Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 688 - Rampage

Chapter 688: Rampage

Just as Zhou Wen approached the battlefield, he immediately felt that something was amiss.

Looking from afar, he felt that Leng Zongzheng was playing the organ while Buddha Annihilation was listening to his organ music.

However, when Zhou Wen entered a certain range, what he saw was completely different. Leng Zongzheng’s Demonic Organ Throne had turned into a terrifying demonic castle.

With Leng Zongzheng’s organ music, demons flew out of the demonic castle one after another, circling around Buddha Annihilation as though they were trying to lure him into the castle.

Buddha Annihilation was surrounded by demons as he looked down. He held the Buddha beads in his hand and chanted scriptures. The Buddhistic glow on his body bloomed like a lotus flower, resisting the temptation of the demons.

Zhou Wen only took a glance from afar and it was enough to make his heart tremble. He couldn’t help but have the urge to throw himself into the devil’s embrace—the urge to dance with the devil.

Zhou Wen’s heart skipped a beat as he hurriedly composed himself and eliminated the distracting thoughts.

His willpower was firm to begin with. Once he entered a focused state, he immediately felt the illusions vanish. There were no demons or the demonic castle, nor were there any Buddhistic glow or lotus flowers. All he saw was Leng Zongzheng playing the organ while Buddha Annihilation listened.

Zhou Wen didn’t continue walking forward. He felt that what he had just seen wasn’t as simple as an illusion. It was so far away that it made him hallucinate. If he really entered, Zhou Wen might not be able to withstand it with his Epic body.

If he didn’t end up helping and ended up being killed by friendly fire, that would be a tragic death.

If I could advance to the Mythical stage myself, I wouldn’t have so many reservations. I wouldn’t need to rely solely on my Companion Beasts to fight. Zhou Wen had the intention to advance to the Mythical stage, but he had no clue how.

Leng Zongzheng and Jiang Yan had advanced to the Mythical stage by contracting with Guardians. Zhou Wen didn’t wish to take this path.

This path seemed to be the simplest, but the disadvantages were too great. It was impossible for him to fuse with the Guardian during his daily life. If he encountered any sudden danger, he might die without even having the chance to fuse.

Do I really have to use Spirit Casting? Zhou Wen was considering if he should take Wang Mingyuan’s path.

Although the path was difficult, it was a true advancement to the Mythical stage. However, one’s body would no longer resemble that of a human. It was closer to a dimensional creature, and he might even be rejected by humans.

It’s really a dilemma. It’s better I first advance my Life Soul to the Perfect Body and see if there’s a third option. These thoughts flashed through Zhou Wen’s mind. Since he couldn’t help Leng Zongzheng, Zhou Wen planned on returning to deal with the monk-robed skeleton and the golden-winged bird.

Without the crystal, the monk-clothed skeleton’s strength had decreased significantly. However, the crystal was ultimately an external force. The monk-clothed skeleton’s Wheel of Destiny’s strength was still present. Compared to Tyrant Behemoth, it had the advantage. Tyrant Behemoth was suppressed by the monk-clothed skeleton in a frontal collision.

However, Tyrant Behemoth was just too ferocious. Even though it was suppressed, it still attacked without fear of death and caused trouble for the monk-clothed skeleton. Even if it was injured, it wouldn’t be in any serious danger for the time being.

Furthermore, An Sheng and the Azure Rainbow Flying Sword were constantly harassing it, giving the monk-robed skeleton a headache. It was unlikely that there would be any problems anytime soon.

Zhou Wen looked at the golden-winged bird and Truth Listener again. Truth Listener looked a little pathetic. It resembled a clumsy bear. The golden-winged bird made it go in circles, but it ultimately failed to touch the golden-winged bird. Instead, it had many wounds on its body—all inflicted by the golden-winged bird. Although they were minor injuries, Truth Listener nearly went berserk.

The golden-winged bird’s speed is too fast. How can I help Truth Listener? With my speed, I definitely won’t be able to catch up to it. Even if it has powerful offensive powers, it won’t be of much use against it. Should I use the Great Might Vajra Bull’s Soul Suppression Bell? However, the Soul Suppression Bell is an area-of-effect attack. It affects both the enemy and me. If the golden-winged bird and Truth Listener were to faint together, that doesn’t seem to be of much help to the battle… As Zhou Wen was thinking about how to help Truth Listener, he saw the enraged Truth Listener shatter another earring.

As the earring shattered, Truth Listener’s body underwent a strange change. This time, it didn’t grow bigger, but the first scale on its body vaguely produced strange black symbols. The symbols burned with black flames, like the devil’s mark from hell.

Due to the appearance of the symbol, Truth Listener’s dark golden body seemed to become dark. Under the envelopment of the black flames, coupled with its ferocious and violent eyes, it was like a demonic beast that had rushed out of hell.

Zhou Wen could sense that Truth Listener’s emotions had become even more irritable and unstable. It was showing signs of madness, making Zhou Wen almost unable to sense the soul connection between them.

The golden-winged bird once again flashed past Truth Listener’s side, but this time, Truth Listener’s claw grabbed the golden-winged bird’s leg.


Truth Listener exerted strength in its arm and pulled the golden-winged bird down from the sky. It slammed heavily onto the ground, creating a huge crater in the golden ground.

Then, Truth Listener grabbed the golden-winged bird’s legs with both claws and let out a violent roar. It suddenly exerted strength and was about to rip the golden-winged bird into two.

The golden-winged bird’s body shimmered with golden light as its legs were torn apart. The mysterious symbol on its feathers kept trembling. It turned its head in horror and pecked Truth Listener.

However, Truth Listener ignored it. It allowed the golden-winged bird to tear apart the scales on its head. Blood gushed out, but it didn’t seem to notice it. It continued tearing at the golden-winged bird’s legs.

The golden light shattered as blood flowed out. The golden-winged bird let out a tragic cry as one of its legs was ripped off by Truth Listener. It struggled even more violently as it used its wings to strike Truth Listener’s head.

Truth Listener ignored it. It threw away the bird leg in its hand and grabbed one of its wings with one hand and the other leg with another before tearing it apart.

Golden blood splattered onto the feathers. The golden-winged bird let out a heart-wrenching cry, but it was useless.

Zhou Wen looked at the golden-winged bird in horror. It had its wings and legs torn off by Truth Listener. In the end, it even ripped off its head and threw it to the ground.

Truth Listener roared at the sky like a bloodthirsty demon king from hell.

An Sheng was already dumbfounded. This was the first time he had seen such a ruthless and ferocious Companion Beast. It wasn’t a massacre, but torture.

Ignoring Companion Beasts, even dimensional creatures seldom had such ferocious tendencies.

Zhou Wen himself wore a look of shock. He had only seen one of Truth Listener’s earrings shatter in the past. It was so ferocious and ruthless now that two earrings had shattered. If the six earrings were to shatter together, he didn’t know how terrifying it would be.

Zhou Wen didn’t attempt it, nor did he wish to try. He felt that the connection between him and Truth Listener had become extremely weak. It was like a taut fishing line that could snap at any moment.

He attempted to summon Truth Listener back. Thankfully, Truth Listener sensed Zhou Wen’s will and its emotions slowly stabilized. The shattered earring returned to its ears. When Truth Listener returned to Zhou Wen’s ear, the violent emotions vanished.

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