Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1268 - Battle of the Wooden Hut

Chapter 1268: Battle of the Wooden Hut

“Come out,” the woman said expressionlessly.

Zhou Wen knew that the woman wanted him to come out of the Chaos Egg, but how could he be willing to? If he didn’t come out of it, he might be able to withstand a few attacks. If he went out, he might die.

The woman was straightforward. In less than two seconds after speaking, she slapped out at the Chaos Egg with her palm.

Zhou Wen was inside the Chaos Egg. Even with all sorts of flight maneuvering skills, he couldn’t fly with the Chaos Egg as it was rather slow, so he immediately felt a terrifying invisible force lash at the Chaos Egg, sending it flying like a ball.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Chaos Egg was like a bouncing ball as it quickly bounced back and forth in the wooden hut. It slammed into the people in the room. As for the wooden table and chair in the room, even though they had been struck, they didn’t budge, nor were they damaged in the slightest.

Inside the Chaos Egg, diamond-like solid Essence Energy appeared. Each one was the size of a cat’s eye, shocking Zhou Wen.

Previously, the doll’s attack could only transform into a small amount of liquid Essence Energy, but this woman’s casual strike had condensed so much solid Essence Energy.

If she were to attack with all her might, the kind of power involved alarmed Zhou Wen. Perhaps the Chaos Egg would really explode from the Essence Energy.

Calamity grade. This woman is definitely at the Calamity grade, but are there really Calamity-grade humans? Zhou Wen suspected that she wasn’t a real human.

Currently, the only human Calamity that Zhou Wen knew of was Wang Mingyuan. Strictly speaking, Wang Mingyuan was no longer human. It was obvious that he had an inhuman aura. As for the human aura on this woman, Zhou Wen couldn’t tell what difference she had from ordinary humans.

“Wait.” Zhou Wen hurriedly shouted when he saw that the woman was about to silently attack again.

The woman stared at Zhou Wen indifferently and said, “Come out.”

Zhou Wen thought for a moment and guessed that his Chaos Egg couldn’t withstand a Calamity-grade attack. At most, it could last a little longer. It didn’t mean much, so he deactivated the Chaos Egg and revealed his true body.

However, he was still wearing the Dragon King armor and Clown Mask. When he came out of the Chaos Egg, she still couldn’t see what he looked like.

“Human?” The woman sized up Zhou Wen as though she was somewhat surprised.

“Aren’t you also human?” Zhou Wen probed.

The woman ignored him and stared at his body before saying indifferently, “Strip.”

“Strip?” Zhou Wen was momentarily taken aback, but he quickly understood that she wanted him to take off the Dragon King armor.

“Why do you want me to take it off?” Zhou Wen definitely wouldn’t take it off.

“Die or strip.” The woman gave Zhou Wen two choices.

“Alright… I…” As Zhou Wen spoke, his body suddenly moved rapidly. He pushed his Transcendent Flying Immortal stance to its limits and instantly circled around the woman and rushed towards the wooden door.

The woman didn’t chase after him, but Zhou Wen’s heart palpitated. He had an ominous feeling as he hurriedly summoned the Chaos Egg to protect himself.


It was as though a heavy hammer had smashed into the Chaos Egg. The Chaos Egg was almost flattened before it bounced up and shot around the room.

Inside the Chaos Egg, solid Essence Energy condensed and fell, filling up about a sixth of the space.

Zhou Wen was somewhat depressed. He had never expected such a sicko to appear in the hut. He originally imagined that the Present Hut was safe, but now, it was as though he was doomed. His plans couldn’t keep up with the changes.

Another seven or eight of those strikes would probably fill the Chaos Egg with solid Essence Energy.

This can’t continue. Many solutions flashed through Zhou Wen’s mind, but few were effective against a Calamity-grade entity.

However, the woman didn’t care. She slapped the Chaos Egg in the air again and again, slamming it against the wall as it bounced back. The terrifying force nearly flattened the Chaos Egg, but it resisted the pressure and didn’t explode.

However, a large amount of solid Essence Energy appeared in the Chaos Egg. After a few instances, it nearly buried Zhou Wen.

Although the Chaos Egg was better at storage than Zhou Wen had imagined, it was already half full after seven or eight strikes. At this rate, it couldn’t escape the fate of being filled.

Absorb, absorb, I’ll just keep absorbing! Zhou Wen desperately absorbed the solid Essence Energy inside as he used Spacetime Bandit.

The ability of Spacetime Bandit was very strange. When using it, he could use other skills simultaneously. Those skills wouldn’t be released immediately.

After a delay of 0 to 3 seconds, even if Zhou Wen had already left the area, it was as though an invisible avatar was releasing the skill Zhou Wen had used.

Under Zhou Wen’s crazy casting, sword beams appeared where the Chaos Egg flew over and shot at the woman like a rain of swords.

Zhou Wen’s Heart Defying Sword Art was considered a powerful sword technique. With three thousand sword intents in one body, every sword beam’s sword intent was different.

The sword beams arrived in front of the woman and her eyes narrowed. As though frightened by her gaze, the sword beams immediately stopped in midair.

The sword beams naturally weren’t frightened. Instead, the woman’s eyes contained a terrifying power that forced the sword beams to stop.

The look in the woman’s eyes changed as the sword beams that filled the sky shattered, turning into countless specks of light.

Zhou Wen gritted his teeth and rushed out of the Chaos Egg. However, he didn’t charge at the woman. Instead, he charged at the people lying on the ground.

In order to survive, Zhou Wen couldn’t care less about the consequences. He grabbed two people on the ground and threw one in each hand at the woman.

The woman didn’t kill the people Zhou Wen had thrown with a glance. Instead, she darted her eyes and the two of them froze in midair before landing to the side.

Zhou Wen didn’t stop as he constantly grabbed the puppet-like people on the ground and threw them at the woman.

The woman didn’t harm those people. She only controlled them to land behind her, leaving Zhou Wen with nothing to grab.

Soon, more than ten people had been thrown over by Zhou Wen. With nothing to grab, he reached out to grab the chair. However, it was as though it had been nailed to the ground. He couldn’t move it no matter how hard he tried.

He wanted to flip the table, but the outcome was the same. After using all his strength, the table remained motionless. As the woman’s gaze landed on him, Zhou Wen immediately felt his body being controlled by an invisible force, preventing him from moving.

The woman walked towards Zhou Wen step by step, her eyes turning sharper. Under the woman’s gaze, the Dragon King armor on Zhou Wen’s body cracked and was about to shatter.

Suddenly, the Heaven-Opening Scripture of the Highest Elder appeared above Zhou Wen’s head. It flipped open page after page, and some mysterious scriptures shimmered with a profound divine light.

Zhou Wen, who couldn’t move, suddenly leaped up and slashed at the woman just inches from him with the Asura Saber.

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