Martial King’s Retired Life

Book 12: Chapter 3

Book 12: Chapter 3

H-herro, I’m Ming Huishen. You cam call me Coollort.

Cough! Cough!

Oh, that’s better. It’s hard trying to talk with a crooked jaw. I have two life lessons for you. If you suck at running, bring money on you. Second, never offend women, especially when you can’t beat them. I had to tell you now, lest I never have the opportunity to talk life and dreams with you again.

Only relatives of His Majesty, national guests and other personnel close to the imperial family chose to loiter in the palace garden. That said, because there were usually lots of officials at banquets, they preferred to stay in the plaza since it was considered more graceful, as well as created a distinction between work and personal affairs. Honestly, I, too, liked the plaza better. My face still hurt, but there would be food and beverages served when the bonfire was lit, and you could eat anything you fancied. Plus, with all the performances on display, it was tantamount to strolling through the night markets. The only thing was… I had no right to attend the banquet in the imperial garden…

I didn’t have to deliberately listen to know they were discussing what took place in the court room. Luo Ming’s request to be executed was a brilliant move on his part. I could feel the tension between His Majesty and the Seven Champion White Princes when I wasn’t even part of the tug-of-war.

The Seven Champion White Princes were granted an excessive amount of power for the status quo. In times of peace, it wouldn’t be such a problem. If their ambitions grew, such as in the past few years, it was impossible to mediate their relationship with the imperial court; it would either be fight or submit. Of course, Emperor Yuansheng’s personality was a variable in the equation, as well. From memory, when he was still with his brothers, his father evaluated them as below.

The eldest was collected and loved in the palace, making him the best candidate to assist in managing a country. As long as he avoided shady people and bad influences, he was suitable for pivotal roles. As foretold, he let people with bad intentions influence him. In the end, he became a mess and fell from grace in the race for the throne.

The second Prince was competent in politics and on the battlefield, earning him praise as a military figure. His father stated he inherited their progenitor’s prowess, a man who could face an army on his own. Indeed, he dominated on battlefields to the point that he became a target for a concerted attack. Apparently, he died in a remote backwater village and was carried back on a donkey cart.

Third Prince was called the cultured qilin owing to his accomplishments in scholastic pursuits. For successfully convincing Tiezhen to hand over a city, his father crowned him the title of Prince Beng and praised, “When people see my son, they see a talented hero.” The Prince conferred the title of a sword ornament was the only Prince to support Emperor Yuansheng in the contest for power. While there was never any news of his demise, he had gone missing. Meanwhile, His Majesty and Empress Dowager took care of his wife and daughter in the capital.

As for Fourth Prince… Well, he was on the throne, so he was obviously alive. I agreed with his father’s evaluation of him when I met him; however, I couldn’t recall it when it was sitting on my tongue.

Anyhow, back to Luo Ming. Really, the imperial court couldn’t do anything about Luo Ming. Execute him and they’d have war. Let him go, and it’d be the equivalent of telling people that everyone was welcome to kill an Emperor. It was Luo Ming who cut open a third path for them with his declarations.

The imperial court had never made any incisions in the seven before, but Luo Sword Manor’s removal didn’t count as the imperial court touching them because Luo Ming took it upon himself to step down. With his self-dismissal as precedence, the imperial court had a way to cut off the intricate system without sparking war. In summary, Luo Ming created a new penalty for the seven.

The most praiseworthy aspect of Luo Ming’s move was his timing. One could say he gave a sleepy man a pillow, with Emperor Yuansheng being the man and his desire to strip them his drowsiness.

In taking the initiative to surrender, Luo Ming managed to exchange the best long-term and biggest gains for Luo Sword Manor with his sacrifice. There was no way His Majesty would mistreat one his vassals who played a role in his country’s foundation. Plus, given Emperor Yuansheng’s character, the more he missed Luo Ming in the future, the more peaceful and safe Luo Sword Manor would be.

On the surface, the imperial court would do everything in its power to establish Luo Sword Manor as a successful example of a White Prince stepping down, all whilst still enjoying the same honours and wealth. For that reason, unless the next Emperor was a fool who wanted to shoot himself in the foot, Luo Sword Manor would be untouchable.

The moment Luo Ming died, His Majesty, the imperial court and Luo Sword Manor were the sole beneficiaries. That was what you call foresight.

The only con to the entire blueprint was Luo Ming’s death. I wasn’t grass or a rock. I hadn’t forgotten our match back on Taihu Island that became the spark for a small friendship. Merely imagining his end, even the soy-sauce duck of the imperial court didn’t seem appetising. You can’t expect me to have the appetite for a ninth one, come on.

