Chapter 240: Unmastered Fist

Chapter 240: Unmastered Fist

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“Korinna, get ready to heal me!”

“……” Korinna remained silent as Hannah struggled to hold the Medium Inferno Magic Stone in her small hand.

Puzzled by the lack of response, Hannah turned to see Korinna’s face etched with anxiety.

“W-what’s wrong?”

“…Hannah, you’re planning to use THAT, aren’t you? With the Medium Inferno Magic Stone?”

Having partnered with Hannah up to their victory on the eightieth layer, Korinna knew the former could wield the Magic Fist technique. As a Healer, however, witnessing it up close had always filled Korinna with unease.

Hannah’s ability to use the Magic Fist at a practical level was well-known. According to what Korinna had heard from Melchor at the Guild, it was actually quite an impressive feat.

Many had trained under Melchor to master the Magic Fist, yet few had achieved practical proficiency. Only Bruno had reached that level in the seven years since the God’s Dungeon appeared.

Hannah, though still rough, had managed to attain a barely usable level in a short period. This was partly due to her innate talent, but also because she had a biological advantage — As a Birdkin with wings folded on her back, she had a larger body surface area, allowing for better magical energy circulation and storage.

Moreover, she had even developed a unique method of channeling magical energy from Magic Stones, concentrating it in parts of her body before release. While not yet on par with Melchor, she could produce practical output levels.

However, this came with risks. Even with a Small Magic Stone, failure or even success often resulted in her arm being blown off. Using a Large Magic Stone was tantamount to self-destruction. During the Winter General battle, she had used a Large Magic Stone to devastating effect, but such a tactic was only viable in the God’s Dungeon, where death was temporary.

The use of a Medium Magic Stone was a compromise, albeit still a dangerous choice. Korinna had seen the risks firsthand, having healed Hannah after such attempts. Doing this outside the safety of the Dungeon required immense bravery.

Yet, Hannah looked up at Korinna with determined eyes.

“Korinna, a Tank’s role is to protect everyone. Just look at this situation — it’s NOT good. It’ll take time for other Clans to arrive, and we need to break our way through as quickly as possible.”

“T-that’s true, but…” Korinna hesitated at Hannah’s uncharacteristically serious remark.

Observing the battle with Orbis, she saw that Xeno, Daryl, Amira, and Amy were indeed in danger. Xeno and Daryl, bearing the brunt of Orbis’ attacks, looked particularly strained. Even with Korinna’s healing, they would not hold out much longer. Something needed to change.

Hannah felt a glimmer of hope that she could turn the situation around. There was something about her determination that suggested she might just pull it off.

“Besides, I haven’t said sorry to Teach yet. If something happened to him while I stood here doing nothing, I would never forgive myself! If I won’t ever get to apologize to him… I’d rather die!”


Korinna knew about the strained relationship between Hannah and Tsutomu as a result of the latter’s tendency to make cold, calculated decisions. She also understood Hannah’s deep desire to make amends.

Korinna, urged by Hannah’s resolve, finally spoke up,

“…All right, okay! I’ll give you the signal.”


Relenting to Hannah’s intensity, Korinna granted her permission. Hannah beamed, her blue wings fluttering excitedly. She unfolded the wings usually kept neatly tucked away and began channeling the magical energy from the Medium Inferno Magic Stone into her body.

“What’s this energy…!?”

Brooklyn, who also wielded the power of Magic Stones, immediately sensed the anomaly in the air. However, the red aura and killing intent all around her were preventing her from taking action against it.



Brooklyn raised her hands defensively, intimidated by the fierce aura that seemed ready to rip her throat out at any moment. Garm was currently trapped within one of her Shield perimeters — and despite his resistance against the Shield’s compression, he had no apparent strength to break his way out. Brooklyn was technically in a safe position.

