Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1132 - He's Human Sovereign?

Chapter 1132: He’s Human Sovereign?

Zhou Wen felt the power of Godfiend Era spread through his body as the clown symbol on the Wheel of Destiny became clearer. Through the clown mask, the world he could see was somewhat different.

The woman glanced at Zhou Wen and waved her hand. She wanted to tear Fang Mingsu’s body apart.

With a thought, Zhou Wen teleported in front of the woman and reached out for her face.

The woman stretched out her hand to block Zhou Wen. She was much faster than him, but when her hand touched his hand, it hit nothing. Zhou Wen vanished in front of her eyes.

The woman seemed to realize something. When she turned her head, she realized that Fang Mingsu had vanished.

When she turned around, she realized that Shiraishi Satomi and Ji Moqing had also disappeared.

On Fangzhang Island, Fang Mingsu and Shiraishi Satomi stood by the coast. Zhou Wen’s figure appeared again as he threw Ji Moqing to the ground.

After Godfiend Era’s Terror transformation, Zhou Wen’s understanding of space had broken through to an extremely high realm. The spatial rifts on Bride Island couldn’t trap him anymore.

In the blink of an eye, not only did his teleportation range greatly increase, but there were almost no restrictions. He could continuously teleport without limit.

“Everyone, run for your lives. I need to escape as well.” With that said, Zhou Wen teleported away, not daring to stay for a moment.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to take Shiraishi Satomi back to Fuji Island, but the Calamity creature was also a spatial-type creature. If she could teleport from afar, taking Shiraishi Satomi back to Fuji Island would be equivalent to bringing destruction to it if she were to track him down.

Therefore, Zhou Wen had taken them to the uninhabited Fangzhang Island before letting them leave by themselves. When that happened, even if the Calamity creature chased after them, she would only track Zhou Wen himself.

“Take us with you!” Ji Moqing shouted twice, but no one answered her.

“He doesn’t need to escape,” Fang Mingsu with her restored Guardian-armored said thoughtfully as she looked at the spot where Zhou Wen had vanished.

“No need to escape? Why? Didn’t he already escape?” Ji Moqing asked in puzzlement.

Although Zhou Wen could save them and was indeed very powerful, a Calamity-grade creature was a Calamity-grade creature. Even if humans could escape one, it was difficult for them to fight one.

“Because he’s Human Sovereign, sovereign of all humans. He’s an existence that has slain a Calamity. There’s no need for him to escape,” Fang Mingsu said with certainty.

“He’s Human Sovereign? Impossible. Isn’t he an overseas devil? How can he be Human Sovereign?” Ji Moqing was momentarily unable to digest the information Fang Mingsu had given her as she spoke incoherently.

Fang Mingsu glanced at Shiraishi Satomi and continued, “I’ve been paying attention to him. Earlier on, I saw him take out a white wooden stick. It’s identical to the white wooden stick that Human Sovereign used when he fought Di Tian. I thought it was just a resemblance, but from the looks of it, it’s not just that. It’s the same wooden stick.”

“He’s Human Sovereign?” Ji Moqing repeated what she had said in a daze. She really couldn’t connect the great devil with Human Sovereign that quickly.

“It can’t be wrong. I originally thought that the claim that Human Sovereign was pure human was nothing more than humanity’s self-consolation. It’s impossible for such a thing to happen. Now, it looks like I was wrong. Human Sovereign is actually a pure human. It’s hard to imagine how he did it. A pure human advancing to the Mythical stage can actually be done. Furthermore, he did so five years ago.” Fang Mingsu looked at Shiraishi Satomi as though she wanted to hear what she had to say.

Unfortunately, Shiraishi Satomi didn’t know anything. She was still awash with adrenaline and had nothing to say.

“He’s Human Sovereign… Then he’s going…” Ji Moqing’s mind cleared up as she thought of a possibility.

“That’s right. He must have gone to kill that Calamity creature to prevent her from bringing disaster to the human world.” Fang Mingsu sighed and said, “Over the years, I thought I had done very well. I could be considered somewhat accomplished among humans, but compared to Human Sovereign, I’m nothing. I really never expected Human Sovereign to be a pure-blooded human, and he’s so young.”

“Isn’t he an old monster who has some way to retain his youth?” Ji Moqing had always felt that Zhou Wen only looked young, but was actually an old man in person. Otherwise, how could he have such a powerful cultivation level?

“Of course not. My Nirvana Guardian is most sensitive to vital energies. Although he looks very accomplished—something expected from age—he is still a very young life. He’s actually not that old. He’s only in his early twenties,” Fang Mingsu said after some thought.

“In his early twenties… That’s impossible… How old was he when he defeated Di Tian five years ago?” Ji Moqing thought about it carefully and felt that what Fang Mingsu said was too fantastic. It didn’t make sense at all.

“Although I’m equally unwilling to believe it, the truth is right in front of us. When he defeated Di Tian, he was probably not even twenty years old,” Fang Mingsu said with a sigh.

She originally believed that she was already considered a top genius among humans, but after seeing Zhou Wen, she realized that so-called geniuses were nothing.

“Less than twenty years old… Is there really such a human in this world? Is he really Human Sovereign?” Ji Moqing looked out into the sea with a complicated expression.

“It’s very simple to know if he’s Human Sovereign. When a Calamity appears, it will definitely bring calamity to the world. Only Human Sovereign can kill a Calamity to stop the disaster,” Fang Mingsu said.

Ji Moqing’s eyes immediately lit up. “As long as we don’t see the appearance of a Calamity, it means it must have been killed. In other words, he’s really Human Sovereign?”

“Actually, there’s no need to go through so much trouble. He’s definitely Human Sovereign. Apart from Human Sovereign, who else can advance to the Mythical stage as a human? Who else can fight a Calamity-grade creature?” Fang Mingsu had already determined that Zhou Wen was Human Sovereign.

If Zhou Wen knew that the three of them had seen through his identity and believed that he would kill the Calamity creature, he would probably be at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

He was really fleeing for his life. Godfiend Era’s Terror transformation was indeed very strong. Coupled with Slaughterer, he was capable of infinite teleportation. Even a Calamity-grade creature would find it difficult to kill him, but it was probably not a realistic thought that he could defeat a Calamity-grade creature.

Zhou Wen constantly teleported, hoping to escape back to the mainland. After a few teleportations, he was still out at sea when a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. It was none other than the newly born Calamity creature.

She still looked the same. She had long silver hair and white clothes. In her arms was a pitch-black saber. There was no emotion in her eyes.

She still managed to catch up? Can’t you leave Earth? Why are you chasing me? Zhou Wen grumbled inwardly as he used teleportation to escape again.

However, after a few teleportations, he still failed to shake off the Calamity creature.

The woman seemed to be attempting to use spatial powers to control him, but the Terror-form Clown Mask gave Zhou Wen spatial powers that allowed him to ignore the spatial seal. He couldn’t escape, but the woman couldn’t control him either.

Zhou Wen wanted to continue teleporting when he suddenly heard the woman speak.

“Marry me and I won’t kill you,” the woman said in all seriousness as she looked at Zhou Wen.

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