Master’s Untamed Wife

Chapter 353 - Cost Of Absence

Chapter 353 – Cost Of Absence

Right after coming back, Raelle went straight to the office. Right from the airport, she went to her office. It was an hour early but she had things to do. After all, she left so suddenly to play around. Since she came an hour early, there weren't many people who saw her entering her office. 

However, the security did and they immediately informed Cloe that the President was back. Cloe was still dawdling around at home when she received the call and jumped up. She really didn't know what to do with her boss. She always did her own way. 

Cloe hurriedly dressed up and rushed out to reach the office. Her apartment wasn't that far from the office building so she arrived soon. 

"Morning, Chief!"

"You're early," Raelle pointed out without moving her eyes away from the documents in her hands.

"You are as well," Cloe couldn't help but say. And there was a bit of bitterness in her tone as well. She could still laze around for another half an hour but because Raelle came early, she had to come as well. She really wasn't having it easy.

"Since we are both here, let's get to work now," said Raelle.

Cloe agreed with that and clearly explained the things that happened in Raelle's absence. Whether something was worthy of her attention or not, Cloe stated it all truthfully. It had become a habit now to tell Raelle every single detail no matter how minute it was. Because Raelle could often find a lot from these tiny details. 

Cloe really admired this talent of hers.

Soon, she brought out a pile of files and placed it on Raelle's desk saying, "I have more. I'll be right back." With that, she made another trip to get another pile of files for Raelle to look through. 

She wasn't purposely making it difficult for Raelle at all. It was just that her boss' usual work efficiency was so high that even she had never seen such huge piles of files gathered on her desk. But now that she went missing for just one and a half-day, a lot of things piled up.

It really showed how much work Raelle usually puts upon herself.

She was still briefing when Raelle lifted her hand to stop her and put the file in her hand in front of her, "I have been gone for one day and you all are lazy? How can the secretarial department even put this file on my desk with so many mistakes?"

Cloe's heart thudded and she cursed those gossip mongers who only paid attention to the fact that their boss was on a rare vacation but really forgot that this boss was vicious when it came to tardiness!

She took the file and said, "I'll deal with this." As she stood aside hugging the file against her chest while Raelle threw another one on the desk. And then another and another. With each file, Cloe could see her initial good mood flying away.

She should have known today wasn't gonna be a good day when she received the call that their boss was early at work. Urgh! She hates these blind people who made such stupid mistakes in these files. She really felt like strangling someone right now.

Everyone in their office knew that the President would never go easy on people for making small mistakes. Her eyes were like a microscope, she could find your tiniest mistakes to remind you how tiny your brain is!

After Cloe collected all the files that were 'faulty' she looked at Raelel and said, "Chief, I thought you'd be in a good mood after this holiday. Didn't you have a good time with your husband?"

Raelle raised her eyes and gave her a blank look, "For spending time with my husband, I should allow you all to ruin my business? I am not okay with this cost!"

Cloe smiled bitterly at her luck and walked out to find the people who delivered these files to her. She should have looked through it all herself. But she had been taking care of the business that was Raelle's job, so she didn't get the chance to do so. 

For the next four hours, every single department head had been criticized for not handling their staff well. It made Cloe feel good that she wasn't the only sufferer around here, there were people here to share her misery. And apparently, she got out of it lightly. 

But she really wondered what kind of a magical presence was of Raelle Xiang. When she was in office, no one dared to make such mistakes but once she was gone for one day, they really got so relaxed? It really seems mind-boggling to her. 

"My luck is doomed!" she bumped her head against the wall again and again. 

Suddenly, a hand held her forehead and stopped her from continuing. Cloe looked up in surprise and her eyes brightened when she saw the person before her. It was truly like seeing her angel!

"Angel, you're here!" 

Hyson took back his hand but Cloe held his hand not letting him go. He really found this Cloe to be quite frightening. He should have just walked to Raelle's office directly.

"Not an angel," said Hyson softly.

Cloe shook her head as she looked like she was about to cry, "You don't know. Today, you've been sent as my salvation. If I had to spend the rest of the day under Chief's frighteningly cold pressure, I'd have been suffocated. Thanks for coming to my rescue!"

Hyson got the main point from her words, "Ellie is giving off scary vibes?"

Cloe nodded her head like a hen pecking on grains.

"It's been a while for me to see her like this," told Cloe honestly. "I thought she'd be basking in love and glowing with love but she giving off an eerie feeling instead."

Hyson patted her shoulders, "Calm down. She isn't just anyone. Love or hate, it's all the same to her. But her work isn't the same. She had put her life into building this empire.. Obviously, she can't let just anyone shake it."

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