Chapter 394 A Crafty Opponent

Chapter 394 A Crafty Opponent

Zaetrax was furious by how easily he fell, yet also fearful for his life, so without any resistance, he surrendered, leaving his fate in the hands of Alex.

Alex told Zaetrax to take a law oath never to walk the path of banditry again and embark on a new chapter, embracing an honest and upright existence.

At first, he was quite resistant, but at the threat of certain death, he complied, following that, Alex inquired him details about his former bandit group hierarchy and where he could find their leader.

Alex knew just taking care of the leader would mean the end of the bandit group because even if the members had unity, the Zephyrblaze clan wouldn’t waste such an opportunity and eradicate the bandit group to make themselves undisputed rulers of the area.

The bandit group leader was human, a middle-stage Sixth Rank warrior with a rare Noxious Rogue class, with his forte being speed, and as he wielded poison and illusion elements, dealing with him was tricky.

After informing Zaetrax that he intended to eliminate the Scorpion, Alex advised him to warn his subordinates to evacuate the area.

After Alex left the area, he spent nearly an hour using simple spells to prepare the Impact Reservoir just in case he needed it to deal with an unexpected threat besides the bandit leader. 𝑙𝘪𝑏𝓇𝑒𝑎𝒹.𝘤𝑜𝘮

Alex made his way to the main laire, a small-scale two with at least a few thousand inhabiting it, most of whom were bandits.



Alex landed before the town entrances, attracting the attention of the dozen or so guards standing above the walls, and before even the dust settled, the commander gave the order to open fire.

A rain of pulse cannon shots, accompanied by magic attacks and arrows, landed at his position one after another, and he was not surprised by how quickly he was attacked, as the news of what he did to their second in command should have reached this place quite some time ago.

“I was expecting Scorpion to welcome me, but it looks like he is more of a coward than I thought,” Alex said, as he placed the space knife at the neck of the commander.

“Tell that coward to come out and face me, or don’t blame I didn’t give you people a chance,” Alex uttered as he pulled the knife back, and in an instant, the guard commander turned around and made a run for the town center.

The moment the guard commander made a run for the town center, Alex felt extreme danger and instinctively moved back, creating a few meters of distance.

Yet at the last moment, he jerked his neck to the side, before even his feet touched the ground, but still felt a blade slice through the side of his neck.

‘He must have appeared in the small window the guards created when they attacked me,’ Alex thought, as he touched his bleeding neck that was in the process of recovering.

Before Alex landed, he had used his eyes to scan the area, and besides the aura of the guard commander, he didn’t see anyone strong in the vicinity, so while on guard, he was not expecting a sneak attack.

Alex knew that Zaetrax, while forced into leaving the bandit group and this line of work, would not just become a good person and not hold resentment toward him for making a fool out of him.

So it was certain that he would give all the details he could to his leader, and Alex wanted it to happen because not every opponent he would fight would know about his fancy tricks or have ways to adapt or deal with them, and to grow, he needed such battles.

‘Poison, and a pretty strong one,’ Alex thought, as he heard multiple notifications and saw the rich crimson blood on his fingers turn dark.

Alex was a bit surprised by the attack but not shaken, as even though the poison was extremely corrosive, it was not something that could cripple him in mere moments.

Zaetrax had told Alex that the Scorpion wielded dual sabers, and when he dodged, he did so with the range of sabers in mind, but Scorpion was currently wielding a long whip-like blade, which was the reason his attack even landed.

“You are as strong as that fatso said, but you picked the wrong target this time,” Scorpion said after he delivered his follow-up attack that Alex easily dodged.

Alex examined the man from a distance, a human standing slightly above two meters, cloaked in a gray leather cloak, his physique being quite lean, his eyes being that of a veteran killer, with him wielding two six-foot-long blades.

The first blade consisted of multiple articulated sections, extending to over twelve feet when stretched, and a dark liquid was being released from its joins that covered the blade in poison. In contrast, the second blade was crafted from an exceptionally slender metal, featuring a razor-sharp double edge with the blade length being six feet.

Alex kept his eyes on Scorpion as he spread his senses, and with it, he used Ruler pride, pushing his Rank to Peack Fifth Rank and receiving the push his body needed to erase the poison rampaging through his body.

“I can tell from your fancy equipment that you don’t belong in these lands, so I will give you a chance to leave, not holding you accountable for the loss you have caused me,” Scorpion said, with a smile not moving from his place.

Before he could continue further, his face contorted with furrowed brows showing clear displeasure in his lively hazel eyes, and without wasting a moment, he moved forward, the blade lashing out its sections unfolding as it closed the distance toward Alex.

‘This tricky bastard,’ Alex thought, his head hurting like it was hit by a solid impact, and the reason was the multiple mental attacks thrown simultaneously at him.

Alex’s armor gave him the skill Psychic Shield, which protected him from mental attacks till the early Sixth Rank if he had enough mana, and just now, he was attacked by three simultaneous mental attacks.

While the skill was able to completely shield from the first two attacks, the third, which was an illusion-type skill, surpassed the limitation of his skill, and while it weakened the attack, it failed to block it.

But the small window from the first attack to the last gave Alex just enough time to use his eyes of the ancient.

So, while he was hit with a nasty head, he didn’t lose to the illusion even for a moment and was able to easily avoid the attack thrown at him by Scorpion.

Now, seeing his surroundings differently, Alex saw two auras standing a small distance away from the wall, using some skill or item to become invisible and suppress their auras.

Alex used appraisal on both distant figures, finding them to be twins, a male, and a female, with both of them being physic mages, with the female wielding the element of light and the man wielding lighting, both being tricky elements that would be problematic in the battle.

As if confirming his thoughts, the two figures moved behind Scorpion, who gave chase after him after missing his second sneak attack, so without missing a moment, Alex used Dragon Might, boosting his strength far past two hundred thousand points.

Alex held his sword in his right hand and the space knife in the left, with chaos wings taking form on his back and darkness manifesting in his surroundings.

Scorpion, using a skill similar to Air Walk, was in the lead, with the twins rushing to take a position still in complete invisibility, and as Alex arrived in the attack range, the two swords moved like whips, leaving behind trails of venom in the air.

While the Scorpion was keeping him held in place, the female began casting a spell, a magic circle forming on the ground, and the man drew his bow with his fingers spread apart, as four lightning arrows took shape, and with that, both of them lost their invisibility and came into view.

As he saw the preparation, Alex quickly picked up on their plan, and he understood that the Scorpion was quite a shrewd man and had prepared for battle against him.

The lady was preparing an attack, most likely to restrain him, making her a sitting target that he could teleport near and eliminate, but the man by her side was on guard, ready to deliver his attack, while the Scorpion was spreading his poison through the surrounding preparing for a bit attack to decide the battle.

Nomatter what Alex did in the small window he had he was bound to fail or atleast that what Scorpion and his lackies belived, but to bad for them as he more tricks up his sleeve then they could hope to counter.

Alex threw one of the space knives toward the lady and teleported to it the next moment, and seeing his target, the male twin released the four charged arrows at him, which combined and swelled in size as they zipped through the air.

Alex pumped 1 million points of mana into the space knife in his hand and executed the Space Slash, slicing through the space and creating a barrier of distorted space, blocking the concentrated beam of lightning.

“Light Prison” These were the last words Alex heard before a flash of intense light blinded him.

This content is taken from 𝑙𝒾𝘣𝘳𝑒𝒶𝒹.𝑐𝘰𝓂

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