Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 548: Mother Goddess

Chapter 548: Mother Goddess

The world turned dark.

Roel had always thought that this phrase was an exaggeration, even in this current world he lived in. Not even the strongest army spell had the ability to faze the entire world.

But this common sense was shattered today. The sun descended from the sky like a shooting star, and the world was robbed of its warmth and light. From the moment he was illuminated by the moonlight, his fate had already been sealed.

“Found you.”

Blood drained from the faces of Roel and the angels, but they were powerless to do anything about the situation. The shackles of the gentle moonlight were firmer than anything else in the world.

However, the angels had a backup plan in case of such a situation. As soon as the group was shackled by the moonlight, the platoon commander’s body emanated a brilliant light. The next moment, a pillar of golden light suddenly surged out from the ground and rushed toward the sky.


An earth-shattering explosion ensued.

Angelic voices rose from the surroundings one after another and harmonized into a beautiful chorale. A mist settled in and billowed with increasing fervor as their choir crescendoed. They were demarcating this land to be their holy sanctuary.

Thousands of angelic silhouettes manifested inside the mist, intercepting the moonlight that was shackling Roel’s group and returning their freedom to move. The platoon members cheered with a mix of relief and excitement.

“It’s our Archangel Sanctuary!”

“We’re saved!”

The angels zealously brandished their weapons, displaying none of their earlier fear. They had unwavering faith that their Archangel Sanctuary could save them from their current crisis.

However, Roel noticed that the angelic silhouettes had strained frowns. This was the strongest barrier he had seen to date, but the enemy was also a foe of unprecedented strength.

The Mother Goddess mustn’t be defied.

These absolute words were the warning that the ancestors of the Ascart House passed down through the generations. The overwhelming power that twisted even the world’s natural cycles showed that the warning was well justified.

“This won’t work! We need to flee right now! Something of this extent can’t stop–”


A loud explosion interrupted Roel’s words. He instinctively looked toward the sky, only for his golden eyes to narrow into slits.

The moon in the sky had split into two, one silver and one black. The former emanated brilliant light, whereas the latter was like a void that devoured everything. This phenomenon was unlike anything Roel had seen before.

The platoon members’ cheers quietened down. The angels’ chorale fizzled out. The world came to a halt, leaving nothing but a deafening silence. Everyone was overwhelmed by the intriguing sight before their eyes.

Blinding light suddenly enveloped the world. It was glaring even with one’s eyes tightly closed.

The sanctuary that the angels had thought to be impregnable abruptly shattered, and the thousands of angelic silhouettes exploded like

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