However, under the influence of <<Combat Cry>>, she was torn between fighting spirit and cowardice, finding herself unable to take her eyes off Garm. She could not shake the feeling of being trapped, as if the roles had reversed — and all she could do was keep reinforcing her Shield’s strength with increasing desperation.

“GO!” Korinna called out, timing her multiple casts of <<Blessings of Recovery>> perfectly.

“AWW, YEAH! EVERYONE! GET AWAY!!” Hannah shouted, spreading her wings as she rushed forth.

Most of the other members of Absolute Helix, realizing what she was going for, instantly retreated, leaving only the Tanks and Weiss in the vicinity.

Orbis landed a kick square on Daryl’s abdomen, causing the latter to vomit out a blob of gastric juice.

“Go! I’ll hold him off!” Weiss commanded.

“Thank you! I’m counting on you!” Xeno replied, pulling Daryl away.

As Weiss deftly parried Orbis’ attacks with his greatsword, Hannah charged forward, her right arm glowing red like a sword imbued with the <<Phoenix Soul>> as it was fully charged with magical energy.

The concentrated power made her arm ripple with heat, distorting the air around it like a mirage. She raised her right arm high.


“No, thank you,” Orbis replied coolly, dodging to the right.

Though Orbis avoided the direct blow, the flames from Hannah’s punch scorched him, knocking him back. The wave of magical energy continued surging toward Brooklyn, shattering her Shields effortlessly.

“Magic Fist…!? I didn’t know someone besides that old lunatic could use it!” Brooklyn shouted out in shock, struggling to contain the incoming magic wave with her Shields.

“Let’s go, Ammie!”

“Stop calling me that!”

“I’ll cover you.”

As Hannah’s Magic Fist cleared a path towards Tsutomu, Amy and Amira, now in <<Dragon Union>>, followed her lead. Diniel notched an arrow and took up a support position. Under the influence of <<Dragon Union>>, Amy’s eyes had become reptilian like Amira’s, and her temporarily scaled neck glowed a fierce red.

“…I suppose we should be grateful for having Melchor restrained,” Orbis muttered.

Though Orbis had dodged Hannah’s Magic Fist, the left side of his body was seared by the resulting shockwave. He knew Hannah was Melchor’s disciple, but he had not realized she had managed such a practical level of mastery from her training. Considering that even an apprentice had this much power, Orbis could only think how fortunate it was that Melchor was not here right now.

“…So strong.”

The wave’s residual force also caught Weiss, who had been holding Orbis back. His left hand was burnt, but the <<Phoenix Soul>> wrapped it in restorative flames, gradually erasing away the severe burns.

“Ha hah… Hell yeah…” Panting heavily, Hannah stood on the brink of death.

Her right arm, where she had concentrated the magical energy, was withered and blackened like charcoal up to her shoulder. Her body was covered in severe burns that would be fatal within minutes without medical attention.

Korinna, who had been channeling the <<Blessing of Recovery>> even before Hannah unleashed her Magic Fist, rushed to her side. With the effect of <<Blessing of Recovery>> still not catching up, she doused Hannah with Green Potions and made her drink some as well. The combination of repeated Blessings and Potions began to heal her wounds.

Then, after wrapping Hannah in her black robe, Korinna moved her away from the frontline, her face sorrowful as she continued to channel more <<Blessings of Recovery>>. Suddenly, a hand tapped Korinna’s shoulder from behind.

“I can help her. May I take over?”


Behind Korinna stood Stephanie, her staff raised like a conductor’s baton, pointing toward Hannah. As a member of the top team of Ealdred Crow and a Healer Tsutomu respected, Korinna recognized her immediately. Stephanie assessed Hannah’s condition and spoke calmly.

“She is not in a critical state, but if left untreated, she might suffer lasting damage requiring extensive rehabilitation. I can heal her completely. May I?”

“Yes, please…!”

Understanding Hannah’s condition well due to her background in the medical field, Korinna felt reassured. Stephanie gave her a warm smile before beginning the healing process on Hannah.

