Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1359 - Capital of the Gods

Chapter 1359: Capital of the Gods

“Those aren’t problems. Tell me, which are the four possible dimensional zones?” Zhou Wen knew a little about the dungeon, but because there were too many dimensional zones there, he couldn’t guess which was a viable candidate.

An Sheng said, “After a discussion between a few mythical scholars and historians, we believe that there are four dimensional zones which are most likely. The first is Luoyi City. This city is deep in the underground dungeon. Up to now, we haven’t been able to completely explore it. The area that humans have explored is only its periphery.”

Zhou Wen thought for a moment and said, “King Wu’s expedition against Zhou. After King Wu destroyed the Shang dynasty, he established a city here named Luoyi. In West Zhou, a one-country, two-capital system was enacted. Luoyi City had a total of ten emperors for West Zhou, while East Zhou had twenty-five emperors. That era was the period closest to the Mythical era. If there’s an emperor or general in the human world that can trigger a calamity, I’m afraid it’s only from that era.”

An Sheng nodded. “That’s what we thought too. The second dimensional zone is called Yang City. It’s the lowest-level dimensional zone in the known dungeon. Legend has it that the founding monarch of the Xia Dynasty, Yu the Great, settled in Luoyang City. Back then, it was called Yang City. However, we have all heard of the legend of Yu the Great’s controlling of waters. It happened around the end of the Mythical era. No one has been able to enter Yang City to date. It’s also a suspicious candidate.”

Zhou Wen nodded. It was the dungeon at the bottom. Now that there were ancient soldiers from all dynasties, this meant that every part of the dungeon was affected. The lower dimensional zones were a greater suspicion.

“The third dimensional zone is called the Capital of the Gods. During the reign of the only empress in history, she changed the name of Luoyang to Capital of the Gods. It’s also the only place with the official name, Capital of the Gods, in history. It has the meaning of being the capital under the heavens.” An Sheng stopped here, but he didn’t explain why the historian and the theologian had listed it as a candidate.

After a pause, An Sheng continued, “We were very suspicious of the fourth dimensional zone, but the people who went to investigate have already returned. It’s rather stable. It shouldn’t be the birthplace of the Calamity.”

“In that case, the most likely place is Luoyi City, Yang City, or the Capital of the Gods?” Zhou Wen said after some thought.

“The people we sent to the three places to investigate haven’t returned. There’s been no news,” An Sheng answered.

“You’ll guard Luoyang. I’ll visit the three dungeons,” Zhou Wen said.

“You can’t… There’s very little information about those three dimensional zones to begin with… In this situation… I won’t be able to answer Madam Lan and Uncle Zhou… if anything happens…” An Sheng stopped him.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. Give me your hand,” Zhou Wen said to An Sheng.

“What for?” An Sheng extended his hand in front of Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen extended his hand and pressed it on An Sheng’s palm. Immediately, golden streams of light entered An Sheng’s palm.

“Golden Battle Gods… Five of them… Young Master, what are you doing?” An Sheng asked Zhou Wen in surprise.

“Luoyang must hold before I return. This is just a precaution.” Having failed to obtain the last Golden Battle God, Zhou Wen couldn’t fuse them. He didn’t usually use such Companion Beasts to begin with, so he temporarily gave them to An Sheng to protect himself.

If something really happened, An Sheng would have the ability to adapt and handle the situation with five Terror-grade Golden Battle Gods in hand.

“Young Master, don’t worry. As long as I’m still around, I won’t let anyone trample over Luoyang,” An Sheng said solemnly.

“I’m not An Tianzuo. Why are you telling me this? Don’t force things. If things go south, run. Take Sis Lan and my father with you. Luoyang isn’t that important to me,” Zhou Wen said with a smile.

“Okay, I understand.” An Sheng nodded.

Time was of the essence. They had to figure out the origins of the Calamity creature as soon as possible to make targeted preparations. Only then could they stand a chance of surviving the calamity.

Zhou Wen left Overseer Manor with Sweetie and took a detour to the dungeon.

In a yard outside Luoyang City, Hermit was leisurely drinking tea.

“I’ve already checked. As you said, the origin of the Calamity is the Capital of the Gods,” Cave Era said with a look of delight when she returned.

Hermit smiled and said, “Speaking of which, it was all thanks to luck. Back then, I accidentally entered the Capital of the Gods and saw something unbelievable. I had an inkling that something had happened in the Capital of the Gods recently, but I never really expected it to be the case.”

Cave Era said, “With the information we have on hand, it won’t be difficult for us to make a deal with the An family or Zhou Wen. This information is enough for the An family to survive the calamity. I believe they will be tempted.”

“So what if I make a deal with them? Can we get that Heavenly Robe? If the An family is destroyed, won’t the effect be better than obtaining the Heavenly Robe?” Hermit’s eyes shimmered with a strange glint.

Cave Era was slightly taken aback as she looked at Hermit and said, “Even if the information is accurate, it will at most deal a heavy blow to Luoyang. It probably won’t be that easy to destroy the An family and Sunset College’s Leng Zongzheng, right?”

“What if we secretly give it a push?” Hermit said with narrowed eyes.

Cave Era fell into deep thought as she considered the feasibility of this matter.

“Think about it. As long as the An family falls, we don’t have to worry about the threat of that cannon. We can also finish off troublesome fellows like Leng Zongzheng and Zhou Wen. Furthermore, we don’t have to do all of this ourselves. All we need to do is secretly push for it to happen. Is there a better chance than this? It’s not too much to say that it’s a rare opportunity,” Hermit persuaded.

To guide a Calamity-grade creature to destroy Luoyang, he still needed to use the temporal powers of Cave Era.

“Are you confident?” Cave Era was somewhat tempted.

“I need your help. I also need another person.” Hermit seemed to have thought it through.

“Who?” Cave Era was somewhat curious. If it was a member of the League of Guardians, Hermit would have directly taken the person with him. From his tone, he wasn’t a member of the League of Guardians.

“The Special Investigation Bureau’s director-general,” Hermit said.

Cave Era was slightly taken aback. “Wei Ge? He’s only at the Epic stage. The Guardian he contracted is only at the Mythical stage, and one that was teleported over using the Skysplit Tower. What can he do that the members of our League of Guardians can’t?”

Hermit explained, “Wei Ge is a very utilitarian person. He has been unscrupulous in his climb up the ranks. In the past few years, our League of Guardians has been able to firmly control the Federation’s Senate. This person’s ruthlessness was indispensable. Furthermore, he has one ability that others don’t.”

“What ability?” Cave Era was somewhat puzzled. She didn’t remember what special abilities the Guardian that Wei Ge had contracted had. It was only a very ordinary fire-elemental Guardian. Back then, the fire-elemental Guardian had been given to him by the League of Guardians to win Wei Ge over. Cave Era knew very well what abilities it had.

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