiend before. The stronger Guardians weren’t in the top ten.

The two Guardians Zhou Wen knew were Grim Demon and Fairy Burial, but among the eight Guardians in the arena, he didn’t see them.

Strange; even if Grim Demon and Fairy Burial are held back and can’t enter the arena, there should be seven Guardians in the arena. Why are there eight? Zhou Wen didn’t have the time to think about who the additional person was because the eight Guardians had already surrounded him.

Zhou Wen was at the Mythical stage and couldn’t use Companion Beasts. The only reason he could suppress Blood Shaman was because of the white wooden club in his hand.

Now that the eight Guardians had surrounded him, Zhou Wen felt the pressure. Even Zhou Wen was overwhelmed by the eight different powers and skills.

Guardians that could enter the top ten naturally had their specialties. None of them were weak. If he encountered them normally, it wouldn’t be difficult for Zhou Wen to deal with them using various Companion Beasts.

However, now that his Companion Beasts were restricted and he was kept busy by Blood Shaman, he didn’t have the spare energy to deal with them.

From the looks of it, there’s only one way. Zhou Wen looked at Blood Shaman and knew that his only chance was to kill it. As long as he killed it, he could use his Companion Beasts. The eight Mythical Guardians would then be nothing to him.

However, it was extremely difficult to kill the Terror-grade Blood Shaman under the siege of eight Guardians.

Unfortunately, I can’t use creatures other than Companion Beasts and Guardians on the cube. Otherwise, how difficult would it be to kill Blood Shaman if I summoned Jade Rabbit and Ice Maiden? Zhou Wen thought.

The humans watching naturally saw Zhou Wen’s predicament.

His sword art and movement techniques were stunning. While fighting Blood Shaman, he could still remain undefeated despite the siege of eight Guardians.

However, everyone could tell that it was impossible for Human to persist. The pressure Blood Shaman gave him was too great, so he didn’t have the excess strength to kill the other Guardians.

“This sword art and movement technique are too powerful. It definitely doesn’t belong to humans.”

“Even if he’s a half-human, he still has human blood flowing in him. As long as he treats himself as a human, he’s a human.”

“That’s right. He’s human to begin with. Ya is the same. So what if he fused with a Guardian? As long as he identifies as human, he’s human.”

“His determination is obvious from using ‘Human’ as his name.”

Zhou Wen was able to remain undefeated despite fighting nine alone. His god-like sword art and movement techniques were shocking. It also made most of the audience’s acknowledgment of him intensify. They even began to ignore the fact that he might be a half-human.

However, everyone also knew that no matter how strong Zhou Wen’s sword art and movement techniques were, that was all. If this continued, he would only be defeated.

The stronger Zhou Wen’s performance was, the more regretful the outcome would be.

“Ya is like this, and so is Human. Are we humans destined to be toyed with by the dimension?”

Anger and indignation gradually rose in everyone’s hearts. They yearned to rush into the arena and fight alongside Zhou Wen.

However, there was nothing they could do. All they could do was watch as Zhou Wen was besieged. They had nowhere to vent their anger.

It wasn’t only pity for Zhou Wen, but also hatred for their own incompetence. At the same time, it was indignation and shame at having their fates controlled.

They could fully empathize with Zhou Wen’s predicament. The humiliation made them feel terrible.

“Why can’t humans become the King of Earth? We are the masters of Earth.” Anger and humiliation intertwined in their hearts. Instantly, the spectators fell silent. No one said a word as they quietly watched Zhou Wen being attacked by the Guardians, waiting for the outcome they didn’t wish to see.

Seeing that Human’s situation was worsening, more and more people fell silent. In front of the countless cubes on Earth, most of them were silent.

Even the media streamers who did live-stream analysis spoke less. They almost stopped interpreting the current situation.

This was because even if they didn’t provide an interpretation, they could tell from the slow-motion camera that Human was in a dire situation. Defeat was only a matter of time.

“This silence isn’t bad. Low-grade creatures should be reserved,” the woman beside Di Tian said with a smile.

Di Tian said indifferently, “From the looks of it, the silence will continue.”

The situation was becoming more and more disadvantageous for Zhou Wen. He had already used his movement techniques and sword art to their limits, but it was still difficult for him to gain the upper hand in the siege.

Zhou Wen had already made up his mind. He gripped the white wooden stick in his hand tightly and circulated Slaughterer Life Soul.

This was the only Life Soul he could use without carving it. It was also the power he needed to use Immortal Slaying.

However, ever since Zhou Wen advanced to the Mythical stage, he hadn’t used Immortal Slaying. He only knew that as his Life Soul grew and his stats increased, Immortal Slaying’s might should be much stronger than before.

Yet, Zhou Wen wasn’t sure how much status Immortal Slaying had grown and if he could kill Blood Shaman under the siege of the Guardians.

However, at this stage, he could only give it a shot. If he didn’t succeed, he would have to admit defeat and leave the arena.

As Slaughterer’s power fused with Zhou Wen, Zhou Wen immediately felt a strange power infuse into his body, making his entire body feel like it was about to sublimate.

This feeling was somewhat different from when he had used Slaughterer in the past. In the past, Slaughterer seemed to hug him, pushing his body to erupt with power.

Although it could give Zhou Wen immense strength, he felt a little estranged.

Now, Slaughterer’s strength had perfectly fused with his body. There was no barrier between them, allowing Zhou Wen to deeply sense Slaughterer’s strength.

No, it should be said that the power seemed to be a part of Zhou Wen’s body. It was no different from his own strength. Even though he had never used the Mythical Slaughterer, the moment the power entered his body, it had already fused with Zhou Wen’s own strength.

The white wooden club in Zhou Wen’s hand was still a wooden club without any blade, but it suddenly gave off an indomitable and strange feeling.

Blood Shaman and the eight Mythical Guardians felt their hearts palpitate as though they had sensed something.

However, before they could react, Zhou Wen had already brandished the white wooden club in his hand.

Zhou Wen’s swing didn’t seem fast. Ignoring a Terror-grade expert and Mythical Guardian like Blood Shaman, even ordinary humans could see it clearly.

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