Martial King’s Retired Life

Book 12: Chapter 30

Book 12: Chapter 30

I didn’t have the faintest idea what all the fuss around Yongheng Bank’s seal was about, so Boss whispered the summary to me.

“That’s the gist of it.” Boss glared at the three plaintiffs. “Hmph, to think you’d have the audacity to file a complaint here. You’re asking for it!”

The three fellows didn’t even hear a word we said to each other, yet they all recoiled. “Why does it feel cold when it’s summer?”

Probably because you three are about to be six foot underground?

“What are you whispering about?! The case! The case!”

I never knew Song Ou cared about fairness until now. As soon as Boss cast her glare in his direction, though, he picked up a mini mirror to check himself. “I’m getting a lot of white hairs recently,” he remarked.

Because Boss had to rush over without time to change, the oversized outer garment she threw on made her neck and hands seem small, thereby accentuating her curves when she folded her arms. It was adorable watching her muse and all the little gestures she made while deep in thought.

“A lame problem caused by a group of lame people. Since Yongheng Bank’s seal has been found, I shall take it off you and close this case. As for all the people with too much time on their hands, you’re not my problem. Feizhen, a bit later… why are you staring at me like that?”

“H-huh?” I shook my head. “Nothing, nothing.”

Yeah. What am I staring at Boss for? She’s pretty much her usual self, so why am I staring?

As I scratched my head, I replied, “Boss, just give the order.”

Boss raised an eyebrow as a result of befuddlement. “Mm… In summary, the three plaintiffs have nothing better to do. I’m busy. Just entertain them, and then send them on their way.”

“Huh? But I’m the defendant? You want me to shoo them off? Don’t you think the difficulty level is too high?”

Boss took out a vermillion – the colour reserved for reporting secrets to His Majesty – accordion. “Don’t care. You’re the cause, so you sort it out. I’ll help you out with a line or two.” She then put her head down to think.

Still, how can I be expected to shoo them off?

Squinting Zhao Xin asked Lu Feiming, “Hey, how much do you think he paid the pretty judge for her to be so happy?”

Lu Feiming gloated, “Who cares? Just offer double what he gave her. What can’t money solve?”

Zhao Xin bobbed his head. “True. Huh, me? Why am I forking out?”

Lu Feiming hiked up an eyebrow. “Do you really need an explicit answer? He’s already exposed how loaded your family is. If you’re still going to lie, you’re not much of a friend.”

“He was talking out of his rear. Can anything he says be trusted?”

Lu Feiming shook his head.

Zhao Xin exhaled relief.

Lu Feiming elaborated, “Can’t not trust him.”

“You son of b-”

“Can you two stop?” Li Muye found himself a chair to sit in and continue monitoring Ming Feizhen. “Pipe down. Let’s see how he settles this.”

I returned to where I originally stood, then crossed my arms to ruminate.

Hong Jiu leaned over to whisper, “Leader, this is a tough one. Look at them; they all want to bury you.”

“Second, what do I always tell you?”

Hong Jiu licked his lips as his eyes gleamed. “Collude, be unscrupulous and cheat?”

“Not that!”

“Oh…” Hong Jiu beamed. “Forge straight forward?”

“You forgot the last time?”


“Be steady and calm!”

“Isn’t that the bullcrap we tell outsiders? You really going to try that with your brother.”

Oh, that’s true.

Second had spent too much time around me; he was even starting to become as shameless. Hang on, it was all my shifu’s teachings! He had become a copy of my shifu!

“In any case, we’ll just go with the flow, dismantling case by case, burying case by case.”

Song Ou: “Why are you two discussing?! Hong Jiu, do you have anything to do with this case? Why are you here?”

“We kind folks’ favourite hobby is standing up for justice. I’m here to spectate, just happened to stand a little close.” Hong Jiu retreated back to the entrance from the judge’s table. “Leader, I support you!”

Song Ou was on the cusp of explosion when Zhao Xin and Lu Feiming placed their hands on his shoulders.

Lu Feiming: “Captain Song, we apologise for the misunderstanding. We now understand you are one of us. In this situation, we must form a united front.”

Song Ou: “You have a bright future ahead of you, young man. He is painfully conceited. We’re but grasshoppers on the same boat, so we must take him down.”

Zhao Xin: “Exactly. It’s clear that the judge is on his side. I refuse to believe the two of them aren’t having an affair.”

Song Ou’s face alternated between red and green. If he disputed the claim, he’d embarrass himself even more. Nevertheless, it was a good thing they had formed a team.

Following whatever Shen Kuang whispered to Boss Shen, she finally questioned in an absentminded manner, “Ming Feizhen, let me ask you, did… you steal Yongheng Bank’s seal?”

“This one pleads innocence, Your Honour. He did not steal it.”

“Oh.” Boss paused to write a few characters, then declared, “Case closed.”

“Wait! Wait! Wait!”

Song Ou, Lu Feiming and Zhao Xin almost knocked each other out trying to get up. Song Ou cried, “Your Honour, it cannot be closed! The case is still pending. How can one’s innocence be proven just because he claims to be?!”

Boss wagged her hand whilst reading. “Argue amongst yourselves.”

Zhao Xin yelled at me, “Ming Feizhen, you dare claim innocence when you have the item on you?”

Me: “Sure.”

“The seal was found on you. You dare deny otherwise?’


“You dare claim you didn’t insult me?”


Song Ou, Lu Feiming and Zhao Xin’s eyes nearly popped out of their heads.

Hong Jiu came up to me to quietly tell me, “Leader, just denying your crimes won’t work. Lots of people at Liu Shan Men can back up their statements.”

I suppose he had a point. Problem was, how was I supposed to provide evidence to prove otherwise?

I was trying to think, yet the three of them wouldn’t stop blasting me with one line each. Therefore, I picked up Boss’ gavel to slam and yelled, “Shut up!”

It worked. I really shut them up.

“You three are embarrassments!” I pointed to the three of them as I reeled off, “You three are scions of distinguished families. This is a courtroom, yet you three are carrying on like women in a market! Are you living up to His Majesty’s kindness? Are you living up to your families’ hopes for you?”

The three froze up, although they’re visages read, “Hope? No such thing.”

“By the way, if you three want to sue, then you’re supposed to take turns. The things you’re suing for don’t even dovetail each other. Would you die if you spoke one by one or something?”

They shook their heads.

“One at a time. Lu Feiming, you’re suing me for theft, correct?”

“Ah, yes.”

“Where is the item I stole?”

“Uh… r-returned.”

“Problem solved, then, no?”


“Since the missing item has been returned, what purpose does making a fuss serve? Does who’s right and who’s wrong really matter that much? Being pedantic and harassing someone when you’re in the right, how lowly. All right, next.”

“Huh? Oh, oh, wait! You’re speaking as if reason is on your side when you’re the thief! I’m going to press charges until you’re behind bars.”

Tch, didn’t expect him to catch on so quick. Wait a second…

I walked up to Lu Feiming to whisper by his ear. “You… are the Lu Feiming who broke He Shi’s leg, aren’t you?”


You bet I got a reaction out of Lu Feiming with that one.

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