Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1107 - Six-Earring Destruction Leads to Calamity

Chapter 1107: Six-Earring Destruction Leads to Calamity

When Truth Listener’s fourth earring shattered, its body vanished. Ordinary people could only see a terrifying dark-gold behemoth charge at Di Tian before vanishing in midair.

However, Zhou Wen could clearly see that Truth Listener had already entered its Terror form when it shattered the fourth earring.

The fourth earring puts it in the Terror form. What will happen if all six earrings shatter? Zhou Wen was alarmed as he felt a chill.

This was because after the fourth earring shattered, the connection between Truth Listener and him had become extremely weak. It was almost impossible to sense it.

The moment the fifth earring shattered, Zhou Wen felt as though an invisible chain had been severed between them. He couldn’t sense any information from Truth Listener.

When the sixth earring shattered, Truth Listener had already rushed in front of Di Tian. However, at that instant, Truth Listener, which had vanished due to its Terror form, appeared in everyone’s eyes again.

At that moment, Truth Listener was like an ancient ferocious beast from hell. Its entire body shimmered with a dark golden glow, and its protruding fangs resembled crystal diamonds. The violent and ferocious aura it emitted made one shudder as it resembled an extremely evil beast.

What was even more terrifying was that as Truth Listener appeared in everyone’s vision again, the entire arena also discovered a strange change. A Door to Hell opened behind Truth Listener.

The door was the same as Truth Listener’s body. It was dark-gold in color and there were countless mysterious, beautiful runes engraved on it. They had a fatal allure that seemed to suck one’s soul into the door.

With the appearance of the Door to Hell, countless evil spirits and ferocious ghosts emerged from the ground. Arms extended from the ground as the Door to Hell opened. Terrifying ferocious beasts that had never been seen before rushed out.

As for the Door to Hell, it emitted an even more terrifying aura and roar, as though there was an even more terrifying existence rushing out of it.

Instantly, the entire arena seemed to turn into Shura hell. There were terrifying hellish evil spirits and ferocious beasts everywhere.

As for the hellish aura that constantly spewed out from the Door of Hell, it filled the entire space. In the increasingly dense hellish aura, most Mythical creatures would quickly die, much less fight.

Calamity grade! Zhou Wen was finally certain that Truth Listener, who had released the six earrings, had reached the height of a Calamity-grade entity.

The power of a Terror-grade was indescribable, but after reaching the Calamity-grade, the power would transform into a Calamity Domain. Even if one were to see it, human strength would not be able to fight a Calamity-grade. They could only struggle and wait for death or wait for Lady Luck’s blessing to survive the Calamity.

As Truth Listener had already severed its connection with Zhou Wen, Zhou Wen was also affected by the death aura of Hell. In the death aura, the vitality in his body rapidly drained as his body began to age.

Thankfully, Zhou Wen had Absolute Defense armor on him, allowing him to temporarily withstand the corrosion of Hell’s death aura.

However, the horde of evil spirits and ferocious beasts didn’t identify Zhou Wen as a friend or Truth Listener’s former owner. They surged towards him like a tidal wave, hoping to tear him to pieces.

They looked extremely terrifying. Any one of them probably had the strength of a Mythical creature. With so many Mythical creatures swarming forward, even Zhou Wen felt his heart tremble.

With the Mourning Stick snatched away by Di Tian, Zhou Wen immediately engraved Supreme Hell King on his Wheel of Destiny. The power of the Small Perfection of Wisdom Sutra immediately descended on his body, augmenting it greatly.

More importantly, after Supreme Hell King fused with Zhou Wen’s body, the hellish evil spirits and ferocious beasts seemed to show fear towards him. Or perhaps they treated him as one of them and stopped charging at him.

Meanwhile, Truth Listener let out a ruthless roar. With the augmentation of the boundless death aura from Hell, it charged at Di Tian like a demonic god.

A Calamity-grade Companion Beast! A glint flashed in Jing Daoxian’s eyes as he stared at Truth Listener. His expression changed as he fell into deep thought.

How is that possible? How can a Calamity-grade Companion Beast appear on Earth? How long has it been since Essence Energy was revived? The woman following Di Tian was also stunned.

It wasn’t just the woman. Many races in the dimension watched this scene in shock. A Calamity-grade Companion Beast had actually appeared on Earth. It was unimaginable.

In the eyes of ordinary people, all they could see was hell and countless evil spirits and ferocious beasts. It was as though the entire arena had turned into hell.

However, they could no longer see Truth Listener’s figure. Truth Listener’s speed and ability far exceeded what human vision could capture, but such a scene was enough to let their imagination run wild.

“Could it be… That’s a Calamity-grade Companion Beast…”

“This is way too ridiculous. How can there be a Calamity-grade Companion Beast? This doesn’t make sense!”

“Ignoring everything else, I really admire Human’s Companion Beasts.”

“I originally thought that the Terror-grade humanoid Companion Beast was already the limit. I never expected…”

“There’s hope. Calamity versus Calamity. That Di Tian might not win. Human still has a chance of getting first place.”


Everyone was extremely excited. They originally believed that there was no hope, but they never expected Human to give them a huge surprise.

“Calamity-grade… That’s a Calamity-grade Companion Beast… How did Young Master Wen do it?” An Sheng said excitedly.

An Tianzuo looked at the hellish arena in the scene and fell silent for the first time.

In Chess Mountain’s base, An Jing and the troops on Chess Mountain who weren’t on duty were watching the live broadcast on the sports field. When she saw Truth Listener showcase its Calamity-grade strength, An Jing’s expression turned extremely complicated.

That person seemed to be getting further and further away from her.

“Calamity-grade… That’s a Calamity-grade Companion Beast… How did he do it?” The Zhang family’s family head’s eyes turned red.

If the Zhang family had such a Companion Beast, how could the Holy Temple restrain them?

It wasn’t just the Zhang family. The core members of the other five families were also pleasantly surprised.

The appearance of a Calamity-grade Companion Beast opened a new world for them. It made everyone know that not only could Companion Beasts resist Guardians, but they could even fight terrifying existences of the dimension. The potential of Companion Beasts was far greater than they imagined.

Due to Truth Listener’s Calamity Domain, the power of Strength’s sleeve decreased drastically. Zhou Wen took the opportunity to unsummon Banana Fairy.

As for Di Tian, he didn’t continue forcefully sucking Banana Fairy because Truth Listener had already arrived in front of him with the boundless death aura and countless hellish evil spirits.

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