Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 497 - Cultivating Subordinate Team with Absolute Loyalty

Chapter 497 Cultivating Subordinate Team with Absolute Loyalty

Everyone was discussing in low voices before hearing Tang Yishu’s voice coming from the outside. “Senior, t-they are all here… in the conference room.”

Everyone hurriedly sat.

Sure enough, the door of the meeting room was quickly pushed open. Pei Qian entered the conference room and sat at the head of the conference table. Tang Yishu in the empty seat on his left with a notebook in hand, prepared to take notes.

Everyone reacted differently seeing Boss Pei’s true face.

Most of them had asked Tang Yishu about Boss Pei previously. They knew that he was a senior who had yet to graduate so they were mentally prepared. However, his youth was beyond everyone’s expectations!

He was absolutely the same age as them!

At the same time, everyone felt a special aura from Boss Pei. He radiated strong self-confidence and a sense of carefree towards everything. It was as if everything was within his control.

In fact, Pei Qian’s aura stemmed from two aspects.

First, this was his company. He was more familiar with this place than his own home.

Secondly, he did not have any pressure on the profitability of this company. That naturally gave him a sense of calmness.

Therefore, such an aura always successfully deceived the people around him.

Some of them were confused before suddenly realizing it.

Wasn’t he the actor in Boss Pei’s Daily Life?!

Boss Pei’s Daily Life might be a drama from more than a year ago since Fei Huang Workspace did not film any more dramas after that. Its popularity dissipated gradually. However, the image of Boss Pei was deeply ingrained in the hearts of people.

His classmates treated him as an actor.

However, these Manage Loss Trainees knew now that the person who starred in the drama as Boss Pei was Boss Pei himself.

Pei Qian instantly understood the meaning behind their thoughts and raised his fingers in a ‘shh’ motion.

He then smiled. “It is the responsibility of every Tengda employee to keep my identity a secret. I trust you can do that, right?”

Everyone nodded immediately.

Pei Qian knew that his identity would be revealed sooner or later, but he could still manage to hide it at the present.

On the one hand, everyone who knew his identity did not want others to know. There were certain interests so they were all helping him to cover up. They included his teachers, Ma Yang, and Tengda’s employees.

On the other hand, Pei Qian’s identity as the boss of the company and a game producer were less prone to curiosity.

Most people would search on the net for such information if they were interested. They were not dying to know what he looked like even if they did not see the photo. Moreover, it was not something shocking even if his identity was revealed. There was not much gossip value.

In short, Pei Qian only had two wishes for now: not to have people gawking at him at school and not to let people close to him find out, especially his parents so that they would not create unnecessary associations.

Pei Qian was quite satisfied with the status quo. These Management Trainees should be able to keep secrets well.

According to Tang Yishu, these people were all in the same year as her. The one thing they had in common was that they were from poorer backgrounds and had received living allowances provided by Pei Qian. These poor students were also rather introverted. They usually kept to themselves and had uncomplicated relationships.

That was usually the case for people from poor families.

Pei Qian was very satisfied with that, such personalities were very good for the Secret Service!

Pei Qian scanned everyone and spoke. “First of all, I have three requirements for everyone. “First, keep my identity a secret. Just say hello when we meet at school.

“Second, just address me as Senior.

“Third, place my request unconditionally above the interest of all departments.

“Can you do that?”

Everyone nodded immediately and replied in unison, “Yes!”

Pei Qian’s smiled. “Very good, no one raised any questions. Keep it that way.

“Your job is very simple. Enter the departments as Management Trainees and try to figure out the operation mode of the departments as much as possible. Keep abreast of the department’s trends and plans.

“I will call for regular meetings on Saturdays. The frequency would be about once every two to three weeks. “Everyone should summarize the work of the department for a briefing before the meeting. I might be interested in certain tasks in the department. You better be able to answer the relevant details.

“One key thing that you should note is that your identity as a Management Trainee is public information. However, the fact that you are reporting directly to me and Tang Yishu is confidential

“You should not mention a word about the irregular Saturday meetings to anyone including the heads and colleagues of your departments.

“You need to sign an internship agreement and a confidentiality agreement. Please rest assured that we will provide higher internship salaries than other companies. At the same time, if you do well in your work, you can enter Tengda directly without taking the exam after graduation. “I’ll give you a few minutes to think about it. Little Tang, show the agreement to everyone.” Tang Yishu left the meeting room and brought the internship agreement and confidentiality agreement that was prepared beforehand. She distributed them to everyone.

Everyone read the agreements and signed them without any doubt after a few minutes. This was obviously a great opportunity that they would never have again if they missed it.

