Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1389 - Terror-grade

Chapter 1389: Terror-grade

The indestructible sword beams illuminated everything, wiping out everything. The already riddled Chaos Egg immediately shattered as Zhou Wen was no longer able to hold out.

Instant transmission was useless under such circumstances because the sword beam was everywhere. No matter where Zhou Wen instant transmitted to, he would be killed by the sword beam unless he could leave Perfect Sword Immortal’s Calamity Zone. That was naturally impossible.

Zhou Wen hadn’t advanced to the Terror grade, but he had no choice but to make a last-ditch effort. He took out the Immortal Culling Sword, but his heavy heart kept sinking.

This was because the Immortal Culling Sword could only be used once. As for his surroundings, they were filled with sword beams. He would be penetrated by the myriad swords after slashing out.

What was even worse was that Zhou Wen knew very well that even if he used Immortal Slaying, he wouldn’t be able to slay such a powerful Perfect Sword Immortal.

His strength was too weak; he was unable to unleash the full might of the Immortal Culling Sword. A full-powered strike was equivalent to a Calamity-grade strike. Such an attack couldn’t hit Perfect Sword Immortal.

Zhou Wen even realized that the speed at which he could draw out his sword couldn’t keep up with his thoughts. The sword beam had already arrived in front of him before he could pull out the Immortal Culling Sword.

Am I just dying like that? Zhou Wen held his sword and looked at the dazzling sword beam that was everywhere. He felt fear and indignation.

Although there was no time for him to think too much, the instinctive fear arose spontaneously.


The sword beam that could destroy everything stopped in front of Zhou Wen. The tip of the sword beam was almost in contact with Zhou Wen’s cornea.

To suddenly live in the face of impending death, Zhou Wen couldn’t help but tremble. It was as though a gust of cold air instantly rushed to his head from the soles of his feet and spread to his entire body. It made Zhou Wen feel a little hot. His face warmed up as though he had a fever; his legs went limp as his head spun.

The feeling of having made a trip to the gates of hell was something that only those involved could understand.

As the saying went, there was great horror between life and death, but it was very difficult to experience it.

This was because the person would already be dead when they experienced it. It was useless even if they experienced it.

Those who could experience the horror of life and death and survive were extremely lucky. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that it was a rebirth.

At that instant, Zhou Wen experienced the horror of life and death. His mind immediately became clear as a mirror. Many things that he usually cared about were nothing when he thought about them. It was ridiculous to be sad over them.

At the same time, Zhou Wen finally understood why he couldn’t take the final step to advance to the Terror grade. This was because he had never experienced true fear, so how could he understand the terror of others?

Only people who had truly experienced fear understood what fear was.

“What are you waiting for? Use your sword to kill him!” Jiang Yan’s voice boomed in almost a roar, but he knew that it was already too late when he shouted.

Zhou Wen still hadn’t reacted; Jiang Yan’s heart immediately turned cold.

The best he could do was use this split second to use all the power Burial Immortal had gathered and its unique abilities. He could regain control from Perfect Sword Immortal while his control over the body was weakest during his delivery of a full-might attack.

He originally imagined that there was this unspoken understanding between him and Zhou Wen. That instant was enough for Zhou Wen to slash out with an earth-shattering strike. The strike that had once killed a dimensional Calamity—the strike that belonged to Human Sovereign.

However, Zhou Wen blanked out at such a critical moment and missed that instant.

“What a pity. You sure are scheming and resourceful.” Perfect Sword Immortal had already regained control of his body. He too broke out into a cold sweat.

He never expected Jiang Yan to be able to regain control of the body. Although it was only for an instant, it was enough to shock him.

If Zhou Wen had reacted in time, he might have been severely injured.

When he saw the Immortal Culling Sword in Zhou Wen’s hand, he recognized Zhou Wen’s identity and knew that Zhou Wen indeed had the ability to severely injure him.

“So Zhou Wen is Human Sovereign. What a pity. Humans are only humans after all. They are ultimately unable to face the extreme fear of death calmly. He missed his only chance and wasted your efforts,” Perfect Sword Immortal said with a sneer. “Jiang Yan, my dear Jiang Yan, you are indeed a talent. However, you chose the wrong person and stood on the wrong side.”

Jiang Yan was exhausted from unleashing all his strength. He didn’t even have the ability to control the body and make sounds.

“Don’t make the wrong choice again in your next life.” Perfect Sword Immortal once again controlled his sword beam to shoot out, hoping to kill Zhou Wen.

However, when he looked at Zhou Wen, he was surprised to discover that Zhou Wen’s body was emitting a strange aura. The aura made him extremely disgusted and even somewhat afraid.

Terror transformation? Wasn’t that ball his Terror transformation power? Perfect Sword Immortal sized up Zhou Wen suspiciously, having originally believed that the Chaos Egg was Zhou Wen’s Terror-grade power.

However, from the changes in Zhou Wen’s body, it was a sign that he had just advanced to the Terror form. This left him in disbelief.

He couldn’t believe that a human who had fought him for so long wasn’t even at the Terror grade.

However, Perfect Sword Immortal couldn’t care less. He drove ten thousand sword beams downwards. Regardless of whether he was at the Terror or Mythical stage prior to this, that could be discussed after he was dead.

The sun-like sword beams devoured Zhou Wen, and in the blinding sword beam, a very discordant light suddenly appeared.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The ten thousand sword beams shattered like glass and scattered in all directions. The thousands of sword beams rose up and deflected light, making the surroundings appear dreamy.

A sword beam tore through everything, splitting the shattered sword beams that filled the sky into two. It was as though the sea had been parted as a sword beam charged straight at Perfect Sword Immortal.

Perfect Sword Immortal condensed a sword with his fingers, converging the sword beams around him into one as he faced the sword beam.

“All the swords in this world obey my orders. You have a death wish to fight me with a sword…” As Perfect Sword Immortal spoke, his sword beam had already collided with his adversary’s sword beam.


The sword beams collided, producing a terrifying shockwave.

Perfect Sword Immortal’s heart palpitated as he dodged to the side, but he was still a little slow. A bloody mark immediately appeared on his cheek when the sword beam swept past him. A drop of blood slowly dripped down his cheek.

What’s wrong with that sword… Why is its power able to restrain my sword beam… Impossible… How can there be a sword in the world that I can’t control… The eyes of Perfect Sword Immortal widened into a contortion as he stared opposite him. He saw Zhou Wen walking over with the Immortal Culling Sword in hand. The Heavenly Robe on his body fluttered in the wind. He had not been injured.

“Why wait for the next life? I think I can choose again now.” Zhou Wen felt the power in his body and the sword intent that roared like an evil spirit from Immortal Culling Sword. This was the first time he had been able to freely control the Immortal Culling Sword and not just draw it and slash it once.

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