Master Xiao, Your Wife Has Reborn

Chapter 575 - Manage My Finances?

Chapter 575: Manage My Finances?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

As Su Jin spoke, she looked exceptionally mature and serious. She knew well that without money, it’s difficult to get things done. If one had money, anything could be bought, including friendship, family, and love. Su Jin continued seriously,

“Just look at the number of women who are cruelly abandoned by their husbands every day, without a penny to their name. How tragic is that!”

Xi Chenxiao nodded when he heard this. Su Jin was right, but such a thing would never happen to him because he would never get a divorce; he would only be widowed. Seeing the serious Su Jin, Xi Chenxiao could not help but say with a frown,

“So, you’re going to manage my finances now?”

Su Jin immediately shook her head. No matter how bold Su Jin was, she would never ask this of Xi Chenxiao. Xi Chenxiao’s wealth was not a small sum. She would not dare to do anything reckless. Su Jin replied quickly,

“I didn’t say that. What I mean is, don’t spend money recklessly. Besides, I also wish to have my own money!”

When Xi Chenxiao heard this, he finally understood. This girl was far-sighted. She was afraid that one day he might not want her anymore, so she wanted to have her own money so she wouldn’t be penniless when the time came. Xi Chenxiao stroked Su Jin’s hair lovingly, then took out his wallet and passed it to Su Jin.

“If that’s the case, then you can manage my wallet from now on!”

Su Jin never dreamed that Xi Chenxiao would give her his wallet. At this moment, she only felt the weight of his wallet. Did the devil have some tricks up his sleeve again? Su Jin replied in disbelief,

“Are you sure? You’re really giving it to me just like that?”

Su Jin just felt that it was surreal. Perhaps it’s an empty wallet. Why else would the devil give it to her so readily? Xi Chenxiao looked at Su Jin’s adorable expression and said softly,

“Yup, I’m giving it to you. Open it and look!”

Su Jin then opened Xi Chenxiao’s wallet unceremoniously. In any case, the devil had already given it to her so she must examine it carefully to see what’s inside. With just a quick look, Su Jin blurted out,

“God, why are there so many bank cards?”

As she said this, Su Jin started to look through his wallet carefully. It was full of bank cards; there wasn’t a single banknote in his wallet. This made Su Jin a little depressed. What was the use of having so many cards when she didn’t know the passwords? Su Jin did not give up as she looked through all compartments of the wallet before she said in disappointment,

“These are all bank cards. There isn’t a single banknote?”

Xi Chenxiao was speechless when he heard this. This girl would not be so stupid as to want so much cash, right? It was not that cash could not be given. It was just that with so much cash, could this girl even carry it? Xi Tian, who was standing at the side, heard Su Jin’s words and immediately explained,

“Madam, it’s like this. I grew up with the chairman since young and we never left each other’s side. I always carry the banknotes. The chairman usually doesn’t carry any money.”

When Su Jin heard this, she looked at Xi Chenxiao with some disdain. He’s a grown man and yet he didn’t have any cash on him? Xi Chenxiao felt Su Jin’s disdainful gaze and gave Xi Tian a cold look. Xi Tian shuddered as he continued to explain,

“The chairman is remarkably busy all day, so he doesn’t have much time to go shopping. If he needed anything, I or his other subordinates would take care of it for him. Besides, even if he went shopping, the places he goes to always accept cards.”

When Su Jin heard this, she figured that Xi Chenxiao had never carried cash on him since young. She was somewhat disappointed, but she nodded and kept his wallet. She then looked at Xi Chenxiao unhappily and said,

“I understand now. However, giving me bank cards without passwords, is this a new trick for scumbags like you?”

Xi Tian broke out in cold sweat when he heard this. Madam was too bold. She actually dared to say such things about the chairman. In this world, probably other than Madam, no one would dare to say such things. Xi Tian was really impressed!

Xi Chenxiao was even more perplexed. How dare this girl call him a scumbag? How was he a scumbag? Xi Chenxiao gritted his teeth and carried Su Jin to the bedroom.

“Let’s go back to the bedroom. I’ll give you the passwords!”

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