Master’s Untamed Wife

Chapter 1349 Manifest Into Reality

Chapter 1349 Manifest Into Reality

Xia Songbei gave these two a speechless look. Who wanted to quibble with these two people? He definitely had no such intention since it was a very pointless thing to do anyway. But currently, he was out of options. He really didn't want to talk about his health condition. He didn't think they were exaggerating his condition because he knew his body well. "If you don't want me to quibble," started Xia Songbei. "Please stop asking."

"Okay," agreed Mu Chenyan without any hesitation once she saw the unwillingness in his eyes. She didn't want to push him for an answer right now considering he was still lying on a hospital bed. And since she agreed, Xia Zhao had no reason to talk about this topic.

Xia Songbei actually breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two of them stopped asking him. "But," added Mu Chenyan which made Xia Songbei hold his breath. "You have to better take care of yourself. Do you want me to hire a caretaker for you now?"

"I'm not that old yet," said Xia Songbei strangely. "I didn't think you're old," said Mu Chenyan. "It's more like you are acting like a kid who doesn't want to take his medicine on time."

Xia Songbei gave her a look, "You really know how to talk."

"I certainly do," she replied. "But you and I both know that I am more of a doer than a talker. So, don't test me."

"I don't dare."

Mu Chenyan gave him a sweet smile, "Since you agreed. I'll take your word for it, for now, Uncle Song. Take care of yourself. Don't give us a surprise like you did today. Because I don't think anyone would wanna come to the hospital on the day of their marriage."

Xia Songbei pursed his lips, "Sorry about that. I really chose the wrong day to have a stroke."

"You did," she said. Xia Songbei smiled at her, "Your way of showing concern is really something else. I don't know how Brother Tian manages to bear with you."

"What do you mean? Didn't you always say that I'm very cute?"

"Yes, you are. But sometimes, you are evilly cute too."

Mu Chenyan grinned, "I like to hear that. I'll be keeping tabs on you from now on."

"Don't you have enough on your plate?" asked Xia Songbei. "I think my son is a handful. You don't have to spare your energy to pay attention to me. Don't you agree?"

"I guess you forgot that I have always had endless energy in me," was her response.

"I'll say, Chenyan, you really don't have to go that far. I promise to take care of myself better."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because I have more will to live right now," said Xia Songbei. "And why is that so?"

"My eldest son is finally married. There is finally some slim hope of holding my grandchild. How can I not look forward to life? Trust me, I have no intention of dying at the moment."

Mu Chenyan stared at him intently to observe his expression. It seemed like she wanted to see through him to know if he was telling the truth or not. And well, for now, it looked like he was telling the truth so she generously let him off the hook, "I'll believe you this once."

"Thank you!" said Xia Songbei as if he was given some kind of relief. "You should rest now. I've disturbed you for long enough and made you talk so much. It seems like I also forgot to call your doctor as well," said Mu Chenyan. She stopped up and went to a side to pull out the contact number of Dr. Cai to let her know that her patient was finally awake.

On the other hand, Xia Songbei looked at his son and asked, "Did you take her to see your grandparents?"

Xia Zhao looked into his father's eyes and asked in return, "What do you think?"

Xia Songbei smiled bitterly, "Right. You would always let them know before doing anything."

"They came to see Yanzi the other day and we sat down for tea together. Well, grandparents really seemed to love Yanzi and her liveliness," told Xia Zhao.

Xia Songbei nodded to himself slightly, "There was never a doubt that they wouldn't like Chenyan. She is a perfect fit for not just your grandparents but also the whole clan. Even if you take her there to meet all the elders of the family, she'd really fit right in like she was always a part of that place." fre(e)webnovel

"I know," agreed Xia Zhao. "I texted Grandparents about our marriage registration and they seemed happier than me. And they even loved the fact that this marriage came so suddenly and randomly."

"Of course, they loved it," said Xia Songbei. "They have never been the fan of big gestures. They always said that there is no special time, you create it and you feel it. It can be just a minute that you felt something you never did before and that one minute suddenly becomes very special to you."

"I've heard them say that too," said Xia Zhao.

"I'm very happy for you, son!" said Xia Songbei seriously. "You can't even understand how exhilarated I am to know that you got married to Chenyan. This is very big to me. Thank you for persisting for so long in front of her stubbornness! I am sure you'll realize that this was all worth it."

"You are my father or hers?" asked Xia Zhao. "Why are you thanking me for her?"

"You might not remember what I said to you when I first took you to see Chenyan for the first time when she was a little girl."

"I have some impression," replied Xia Zhao. "Her parents were alive. We went to the Mu family house. You said you are taking me to see your best friends and their cute little princess who is too feisty for her age. But I'm a little older than her so I should take care of her like a big brother and give in to her more."

"You do remember," Xia Songbei muttered to himself thoughtfully. "I didn't expect it. Or is it that you just don't forget anything related to her?"

"You can say that," he replied. "I have also realized very late that I seem to not forget anything when she is involved. Sadly, that realization was a bit late and we ended up wasting half a lifetime."

"It doesn't matter," said Xia Songbei. "Since you guys managed to find each other back. It means that everything was just meant to be this way." He took a deep breath before adding, "She is still like a daughter to me. She is the only living memory of two good friends of mine. So, I hope you understand how special she always had been to me."

"I understand," he replied. "Actually, I should thank you for pushing a loner like me towards her. I don't know if I managed to make her feel less lonely back then what I know is that she indeed added a lot of colors into my life which I had been unfamiliar with. She picked fights with me and amused me. Always gave me a challenge and always looked so moody whenever she lost. Without realizing it, I fell for that feeling I felt whenever she was around looking for a fight with me."

"Are you badmouthing me right now, Zhao?" came Mu Chenyan's voice from behind like a ghost.

"How is that possible?" asked Xia Zhao without changing his expression.

"It better not be like that," she said. "Uncle, your doctor is not picking up her phone. I'll go to the nurse's station."

"You can just call the nurse's station," reminded Xia Zhao.

Mu Chenyan facepalmed herself, "Wow! I can't believe I forgot that. How am I so forgetful these days? Do you think I getting Alzheimer's?"

"Shut up!" said Xia Zhao. "Can't you say something nice?"

"Why? I just said it! What's wrong with saying it?"

"The words we speak out loud, often manifest into reality. So, don't speak so recklessly again."

"That's bullshi...." She didn't complete that seeing the way Xia Zhao looked at her right now. Rubbing her nose, she said, "I'll keep your words in mind. I won't say it again. But there is something seriously wrong with my memory."

"Okay. I'll add more almonds and walnuts into our diet."

"Would it be helpful?"

"You won't know unless you try," he replied.

"Let's go and call Dr. Cai. And then we should leave before your mother comes back," said Mu Chenyan.

Xia Zhao agreed with that heavily and instantly took her hand to lead her out saying to his father, "We'll come to see you again sometime later."

"Oh," was the only response Xia Songbei gave but he didn't try to stop them either. Even if he wanted to, he knew they wouldn't stay. Anyway, it was better for them to leave before his wife came back. It'll be trouble for all of them otherwise. And then no one would be happy.

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