They could get a generous internship salary, enter Tengda Group for internship and understand the business operation model, and obtain an opportunity to enter Tengda after graduation. The most important thing was that they could also report directly to President Pei at regular meetings.

Where else would they be able to find such a good deal?

If they were to reject it now, he would obviously find someone else. It would be too late to regret it.

Pei Qian was very satisfied with everyone’s performance. No one asked questions that would help cultivate a group of subordinates who were absolutely loyal to him.

No department would be able to escape from his eyes if they wanted to try anything funny again!

The reason why Pei Qian selected candidates from his juniors, let them address him as ‘senior’ instead of ‘Boss Pei’, and let them directly report to him was that they were aware of the particularity of their position. At the same time, he would draw them closer to him, so that they become his direct subordinates.

Everything seemed to be successful so far. Pei Qian began assigning them work after everyone signed the agreement.

“Next is assigning to a department. Think about your majors, hobbies, and objective abilities. Raise your hand if you think you are suitable for the department.

“Little Tang, you’ll decide if there are multiple candidates for a department. “Tengda Games…” “Shang Yang Games…”

“Fish-Catching Internet Cafe…” “Fish-Catching Take-Out…”

Some people raised their hands for every department. Tang Yishu would assign them based on their majors if there were too many people who wanted to enter the same department.

Tang Yishu had considered this point when searching for the candidates. She looked for people with different majors so that they were easy to allocate.

Soon, a total of 17 Manage Loss Trainees were allocated to the 17 departments. The 18 of them, including Tang Yishu, established the Secret Service. The number was just right.

Of course, they would need to increase the number of Manage Loss Trainees if there were new departments in the future.

“Alright, everyone, prepare yourselves to report for work to the department heads next Monday if there is nothing else.

“I’ve asked the HR department to coordinate with the various department heads. Report to Little Tang immediately if they do not cooperate with you.”

Pei Qian was very satisfied as he watched these Manage Loss Trainees leave.

They had no work experience and were still relatively simple in their thinking. They would completely obey his instructions. They would most likely be able to become his right-hand men in the future with some training.

At the same time, Pei Qian could not help but look forward to the first regular Manage Loss Trainees’ meeting.

Who would be able to secretly stab me in the back as long as I have these eyes and ears around?

April 24th, Sunday…

Pei Qian strolled towards Deposit Fitness.

Sunday was the peak period for the gym. The gym project would be halfway through success if there were many people. Also, he would hurry and find a solution if there was any serious hidden danger.

He took out his phone on the way and took a look at the ‘Top Student, Come Quick’ app. It seemed to be well controlled so far. Pei Qian had a huge headache previously when Dream Realization Ventures did their maneuver on ‘Top Student, Come Quick’. Yu Pingan-who was originally from Xude Education-seemed to be a good candidate, but he stabbed Boss Pei in the back within a month of entering

‘Top Student, Come Quick’ was making a fortune as an educational application. Its popularity had fallen recently, but its content had been diverting popularity to the other departments of Tengda. It had achieved certain profitability in itself.

Boss Pei could only adopt the old method of spending money by the people who earned them. He got Yu Pingan to spend all the money on advertisement, development of new features, subsidize users, and so on.

In short, it basically reached a balance of payment.

There was no point in hoping to turn the profits into a loss. Pei Qian was afraid that he might do something wrong burning money. He would rather burn the money little by little, in a controlled manner.

Even so, more than three educational corporations had already put forward their request to invest or acquire ‘Top Student, Come Quick’ at a high price. Pei Qian’s attitude was very firm, of course: reject!

To the others, selling a profitable project was akin to killing the hen to obtain the egg. Pei Qian, however, did not mind killing the hen, or rather, he was dying to kill the hen. However, he could not stomach the huge egg coming out of the hen after killing it.

It would be almost impossible to make a loss for this cycle according to the current valuation of ‘Top Student, Come Quick’.

Anyway, it was impossible to get rid of it now. They could only take it step by step now then.He kept his phone and came to Deposit Fitness. A beautiful sign had been erected outside like he wanted. All the trivial rules of the gym were written out in detail, which satisfied Pei Qian.

However, Pei Qian realized that something did not seem quite right once he pushed open the door.

There were quite a number of clients?! It was not crowded, but the number of people obviously increased. It was totally different from the previous situation!

Many clients were viewing the fitness equipment and asking about specific rules in the resting area. Some customers had already started exercising inside.

Coaches like Guo Licheng and Yaling were giving intimate one-on-one services to help customers correct their postures and correct their fitness concepts.

Pei Qian could not help but feel his heart sink.

Are things going to go downhill this fast?

No, impossible!

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