Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1213 - Fireworks Lane

Chapter 1213: Fireworks Lane

Fireworks Lane? Find a woman? Zhou Wen looked at the boy with an odd expression before using Truth Listener to scan Holy City. Soon, he found Fireworks Lane.

However, after figuring out where Fireworks Lane was, Zhou Wen’s expression turned even odder.

He originally believed that the name of the place was just something prone to misunderstanding. It was likely a normal place where the boy was looking for his family and friends.

However, Zhou Wen realized that Fireworks Lane was really as he first imagined. It was filled with colorful neon lights and strange men coming and going. Other than that were a bunch of strange women.

“Don’t tell me you don’t even know where Fireworks Lane is? I heard from Ah Quan that all men in Holy City know where it is,” the boy said with a frown.

“I know, but who are you looking for at a place like that?” Zhou Wen asked.

“That’s my business. Just lead the way. Take me to the place and the Mythical Serum will be yours.” The boy clearly didn’t wish to say too much to a stranger.

“Alright.” Zhou Wen didn’t ask further. He wanted to go with him to see what he was up to.

“What’s your name? I have to know how to address you, right?” Zhou Wen asked the boy.

“Hui Wan.” The boy hesitated for a moment before giving his name.

“Did I catch it right? Hui Wan[1]? Is that your name?” Zhou Wen looked at the boy with an odd expression.

“Let’s go now. I don’t have much time. In two hours, I have to return for piano lessons. There’s also the violin, zither, and erhu after that…” The boy raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

“Why are you learning all that?” Zhou Wen was even more curious. In this era, he had heard of people forcing their children to cultivate in Essence Energy Arts. He had never heard of anyone letting their children practice so many musical instruments.

“Why do you have so many questions? If you aren’t going, I’ll go by myself.” As Hui Wan spoke, he walked towards the lane.

“Let’s go now,” Zhou Wen said as he walked. “Fireworks Lane is very long. Do you have the exact address?”

Hui Wan shook his head. “No.”

“Then do you know the name of the woman you are looking for?” Zhou Wen asked again.

“I only know that others call her Ah Cai,” Hui Wan said after some thought.

“It’s much easier with a name. We can ask around when we get there. Why are you looking for Ah Cai?” Zhou Wen continued probing.

However, Hui Wan didn’t answer him this time. He just walked by himself.

Seeing Hui Wan ignore him, Zhou Wen stopped asking. Since he already knew that he was going to find Ah Cai, he could just follow him and not let anything happen to him.

This was the central area of Holy City, and Fireworks Lane was in a relatively remote area. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that it was a slum.

To save time, Zhou Wen summoned an inconspicuous Companion Beast mount and took Hui Wan over.

To his surprise, Hui Wan didn’t sit on Zhou Wen’s Companion Beast. He took out a blanket from his backpack which had a Companion Beast sealed using some unknown method.

Although the Companion Beast didn’t belong to Hui Wan, he could control the blanket to fly with a few buttons on the blanket. As a five-year-old child, Hui Wan could easily steer it.

“What’s this?” Zhou Wen looked curiously at Hui Wan’s flying carpet.

“This is a Pet Flying Carpet that our family recently developed. It hasn’t been mass-produced yet, and is not sold on the market. If you want it, you have to wait at least three months. However, there will only be some trial products then. It won’t be sold on a large scale,” Hui Wan explained.

The Hui family sure knows how to rile things up. This thing is interesting. Zhou Wen sized up the flying carpet and roughly knew how it was done.

Although the method wasn’t difficult, the person who could do it was undoubtedly a genius.

Soon, the two of them arrived at Fireworks Lane. The combination of the adult and child, together with the flying carpet, was very eye-catching.

Many ladies standing at the entrance were looking at them. The bolder ladies even wanted to get their business.

Hui Wan wasn’t shy at all. He didn’t look like a five-year-old child at all.

“Little friend, you’re so cute. Wanna come to my shop to play?” A woman came over to tease Hui Wan.

“Hello, Sister. I’m looking for Ah Cai. Do you know where she is?” Hui Wan asked.

The woman who had reached out to pinch Hui Wan’s cheek suddenly had a drastic change in expression. As though she had been electrocuted, she retracted her hand and turned to leave. She even whispered, “I don’t know… I don’t know…”

“Sister, do you know where Ah Cai is?” Hui Wan asked as he went shop to shop to ask while sitting on the flying carpet.

However, anyone who was asked by him, be it men or women, seemed to be bitten by a scorpion. They turned around and left. Some shops even pulled down their shutters as though they were the plague.

Interesting! Zhou Wen originally wanted to ensure that Hui Wan could return safely, but now, he realized that this matter was much more interesting than he had imagined.

No matter if it was the women or the guests who entered the pubs, as long as Hui Wan asked about Ah Cai, all of them wanted to escape immediately.

Even Zhou Wen was somewhat interested in Ah Cai, considering how her name had such magical power.

As the two of them walked, the originally lively Fireworks Lane suddenly turned bleak and empty. Almost all the bars and clubs closed.

The reason why it was ‘almost’ was that one pub remained open.

The signboard of the pub was still lit and the door wasn’t closed. Zhou Wen saw that the signboard said “Non-Alcoholic Pub.”

Hui Wan was still a child after all. Although he was a little odd, he was only bent on finding Ah Cai.

Seeing that the Non-Alcoholic Pub was still open, he decided to go in and ask if the person inside knew where Ah Cai was.

However, before Hui Wan could enter, someone drew the curtains open and came out.

It was a middle-aged man. His face was fierce and he looked a little ferocious.

“Go back. The one you’re looking for isn’t here,” the middle-aged man said.

“Do you know where Ah Cai is?” Although Hui Wan was young, he was very smart. He could immediately tell that there was something odd with the middle-aged man’s words.

The middle-aged man ignored Hui Wan and said to Zhou Wen, “It’s still not too late to leave now. I’m afraid it will be too late if you wait any longer.”

He believed that Zhou Wen had been sent by Hui Wan’s family to protect him, but he was mistaken.

“I’m afraid it’s too late.” As Zhou Wen spoke, he turned his head and saw that on both sides of the street, a large number of people had appeared with weapons. They filled up both ends of the street.

They didn’t say a word as they surrounded Zhou Wen and Hui Wan. It looked like they wanted to trap them here.

“Come in.” The middle-aged man frowned slightly and moved aside to open the door.

[1] A homophone to playboy.

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