Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1134 - Movie Etiquette

Chapter 1134: Movie Etiquette

Zhou Wen was slightly alarmed when he heard the name. He couldn’t help but carefully size up the woman.

When he had learned about the Ghost Parade previously, Zhou Wen had learned a little about the overseas myths. Although it wasn’t very detailed, Zhou Wen still knew a famous Mythical figure like Tsukuyomi.

Tsukuyomi was one of the three Supreme Gods of a certain pantheon overseas. Legend had it that she was one of the three children of the Creator. She was a twin of one of the other three Supreme Gods, Amaterasu.

However, in some other myths and legends, there were also some which said that Tsukuyomi was male. There were also some which said that Tsukuyomi and the beautiful Kaguyahime were the same person.

None of that was important. What was important was that if this woman was really the legendary Tsukuyomi, her status would be second only to the Creator.

Myths could be exaggerated, but to have such a status in a pantheon, no matter how exaggerated, meant that her true strength had to be extremely terrifying.

Watching a movie with the daughter of the Creator? Zhou Wen felt that this was a bad idea.

Fang Mingsu and company waited on Fangzhang Island for a few days, but they didn’t see Zhou Wen return. The Ghost Parade that appeared every night also decreased significantly.

Furthermore, the famous ghosts didn’t appear again. The ones that appeared again were ghosts with unknown names. The strongest ones were at the Mythical stage.

After the trio obtained further information, they became more certain that Zhou Wen was Human Sovereign. They imagined that the Calamity creature had been killed by Zhou Wen.

“I never expected him to really be Human Sovereign. Furthermore, he’s so young.” Ji Moqing still found it unbelievable that Zhou Wen was Human Sovereign.

Fang Mingsu took Ji Moqing back inland and secretly investigated Zhou Wen’s identity.

He realized that Human Sovereign’s appearance was very similar to Zhou Wen from the An family camp. However, the An family’s Zhou Wen had been in Luoyang the past few days and hadn’t left. It was unlikely.

After Shiraishi Satomi returned, she told Sei Gasakai that Zhou Wen was Human Sovereign. It thrilled Sei Gasakai. “It’s no wonder. He was Human Sovereign all along. It’s no wonder. I should have known. Apart from him, how can there be a human who can slash out such a strike… By the way… You should keep this to yourself… Don’t spread it…”

To humans nowadays, watching movies was a luxury.

With dimensional creatures breaking through the restrictions on a large scale, there were very few cities that humans could defend. Most humans retreated to a particular dimensional zone and relied on the repulsive forces of the dimensional zones to barely survive.

All sorts of modern instruments and tools had been severely damaged. Furthermore, due to the cut-off of roads, raw materials couldn’t be supplied. Even if the factories weren’t destroyed, the possibility of continuing production wasn’t high.

In such an environment, other than the Federation occasionally shooting some promotional videos, it was very rare for a person to film a movie.

More and more research was done using Companion Beasts to replace high-tech equipment. Most of the areas where humans gathered had already been popularized with Companion Beast power generation systems.

However, human hobbies sometimes had nothing to do with practicality.

The infamous overseas devil, Sasser, was an avid movie enthusiast. Furthermore, he was someone who had to go to the cinema to watch movies.

However, in this era, cinemas were very difficult to find. There were none overseas. Therefore, every time Sasser’s movie addiction flared up, he would sneak inland.

Although Sasser wasn’t as infamous as Jing Daoxian, people who knew him definitely had a fear of him that was no less than Jing Daoxian’s.

Although Jing Daoxian was infamous, not many people had seen him kill.

Apart from the crazy massacre at the Federation building, many of the brutal legends regarding Jing Daoxian were actually just people committing acts under his name.

However, Sasser was different. Sasser wasn’t famous, but the number of people he killed far exceeded Jing Daoxian’s. Furthermore, he didn’t leave any survivors, so very few people knew of him.

After putting on a decent suit, a white shirt, and a bow tie, Sasser, who had meticulously combed his white hair, arrived at the cinema’s entrance. He lined up to buy a ticket, coke, and a bucket of popcorn. Then, as though he was on a pilgrimage, he walked into the cinema’s theater hall.

These habits stemmed from when Sasser was young. Back then, when his parents took him to the movies, they would always dress him up nicely. Then, they would buy coke and popcorn and catch a movie together.

Therefore, this habit remained.

Sasser found his seat and sat down. He sat up straight and sized up the movie screen. Just as he had imagined, this spot was indeed the best spot in the theater. Thankfully, it hadn’t been bought by others. Otherwise, he would have spent more time thinking of a way to adjust his seat.

It was a rather nice cinema. The fragrant popcorn that was still emitting steam, the iced coke, and the perfect seat made Sasser feel good. He adjusted his bow tie and waited for the movie to begin.

Suddenly, a young man and woman walked in. The spot they had chosen happened to be in the row just in front of Sasser. This made Sasser frown slightly.

He recalled an unhappy experience he had when he watched a movie previously. A couple sat in front of him and whispered to each other from time to time. They even kissed in front of him, greatly affecting his movie experience.

As a result, Sasser sewed the couple’s mouths together and hung them to death at the entrance of the theater after the movie ended.

Why did he have to wait for the movie to end? Movie time was sacred, so how could he kill someone during the movie?

Thankfully, the young men and women who had just entered were very silent. They didn’t talk to each other, making Sasser feel much better.

From the looks of it, this should be a perfect movie experience today. Sasser sat up straight and waited for the movie to begin. Although this movie was an old movie and Sasser had watched it a few times, he still liked it. He wouldn’t get sick of watching it a few more times.

After a while, Sasser suddenly heard the young man in front speak.

“Do you want anything to eat or drink?”

When Sasser heard that, he was immediately infuriated as he thought to himself, What’s wrong with young people these days? They don’t understand the essence of watching movies at all. You have to buy iced coke and popcorn before entering. How can you buy them after entering the hall?

“Anything,” the woman said coldly.

“Wait for me here. Don’t move. I’ll be back soon.” As the youth spoke, he left, leaving the young woman sitting in front.

The young woman was very quiet, and she was still. This made Sasser appreciate her.

He still remembered that two months ago, when he went to watch a movie, a young woman was eating melon seeds while watching a movie. She kept fidgeting around. Hence, after the movie ended, Sasser shattered all the woman’s teeth and stuffed them into her stomach before hanging her to death at the entrance of the theater.

“Orange juice and melon seeds. Try them.” The man returned with two large cups of orange juice and a huge bag of melon seeds.

You have to drink coke and eat popcorn when watching a movie. Don’t you even know that? Sasser wished he could snatch the melon seeds and orange juice and smash them at the young man’s face.

However, years of movie-watching cultivation made Sasser endure it. However, he was already planning how to teach the young man some movie-watching etiquette after the movie ended.

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