Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1354 - I Don't Want To Eat It  

Chapter 1354: I Don’t Want To Eat It

Translator: CKtalon 

Sweetie was hesitant. She treated Yana as a friend, so it was unlikely that she would steal her candy box.

However, Zhou Wen’s sincere expression didn’t seem like he was lying.

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll take my leave now. I’m still in a hurry to find the gentle and beautiful Sweetie. I need to return the candy box to its rightful owner,” Zhou Wen said as he turned around and left.

“Wait a moment.” Sweetie stopped Zhou Wen and walked towards him.

Zhou Wen felt stifled, but he could only stop and ask Sweetie, “Anything else?”

“If what you said is true, can you…” Sweetie extended her hand as though she wanted Zhou Wen to shake it.

However, Sweetie seemed to realize something and quickly retracted her hand.

“What is it?” Zhou Wen looked at Sweetie in puzzlement, unsure what she meant.

“It’s nothing. Sweetie and I are good friends. In order to prevent you from secretly taking the candy box, I’ve decided to follow you until we find Sweetie and return the candy box to its rightful owner.” Sweetie said it very naturally. She didn’t realize that she seemed to be getting better at lying. Even her face didn’t blush.

“But you are a ghost? How can you follow me?” Zhou Wen felt his head ache. If he really kept such a time bomb by his side, who knew when she would explode?

“Why not? Of course. From now on, I’ll follow you closely. If I discover that you lied to me, I’ll take you to hell with me,” Sweetie said, acting all fierce.

“Alright.” Zhou Wen thought for a moment. Since he couldn’t beat her, he had to think of a way to let her leave on her own accord.

Thankfully, Sweetie looked like a gullible girl. It shouldn’t be difficult to fool her.

Zhou Wen turned around and continued on his way. With Sweetie’s abilities, he didn’t have much room to resist if she really wanted him dead. It was useless to be afraid, so he decided to do whatever he needed to do.

Sweetie followed behind Zhou Wen. No matter how fast Zhou Wen was, be it instant transmission or Earth Escape, he couldn’t shake her off. Every time he turned his head, he would see Sweetie standing silently behind him like a ghost.

As Zhou Wen walked, he thought to himself, Sweetie said that the lemon candy has the effect of breaking one’s order in life. I wonder what this order in life refers to? Is it the level? Will eating that thing advance me from the Mythical stage to the Terror grade?

Zhou Wen had the urge to take out the lemon candy to give it a try, but with Sweetie by his side, taking it out now was equivalent to having a death wish. Zhou Wen naturally wouldn’t do such a foolish thing.

Sweetie followed Zhou Wen like a haunting ghost. She didn’t say a word and just followed. Her thoughts were a mystery.

Sweetie actually didn’t believe Zhou Wen’s words, but she couldn’t find any evidence to prove that Zhou Wen was lying. Therefore, she thought of following Zhou Wen first. If he was lying, his flaws would show sooner or later.

Previously, Sweetie had thought that if Zhou Wen had lied, he would immediately turn into gold the moment he touched her.

However, when she thought of what Zhou Wen had done, Sweetie felt that even if he wasn’t lying, he would definitely turn into gold if he touched her. Therefore, that method was useless to test him. Zhou Wen would turn into gold regardless.

After arriving in a city, Zhou Wen planned on resting and getting some food.

Of course, eating was secondary. The main reason was that he didn’t dare take Sweetie back to Luoyang. He had to think through it.

Zhou Wen walked on the streets for a while before choosing a dessert shop to enter. He also ordered some cake, cookies, and pizza.

Sweetie caught a whiff of the sweet fragrance and her eyes widened. The corners of her mouth turned slightly moist.

“Do you want to eat anything? It’s my treat…” Zhou Wen handed the dessert menu to Sweetie.

Don’t think that you can bribe me with just this… Sweetie only said it in her heart without saying it out loud. The main reason was that she really didn’t have any resistance towards desserts.

“Oh, right, you are a ghost. How can a ghost eat desserts? It’s my fault for not being inconsiderate. When I pass by an incense shop, I’ll buy you some paper money…” Sweetie was already about to reach out to take the dessert menu when Zhou Wen retracted it and placed it on the table before he began eating.

Sweetie was immediately petrified. When she saw Zhou Wen swallow the adorable pudding, her heart ached so much that it almost bled.

“That’s right. Of course I won’t eat these things… Of course… I won’t…” As Sweetie spoke, the corners of her eyes and mouth twitched.

Zhou Wen pretended not to see Sweetie staring intently at the desserts in front of him. He quickly finished all the desserts.

“I’ll go settle the bill. Wait outside for me,” Zhou Wen said as he walked over to make payment.

Unable to eat despite wanting to, Sweetie felt that she was better off dead. All she wanted was to leave this place quickly and walk out without looking back.

Soon, Zhou Wen walked out.

Sweetie saw that Zhou Wen was holding a box in his hand. When she used her penetrative vision, she saw that it was a very beautiful mini cake. Although it was only a small piece, it was layered and looked very beautiful. It even emitted a rich milky fragrance.

“Didn’t you have your fill just now? Why did you get another piece as takeaway?” Sweetie wished she could stomp Zhou Wen in the face. Not only had he eaten that much, but he had even gotten takeaway while she couldn’t even get a single bite.

“Oh, this piece was an extra. They forgot to serve it. When I made payment, I realized that I had ordered this. I’m stuffed, so I could only do takeaway,” Zhou Wen said as he suddenly handed the bag to Sweetie.

Sweetie was immediately delighted as she thought to herself, Is he giving it to me? Should I accept it? How can I accept something given to me by such a baddy… However, it doesn’t seem appropriate to reject the good intentions of others…

“Help me throw it away,” Zhou Wen said indifferently.

Sweetie’s expression immediately darkened as she stared at Zhou Wen and said, “Isn’t it a waste to throw away such nice dessert?”

“There’s nothing I can do about it. I can’t eat anymore. If you find it troublesome and don’t wish to help me, I’ll throw it away myself,” Zhou Wen said as he retracted his hand.

However, Sweetie’s eyes suddenly lit up. She hurriedly reached out and snatched the bag over. As she turned around and walked to the side, she said, “Let me help you. Don’t throw it randomly. It won’t be good if you dirty the streets.”

As she spoke, Sweetie’s figure drifted away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After turning a corner, Sweetie sneaked a peek of Zhou Wen. Seeing that he wasn’t paying attention to her and was walking forward slowly, she heaved a sigh of relief. She turned her head and leaned against the wall. She opened the box in the bag and raised the cake in front of her.

It’s not that I want to eat it, but it’s a waste to throw it. It will also pollute the environment. I can only force myself for the better good… Sweetie convinced herself. She puffed up her cheeks and bit off a large piece, filling up her cheeks. She was so happy that she was about to cry.

Zhou Wen didn’t turn his head as the corners of his mouth twitched.. He took out his phone and sent several messages.

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