Love at First Night

Chapter 154 - Official

Chapter 154 – Official

The weekend was amazing and having to come back to our normality always felt wrong and sad as if I was leaving part of my happiness in that place.

The flight home wasn't quiet, we spent it singing songs together and then sleeping in that warm bed. 

Then he called his driver who drove me back home. He parked the car in front of my house and walked far from the car to have some privacy. 

"We will see tomorrow," I said as he leaned closer and kissed me.

"I will miss you," I whispered before kissing him one more time.

"Me too." He stroked my hair behind my ear and then caressed my cheek tenderly. 

We said goodbye and I walked back inside to tell Joanna about the amazing days spent together.

Joanna listened to me patiently as I continued to blabber until I was done and she still had a big smile on her lips.

"I am glad you guys are so happy together. He had made such a big progress." She said referring to Cameron's opening up about his mother. I still remember the first times I told her about Cameron and even if she knew him for his fake when she learned about the rules she was still hesitant whether it was a good idea or not to date him. Then as time passed and Cameron began to do progress about our situation and give me the certainties and love I needed she began to like him. Now I could feel he became her favorite guy I had dated.

"We did Jo. He opened up about his family and he is slowly letting me walk in his world without fears."

I sighed as my heart drummed in my chest and 

then she talked to me about the weekend she spent with her boyfriend Justin, I learned they went to his house and spent the evening in the bathroom exactly on the washing machine.

I widened my eyes when I heard her mentioning what she did. My reaction made her blush while she told me about the spicy details.

"You guys are getting more mischievous day by day huh?!" I smirked as I raised my eyebrow.

She giggled, "it was weird… but fun."

She always described the sexual activity as fun, I didn't know if that was because of the shyness or just because she wasn't still used to that. I remembered how reluctant and scared she was at the beginning for even seeing Justin alone and now look at her, confident in her own body and not scared of even informing me with all the details anymore.

She grew just like I and Cameron did, maybe that was what love truly was, maturing together and turning each other fears and weaknesses into positive qualities.

The next day I woke up early and decided to call my mother to ask her if she would be able to meet Cameron just yet because the more I thought about what happened the more I wanted to have certainty from my mother that she wouldn't behave like Cameron's mother.

"Hi, mom!"

"Hello, darling!"

"I was wondering, if you are free today we could organize a meeting and u can meet Cameron. I would love to introduce you to him."

A brief pause, "alright Lily. But only if you invite Evelyn as well and his girlfriend."

I was happily surprised hearing her request, that was the last thing I had imagined from her but I couldn't I was just excitedly happy. 

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes! I wanted to call you yesterday nit didn't find the courage and since u just called to ask I want to take the advantage of the occasion. I need you for support when I meet Evelyn so we can combine both the meeting together."

"What about tonight?" I asked.

"sounds perfect! Anytime!"

I hung off the phone and immediately called my sister to ask her about the invite.

Firstly she was hesitant about the incite but I managed to convince her by assuring her she will have my back in case something happened.

After one hour later I finally succeeded in reassuring her and she accepted the invite. I tested her and Cameron the name of the restaurant where we could meet since Evelyn asked me not to meet our mother at her place, she felt safer in a public place so in case the situation got bad she could easily escape or make up an excuse to leave.

As soon as I finished organizing everything I began to feel the tension and nervousness of the moment, but keeping myself occupied I almost forgot about my mother meeting Cameron as well.

I knew my mother would like him as soon as she will recognize him but despite everything I was nervous because I knew how Cameron's attitude was.

He could be cold when he was under pressure so I was concerned about him shutting her and me down out of his world just for fear.

that was his unexplored territory but I knew he would try his best to make me happy and push his limit one more time just to advance to a new level for our relationship.

Indeed, just like I predicted when I told him about the meeting he accepted without second thoughts and then reminded me how much He loved me.

A few more hours passed by and I spent way too much time picking a perfect outfit but then finally it was time for the great meeting.

When Cameron rang my house's doorbell I immediately jolted and excitement grew inside me. I was going to introduce him to my mother, from that moment on our story would be official and we would be a real couple. I took a deep breath and mentally processed the image of Cameron meeting my mother, I smiled at it and finally opened the door. Here he was Cameron Collins looking as handsome as always.. Here he was, my boyfriend. 

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