Chapter 60 Changing Real Identity

“Mr.Reaper, I don’t have any more questions, so let’s discuss the Life Serum treatment,” Eimir said with a friendly smile. be𝚍no𝚟𝚎l.𝚌𝚘m

“I want to buy three Life Serum treatments, which should cost me sixty thousand gold coins?” Alex asked, relieved that no more question was coming his way.

“Mr.Reaper, I think You have some miss information.”

“Any normal player could only buy a Life Serum treatment once every six months, and only those who have greatly contributed to Golden Eagle Guild could buy more than the set quantity depending on their contribution.”

‘What the hell is he talking about? Doctor Elmer didn’t say anything about a buying limit.’

Alex was momentarily shocked, but all his worries vanished after he understood the underlying meaning in Eimir’s words.

‘I knew you greedy bastards won’t be happy after not getting any dungeon entry tokens.’ Alex thought as he tried to act confused and worried.

‘Time to do some acting and start my plan.’

“Doctor didn’t tell me about there being a buying limit on Life Serum treatments,” Alex asked.

“The Government sells the Life Serum treatments, not the doctor,” Eimir replied with a mocking smirk that Alex didn’t see as he was too focused on acting dismayed.

‘You should quickly reveal the guild name to which you sold the dungeon entry tokens.’ Eimir thought as he enjoyed the look on Alex’s face.

“Officer Eimir, I am willing to pay a premium price for the Life Serum treatments,” Alex said, trying to act desperate.

“Mr.Reaper, I would love to help you, but guild rules don’t allow me to do any favors,” Eimir replied.

“If you could provide some valuable information to me that could benefit my guild, then I would be able to convince the guild elder to give you at least one Life Serum treatment every month,” Eimir said.

‘You have no valuable information other than the name of the guild to which you sold the dungeon entry tokens.’ Eimir thought, waiting for Alex’s response.

‘I was hoping Golden Eagle guild to pull a trick like this for my plan to work, but these bastards are really ruthless.’ Alex clearly understood what Eimir meant by valuable information.

Alex knew Golden Eagle guild wanted him to reveal the name of the guild he sold the instance dungeon to, and they didn’t care about the consequences he would face for breaking the agreement.

‘It doesn’t matter what trick the Golden Eagle guild wants to use; I can still perfectly execute my plan.’

Alex got ready to complete the final part of his plan, but before he could start acting, the room door swung open, and a giant of a man entered the room.


“First Elder, what can I do for you.” Eimir quickly left his chair to greet the person who had just rudely swung the door open.

‘What is First Elder doing here at such a critical time?’ Eimir thought, looking at the scary-looking man.

“I am here to talk about some important guild matters, but we could discuss them after you conclude your meeting with this gentleman.” The man said and sat on the empty chair next to Alex.

‘He is [The Cruel Barbarian] Golden Eagle Guild First Elder?’ Alex was shocked after hearing about the unknown person’s identity.

Alex was surprised because Magnius acted nothing like the person he remembered from his previous life.

‘This day is getting worse with every passing second.’ Eimir was panicking inside, looking at the first Elder getting comfortable on his chair.

‘If the First Elder Found out about the deal I am trying to make with Alex, he won’t be happy, and I would get severely punished for taking advantage of my position.’

‘I would need to take all the blame on myself, and Second Elder would make my life a living hell for failing to get the Instance dungeon entry tokens.’

‘I need to handle this situation smartly, or the Second Elder will skin me in real life.’ Eimir thought, knowing he couldn’t act rashly in front of the First Elder.

“First Elder, Mr.Reaper came here to buy the Life Serum treatment, but he wants to buy more than the fixed quantity set for a normal player.”

“I have given him an offer that benefits both him and our guild, but he needs time to think it over, so he was just going to leave,” Eimir said, hinting at Alex to leave the room.


‘What offer is he talking about?’

‘The way he is acting, I smell some bullshit.’ Alex thought, seeing the sudden behavior change of Eimir after the first guild elder entered the room.

“Sir Eimir, I can’t accept the deal you have offered, but I have something valuable that should be considered a great contribution to Golden Eagle Guild and allow me to buy at least one Life Serum treatment every month.”

Alex didn’t try to expose Eimir even though he knew that Eimir was attempting to hide information about the instance dungeon from the guild’s Magnius for some reason.

“Please tell me about the valuable thing that could benefit my guild.” The First Elder asked, not giving Eimir a chance to speak, who was standing stunned, looking at Alex.

“I think this should be considered a great contribution to Golden Eagle Guild?” Alex said as he threw the Shadow Born (S) Rank Legacy Ring toward the First Elder Magnius.

Eimir was visibly angry and wanted to say something, but he swallowed his word back after hearing what Magnius said after appraising the black ring Alex gave him.

“Mr.Reaper, What do you want in exchange for this (S) Rank Legacy?” Magnius asked after appraising the ring.

“Life Serum treatments,” Alex replied.

“I don’t know what offer Eimir gave you, and I am not interested in hearing it, but I have a new proposal for you that will provide you with the Life Serum treatments and more benefits.”

“Golden Eagle Guild is willing to offer you twenty thousand White Flame coins and three Life Serum treatments monthly in exchange for the (S) Rank Legacy item,” Magnius said.

‘First Guild Elder Magnius is generous, nothing like the cruel individual he was called in my previous life, offering me great benefits and not ripping me off knowing I need Life Serum treatments.’ Alex thought.

“I will accept the deal Elder Magnius,” Alex said

“Let’s Sign an agreement to complete the deal,” Magnius said with a bright smile and immediately got busy creating a contract with the help of AI Zero.


‘-Mr.Reaper, How did you acquire this [S] Rank Legacy?-‘ Eimir whispered after getting close to Alex.

‘-The S Rank Legacy was part of my payment for selling the instance dungeon.-‘ Alex replied, trying his best not to look happy about completing the deal.

‘-Why would you give up the legacy when you could give me the guild name that bought the Instance Dungeon and still get the Life Serum treatment?-‘ Eimir asked, confused by the decision Alex made.

‘-If I give you the guild name, I would be breaking the agreement, and I will need to provide three (S) Rank legacies to that guild for violation of the agreement terms.-‘

‘-If I can not provide the three S (Rank) legacies penalty, my game avatar will be permanently deleted as punishment for breaking the agreement.-‘ Alex replied like this was the only choice he had.

‘This should be enough to convince the Government that I have nothing left on me that is worth their time.’ Alex thought, seeing the disappointed look on Eimir’s face.

‘After this deal, Reaper would become my game identity, and Hidden One would be just a ghost that could do any world-shaking thing without the fear of being hunted.’

Alex could always do something less dramatic to convince the government of how he got the money, but it will only temporarily save him from trouble because after he did anything big in the game, the government would be looking for him.

‘After I complete this deal, I could peacefully acquire my legacy without worrying about my name being announced to the whole world.’

Alex didn’t acquire the legacy right after joining the game because if he had done that, his gaming career would be over from the beginning, as every big guild would have hunted him down.

After any player acquires a [SSS] Rank legacy, there would be a worldwide system announcement making his name known to every player and NPC, and that would happen even if the player wants to keep his achievement private.

The announcement was great for the player as it would make him famous worldwide, and every big guild would offer him mind-boggling benefits to join their guild, but it also came with many drawbacks.

The announcement would put the player in the spotlight, making him the target of every big guild, and until he joined a guild that could provide him protection in the game and the real world, he would need to live a life of a rat.

‘After completing this deal, the government would record my game profile as the Reaper.’

‘In a few days, after I am done with badger and Ravenglades Guild Deal, I could peacefully acquire my darkness legacy without fear.’

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