Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1418 - Final Countdown

Chapter 1418: Final Countdown

Zhou Wen watched helplessly as Li Mobai dug out his eyes and held the crystalline snow-white eyeballs in his palm. His hand was covered in blood, and there were only bloody holes in his eye sockets.

However, Li Mobai’s expression was as calm as ever. It was as though what he had dug out wasn’t his eyes, but something unimportant.

“I haven’t agreed to it, right? Can your eyes be restored?” Zhou Wen said in surprise.

“No, they can’t,” Li Mobai said indifferently. “You will go not because of the eyes in my hand, but because you were going anyway.”

“Is it worth it?” Zhou Wen fell silent for a moment before asking Li Mobai.

Li Mobai was right. He had originally wanted to go, but he hadn’t gone because he couldn’t find the Calamity gunner.

“Whether it’s worth it depends on how you look at it. From my point of view, it’s very worth it.” Li Mobai extended his palm that was holding the two eyeballs in front of Zhou Wen. “It hasn’t been long since I consumed the Ghost God Eyes’ Mythical Serum. I absorbed very little of its energy, and most of the power of the Ghost God Eyes is stored in these eyes. Pure white is the Ghost Eye, and a speck of red is the God Eye. When the Ghost God Eyes touch, it will be difficult for any creatures in a radius of five kilometers to hide. They will definitely be discovered. When the time comes, the Ghost God Eyes will naturally guide you. However, remember that the Ghost God Eyes can only be used once. After using them, the power will erupt wantonly. If you can’t keep it under control, destroy it.”

“Why are you doing this?” Zhou Wen didn’t understand why Li Mobai was doing this. Even if Xiao obtained first place, it wouldn’t affect their Li family. Why was there a need to go all out?

“Because I don’t wish to be forced to cross my bottom line one day. I’m only doing things ahead of time.” Li Mobai got up and left. His words were clearly what Li Xuan and An Sheng had said previously.

The blood in Li Mobai’s eyes had already coagulated and stopped bleeding. However, the lost eyes couldn’t regrow.

“I’ll walk you out.” Zhou Wen held the Ghost Eye and wanted to help Li Mobai guide the way.

“There’s no need. I just don’t have eyes,” Li Mobai said indifferently as he walked out of the room.

“Your… Your eyes… What’s going on?” Li Xuan’s expression changed when he saw Li Mobai come out and discovered his bloody eye sockets. He pointed at Li Mobai’s eye sockets and spoke incoherently.

“I gave them to Zhou Wen,” Li Mobai answered as he walked, seemingly unfazed.

“That’s not what you said before. You said that you would challenge the level with Old Zhou…” Li Xuan exclaimed in agitation.

“You’re still so naive. Isn’t it obvious? I lied.” Li Mobai walked towards the door of Overseer Manor without looking back.

Losing his eyes didn’t seem to affect his mobility much, but looking at his straight back, there was a tinge of sadness.

“I… You… I, he… F*ck you…” Li Xuan was filled with hatred as his face contorted. He wanted to curse, but he didn’t know who to curse. Finally, he slapped himself in the face. His face swelled, but his physique instantly healed his face.

“It’s not your fault. Even without you, a person like him will ultimately do what he wants. No one can stop him.” An Sheng understood Li Xuan’s inner struggle as he patted him on the shoulder to console him.

“I’m heading back.” Li Xuan shook his head and left Overseer Manor dejectedly.

When An Sheng returned to his room, Zhou Wen was holding the pair of Ghost God Eyes.

“Is Li Mobai a friend or foe?” Zhou Wen looked at An Sheng and asked with an ambivalent expression.

“I don’t know.” An Sheng shook his head and smiled bitterly. “I can’t read Li Mobai either. Even Overseer doesn’t dare underestimate him. Young Master, you have to be careful.”

Zhou Wen nodded and put away the pair of Ghost God Eyes. He had the ability to protect himself, so he could try to see if it was of any use. Even if it was useless, he was more than capable of protecting himself.

However, Zhou Wen didn’t plan on making the trip immediately. He still wanted to wait until the Soul Mirror advanced to the Calamity grade before challenging the level.

Furthermore, Li Mobai had also said that Ghost God Eyes could only be used once, but he didn’t need to use it immediately. Zhou Wen needed to choose a suitable opportunity himself.

What is Li Mobai up to? Zhou Wen was extremely puzzled, but he couldn’t figure out the crux of the matter.

According to Zhou Wen’s recent observations, the rainbow beam emitted by the Soul Mirror was converging. It was likely about to advance to the Calamity grade. It would definitely advance in a few days at most.

Zhou Wen originally wanted to wait a few days, but after more than a day, he couldn’t wait any longer.

That night, the Cube suddenly lit up. People imagined that someone had entered the Venusian dimensional zone, but when they saw the scene on the Cube, they realized that it wasn’t the case.

There were no other creatures on the Cube’s screen. All it showed was a countdown—a 72-hour countdown. Beside it was the rankings.

Anyone could tell that this spelled the last 72 hours. The Venusian Companion Beast would choose its owner in 72 hours. And its owner was naturally the person first on the Cube’s rankings.

72 hours. Will the Soul Mirror make it in time? Zhou Wen wasn’t sure. All he could do was wait. If he really couldn’t wait, he could only try his luck with the Ghost God Eyes.

As Zhou Wen was thinking, he saw the scene on the Cube change. It returned to the outside of the Venusian dimensional zone, and a figure was already standing at the entrance. It was none other than The Fallen who had cleared the level and obtained a ranking previously.

The Fallen attempted again. This time, not only did he flip open the black leather-bound book, but the pair of mixed-feathered angel wings on his back also emitted a terrifying glow, making him look like a devil that had descended to the world.

Everything that touched the brilliance instantly turned to dust. Even the Golden Battle Gods were no exception. When the Calamity-grade bullet was still in the air, it had already turned to dust.

The Fallen reduced the seventh sure-kill bullet to dust as he walked into the Golden Palace in an indomitable manner.

However, he only obtained five stars. Although there was an additional star than the last time and he was ranked second, pushing Zhou Wen, Immortal, and Tsukuyomi down, he ultimately failed to obtain six stars.

“Such terrifying power can’t even obtain six stars?”

“From the looks of it, Xiao’s way too formidable to receive six stars.”

“This time, the Venusian Companion Beast will most likely fall into Xiao’s hands.”

“After all, he comes from the Holy Land. The Holy Land is still strong.”

“I’m afraid no one can produce another six-star result.”

Everyone discussed spiritedly. Even such a powerful Calamity-grade creature couldn’t surpass Xiao’s ranking. From the looks of it, Xiao’s first place was secured.

No one from the humans attempted. Even Immortal didn’t appear. He probably knew that it was very difficult to obtain six stars and it was useless to make the attempt, so he gave up.

Half a day passed. At noon, the Cube finally stirred again. Tsukuyomi’s figure appeared in the Venusian dimensional zone again.

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