Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1139 - Gone Viral

Chapter 1139: Gone Viral

The Ancient Splitting Tadpole’s Split Life Providence was an extremely powerful Life Providence. It split into an individual that was comparable to its own strength. Many Companion Beasts’ strength would increase drastically after possessing this Life Providence.

However, the Ancient Splitting Tadpole was too rare. Zhou Wen only had one drop to date. The success rate of the Bloodline function was too low, so it was almost impossible to get another Companion Beast to gain the Split Life Providence with one Ancient Splitting Tadpole.

However, although the Epic Dark Gold Tadpoles were much weaker than the Ancient Splitting Tadpole, they had the same Life Providence as the Ancient Splitting Tadpole—Split.

He couldn’t bear to use the Ancient Splitting Tadpole, but he had no qualms regarding the Dark Gold Tadpoles.

It’s time to showcase my true skills. Zhou Wen carefully counted and looked at how many Dark Gold Tadpoles he had. He realized that there were more than three hundred of them.

In the past, Zhou Wen had farmed the dungeon many times, hoping to obtain another Ancient Splitting Tadpole, but he had failed to obtain one.

However, he did manage to farm many Epic Dark Gold Tadpoles as a result. He originally thought that they were useless, but they came in handy now.

Who should I test it on first? Zhou Wen thought for a moment and felt that he shouldn’t test it on Banana Fairy and Demonic Neonate immediately. If there were any flaws with the Bloodline function, it wouldn’t be worth it.

Zhou Wen thought for a moment and summoned the Bronze Sparrow Sword. He planned on using the Bronze Sparrow Sword to see if the Bloodline function could really allow it to have two Life Providences without any negatives.

He placed the Bronze Sparrow Sword as the primary pet and chose a Dark Gold Tadpole as the bloodline sacrifice.

After clicking on begin, there was a flash on the phone screen. The Dark Gold Tadpole vanished while the Bronze Sparrow Sword remained.

Failure is the mother of success. Let’s do it again. Zhou Wen had plenty of Dark Gold Tadpoles on hand, so he didn’t care about one or two.

He placed another Dark Gold Tadpole in and chose Bloodline transfer again, but it still failed.

I have plenty of Companion Beasts. Again. Zhou Wen was already mentally prepared and knew that it wouldn’t be easy to succeed.

Therefore, he placed the Dark Gold Tadpole in again and again, but he failed even after ten attempts.

Failure is a necessary path to success. As long as the bricks are paved well, there’s no path that can’t be crossed. If ten bricks aren’t enough, I’ll lay another ten. Zhou Wen continued tapping away.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

However, he still failed repeatedly. He sacrificed thirty ancient tadpoles without success.

Is the success rate of Bloodline transfer so low? Zhou Wen’s heart raced.

He wanted to give up, but he couldn’t bear to do so. If he gave up now, wouldn’t the thirty Dark Gold Tadpoles have been thrown away for nothing?

If thirty won’t do, I’ll do another thirty. I don’t believe that I can’t even have one success. Zhou Wen sacrificed another thirty, but he still failed.

I don’t believe it. Even if the success rate is only 1%, I should be able to succeed after sacrificing another thirty to forty of them, right? Zhou Wen gritted his teeth and sacrificed another forty.

The idea was nice, but reality was cruel. A hundred Dark Gold Tadpoles were sacrificed, but none of them succeeded.

Could the success rate really be that low? It’s not even 1%? It can’t be 0.1%, right? Zhou Wen began having second thoughts.

If there was really a 0.1% chance of success, then his 300 Dark Gold Tadpoles might not be able to create a dual Life Providence.

This wasn’t about experimenting anymore. Zhou Wen thought for a moment and felt that it wasn’t a solution.

Without continuing to use Bloodline transfer, Zhou Wen first went to the bathroom to remove the filth in his body. Then, he washed his hands and cleaned himself up. He then bowed in all directions raising both hands before taking out his phone again and placing a Companion Beast on it.

This time, Zhou Wen didn’t use the Bronze Sparrow Sword. Although the Bronze Sparrow Sword was very powerful, Zhou Wen didn’t lack weapons. Without knowing if he could succeed, Zhou Wen felt that it was better to bet on Explosive Fiend Man.

Placing the Dark Gold Tadpole in still resulted in repeated failures. This situation was already within Zhou Wen’s expectations. Now, he didn’t wish for high success rates. He just wanted one success out of the remaining 200 plus Dark Gold Tadpoles.

Zhou Wen felt like he was releasing firecrackers. With a bang, they were reduced to ashes.

As this went on over and over again, there was a festive atmosphere. Yet, he didn’t even succeed once.

Coupled with the hundred failures from before, the three hundred plus Dark Gold Tadpoles quickly vanished. There were less than fifty left with not one iota of hope left to be seen.

It can’t be… Although Zhou Wen didn’t mind failure, he still felt somewhat depressed. At the same time, he felt that the Bloodline function was just useless. With such a low success rate, unless it involved Companion Beasts that appeared en masse like music sprites, it would be very, very difficult to succeed.

The last thirty did not succeed.

The last twenty did not succeed.

As Zhou Wen continued putting Companion Beasts in dejectedly and was about to use the Bloodline transfer function again, Tsukuyomi, who was playing on her phone, put it down and walked over to Zhou Wen. As she walked, she asked, “What are you playing? It looks fun?”

Zhou Wen hurriedly put down his phone and looked at Tsukuyomi. “It’s a mobile game. Do you want to play?”

“How do you play mobile games?” Tsukuyomi asked curiously.

“Give me your phone. After I download it for you, you can use your phone to play.” Zhou Wen placed the mysterious phone in his pocket and took Tsukuyomi’s phone. Then, he logged on to the website to download the game, Dimension, that Huang Ji had created.

However, when he searched for the game, Dimension, Zhou Wen was somewhat dumbfounded. He realized that the game, Dimension, was already first on the mobile game rankings. Furthermore, the number of downloads far exceeded second place. The difference was huge. The number of downloads for second place was just a rounding error for Dimension.

Is it the same game? Zhou Wen was somewhat suspicious. Perhaps this Dimension only had the same name as the game that Huang Ji had created.

However, on careful look, the icon for Dimension was still the same. There were no changes at all.

Could it really be the same game? Has Huang Ji’s Dimension really gone viral? Zhou Wen attempted to download it.The current app was clearly much bigger than before. Thankfully, the Internet speed here was rather impressive. It took him nearly half an hour to download the game.

After entering the game, Zhou Wen still couldn’t be sure if this was a game produced by Huang Ji. Be it the graphics or controls, it was much better than the previous version of Dimension. They were on completely different levels.

However, the most basic modes were still the same as Dimension.

Only when Zhou Wen went on Dimension’s official website and saw that the overall game designer’s name was Huang Ji, did he confirm that this Dimension was indeed the former Dimension mobile game.

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