At the end of the day, White Mages were more effective at immediate healing, and those with sufficient skill could even regenerate limbs. While Channelers could also achieve limb regeneration, the established methods of White Mage doctors made the process more reliable.

Stephanie, a veteran White Mage, possessed the skill to regenerate Hannah’s arm and treat her burns. She swiftly set to work, mending the latter’s grievous injuries.

“We’re here, Tsutomu!”

“Move to the side! I’m cutting through!”

As Brooklyn continued to struggle with the magic wave, Amy and Amira reached Tsutomu. With their combination of <<Rock Splitter Blade>> and <<Power Slash>>, they shattered the Shield. Wrapped in the Undine’s protection, Tsutomu was pulled to safety by Amy.

“Thanks. Let’s get out of here.”


Relieved to have Tsutomu safe, Amy smiled through her tears and, together with Amira, moved away from the area. Meanwhile, Brooklyn managed to dispel the fiery magic wave and promptly re-erected a Shield to block their escape.


Kicking up sand, Amy shattered the Shield in front of her with another <<Rock Splitter Blade>>, and Amira, in <<Dragon Form>>, tore through the additional layers up ahead with a <<Power Slash>>. Empowered by the band’s support and <<Dragon Union>>, both Amy and Amira advanced, slicing through obstacles with ease.

“Man, you guys are really going all out today…”

Reuniting with Absolute Helix under Amy and Amira’s lead, Tsutomu cast a critical eye on Hannah for the latter’s reckless use of the Magic Fist. But seeing that Stephanie was already tending to her, he simply thanked her and turned his focus back to Orbis and Brooklyn.

This content is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

“Thanks for saving me, everyone — but we’re not out of the hard part just yet! Garm, keep Brooklyn occupied. Amira, focused on breaking the Shields. Amy, Leleia, Xeno, Daryl, Diniel — engage Orbis. Korinna, you and I will provide support and healing. Let’s give it everything we’ve got!”

Tsutomu’s amplified voice carried his orders, and most of the combatants responded with determined smiles. Even Diniel, despite her usual reluctance, plucked her bowstring in readiness, signaling her compliance.

One of the exceptions was Stephanie, waiting nearby, who approached Tsutomu with a worried expression.

“Mister Tsutomu, perhaps it would be wise to fall back for now.”

“No, I don’t think so — we need to strike Orbis down here.”

“That is the plan, yet — Rook should be finishing his summoning soon. We can rely on that.”

“Summoning? What has he chosen this time?”


As Tsutomu turned to question Stephanie, she let out a small yelp and stepped back. Tsutomu’s puzzled look shifted as he noticed a figure in pure white armor, resembling a samurai, approaching behind her.

“Whoa, it’s the Winter General!”

Rook of Ealdred Crow, along with several other Summoners, had combined their powers to summon the Winter General, who wasted no time to strike Orbis’ arm.

The Winter General exuded a chilling frost, forcing Orbis to retreat. Suddenly, a blue horse was summoned behind Orbis, charging at him and pushing him toward the Winter General like a raging bull.

“B-brr… I can never get used to this cold… A-anyway, the long-range attack squad will be ready soon. Ealdred Crow and the Labyrinth Conquerors will hold them off until then. Mister Tsutomu, you and your team should retreat.”

“Ah, I see. Thanks. I’ll have Hannah and a few others pull back. But since I’ve come this far, I’ll stay and help. You all have gone to great lengths to save me — it’s only right that I repay the favor.”

Thanking Stephanie once more, Tsutomu retrieved a White Staff from his Magic Bag. He knew their group would need healing and support to face Orbis, and only a skilled White Mage and Channeler could provide that.

For a moment, he wondered about the whereabouts of the Black Staff, but in the end, he decided it was not crucial for now as he could perform well enough without it. Tsutomu started casting <<Heal>> spells toward the Winter General as it was locked in combat with Orbis. Stephanie, looking invigorated, joined him in the effort.



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