“Feizhen, what are you holding onto a duck bone for?” Boss had returned from greeting the high-ranking officials who wanted to strike up a friendship with our office after the recent events. Needless to say, Boss liked the momentum we gained. “Why are you spacing out?”

Boss Shen had to ask the palace’s maids to help her with her light-pink robe today because nobody at Liu Shan Men understood how to wear the robe for palace events. Mayhap it was my imagination, but she seemed to have put leaned out a little more and put on size in dangerous areas after the skirmishes. What could I say? I was glad my porn-, my predecessors didn’t lie when they said maidens evolve daily.

Walking beside me, Boss questioned, “What’s the matter?”

I exhaled. “No appetite.”

“Oh, is that so?” Boss hiked up a corner of her lips and took the plate of duck anterior to me. “In that case, let me take it off you.”

“Put it down, bully!”

“Hahaha. Why are you even pretending when it’s just the two of us? I know you.”

I sat down and scrubbed me head. “My appetite isn’t as big as usual when I think of Luo Ming.”

Boss’ luminous eyes dimmed down. “I see… I’ll speak to Shifu later.”

Although I didn’t know what the sudden clamouring among the officials was about, I suspected His Majesty had arrived.

Although I was supposedly the duke of Nieyao, I didn’t have any actual authority. I wouldn’t have even accepted the post if I didn’t need to have eyes on the city. What? You think you can bribe me with a few jugs of radishes?! Nevertheless, His Majesty promised me more rewards today, and I had been waiting for too long already.

Boss pulled me aside. “Remember what I told you yesterday? If he…”

“I remember. If His Majesty instates me as a general, I’ll pretend to object and then accept after he persistently insists. If he adds me to the Seventeen Hidden Dragons rankings, I shall recite a poem about caring for the welfare of the people and country so that the other offices see that we’re as good with the brush as we are with the sword. If he gives me an official post, I shall hug his legs and kowtow.”

“Good.” Boss adjusted my clothing. “You’re starting to make a name for yourself, so learn to be sensible. Take your time with salutes and speak properly.”

“Come on, Boss. Do you think I’d embarrass us with my wits?”

Besides, didn’t I deserve some rewards when I fought my rear off in Nanjiang? All I wanted to know was, how many pork shoulders braised in soy sauce I was going to receive!

As the officials started lining up, Boss and I weaved through the crowd toward the front. Unlike the usual plain path His Majesty crossed, it was embellished with decorations.

“Today’s banquet is to celebrate the return from Nanjiang. It certainly is lively with everyone gathered,” Emperor Yuansheng voiced from his throne. “They say the son of heaven sits in Ming Hall, where the ‘Ming’ character refers to ‘just and honest’. What do you say?”

“Indeed, Your Majesty,” everyone concurred.

“Since my ascension, I have always been honest with you. Even when what I say violates morals and courtesy, I speak my mind as I value the truth. This has me cornered. Even so, if I do not move fast and decisively, I shall feel guilty. How can I face you if I am pretentious? I have words I must get off my chest today.” Emperor Yuansheng raised a hand, signalling for the Ministry of Rite’s secretary to refrain from interrupting him. “I wish to hear your stances on Luo Ming’s decision to surrender his privileges and seek death to show gratitude.”

Despite there being several hundreds of people present, we could hear insects conversing. Thanks to the silence, I remembered what His Majesty’s father said of him. When he received a report that his youngest son, who neither excelled in martial arts nor the scholastic realm, reported a corrupt magistrate at a remote village and chased off thugs himself, he said, “He can’t control his mouth.”

Slam! Emperor Yuansheng slammed his table and fumed, “Have you all become mutes?!”

His father’s judgement was most apt if you ask me. Boss looked my way whilst holding in her laughter if you weren’t convinced.


Ming Hall – Originally, it’s a term that refers to the most decorated place in the imperial palace, the place where the Emperor works, where officials convene for conferences and where major rituals are conducted. It’s not the name of a palace; there’s just no way to translate this and keep what Emperor Yuansheng says next relevant without translating it as such. In Feng-Shui-nese, it refers to where “life qi” collects, which refers to the direction water and mountains should be located. In housing, it refers to the area you come to as soon as you enter the front doors. At work, it would be area in front of your desk. Then, you can even take it further with “Main Ming Hall”, “Mid Ming Hall” etc.


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