Chapter 83 Key Of Damnation

‘I should tell Mike and others to leave this place.’ Vlad thought and quickly sent a message in the group chat to leave the hotel.

“Vlad, Do you want to meet the representative from the Organization?” Badger asked.

‘I would like to meet and possibly make a deal that could benefit my guild, but I believe the organization wouldn’t just offer me things as they did to Alden for loyal friendship,’ Vlad thought as he considered the advantages of making any deal with the organization.

“Did the Organization agree to do business with me?” Vlad asked.

“The representative agreed to meet you and tell your request to the organization, but he didn’t guarantee that the organization would do business with you,” Badger replied.

‘I don’t know if this organization has good or bad intentions, but not befriending them would be idiotic.’

‘This Shadow Oblivion Organization could be a shadow giant with great power and resources, and they are using them to build connections with a few selected groups of people for their plan to control this world from the shadows.’

Vlad was thinking of some wild theories about the motives of the organization while the only member of that organization, right at this moment, was stacking his coins into a big pyramid on the wooden table with a happy smile.

“Alden, What are the chances of my request getting rejected If I asked for an intermediate Grade Instance Dungeon,” Vlad asked after thinking for a few seconds and making some delusional theories about the organization.

“I want to say 100% rejection, but then again, maybe the organization would accept your request and give you a reasonable deal,” Badger replied, not giving his friend any false hope.

‘If this organization could give me an intermediate grade Instance Dungeon, then who cares about their motives? It’s not like my guild is some weakling that they could control by offering some small benefits.’ Vlad thought.

Vlad was a very prideful person, but he was not stupid and knew if the organization was anywhere near the level of strength he thought they were, then it was only a matter of time before they started making big moves, and he would rather be a friend then an enemy of such organization.

“When do we meet the representative?” Vlad asked.

“The representative said he would message me in two hours,” Alden replied.

“We have a lot of free time, and as You obtain three legacies, so let’s drink this special wine to celebrate,” Vlad said as he took out a very small red wine bottle.

“I am still waiting for the apology you owe me for doubting my decision even though you have known for years, and even this Royal Elven wine would not be enough to save you,” Badger said with a cheeky smile.

“I admit I was wrong, so you don’t need to remind me,” Vlad said as he took ten advance grade healing potions and a big empty bottle. 𝚋ed𝚗𝚘𝚟e𝚕.𝚗et

While Vald and Badger were celebrating by drinking a rare and very expensive wine, Alex was sitting in his room in front of guild leader Hecate ready to complete the promised deal.


“Guild Leader Hecate, Please read the contract carefully and sign it to complete our agreed deal,” Alex said after a small casual conversation.

Lady Hecate didn’t say anything and quickly started reading the holographic contract in front of her, and after reading it a few times, her tense shoulder relaxed, and she took a few deep breaths to calm her raging emotion.

The contract Alex offered Hecate wasn’t any different from the conditions they had already verbally agreed upon in their previous meeting.

“Sir. Famir, The Ravenglades Guild is grateful to the Shadow Oblivion Organization for giving us this great opportunity.” Hecate said with a happy smile as she agreed to the contract.

“Lady Hecate, Can you please give me the broken disk part so we can officially complete our deal,” Alex said as he placed the small black disk on the table.

The contract Hecate agreed only binds her to complete her part of the agreement after the organization gives her the complete key to Monarch’s tomb, which is proven authentic.

After looking at the small round black crystal disk, Hecate was visibly confused, but she didn’t say anything and, one by one, took out three giant golden broken pieces and stacked them on the table.

Alex knew Hecate wanted to ask some questions about the tomb key because the black disk and the golden pieces looked completely different from each other in size and appearance.

Alex quickly arranged the three broken pieces into their original shape of a big round golden disk, and then he placed the small black crystal disk on top of it.

‘Hopefully, She told the truth in her documentary, or I would need to make some excuse not to get embarrassed.’ Alex thought as he placed his hand on the dark disk and started releasing a constant stream of mana.

‘The information was correct, but everything from this point on would be a new experience.’ Alex thought as he felt the black disk floating into the air.

Alex quickly removed his hand from the disk, and it slowly floated into the air, and after reaching two feet above the table, it stopped and started spinning at a slow speed gathering mana in the room with every rotation.

The disk kept rotating and gathering mana with every rotation, and as more and more got absorbed by the disk, its appearance changed, and after a few minutes, the cracked and old-looking black crystal disk transformed into a pristine and beautiful disk.

The newly transformed disk started to rotate fast, gathering and absorbing more mana at a fast pace, and slowly the pitch-black plain disk started to get covered in golden magic circles.

The new magic circle kept on appearing on the disk, overlapping the previous one, and in just a short few seconds, the entire disk was turned from black to golden in color as an uncountable number of magic circles covered its surface.

Hecate was shocked at first, but her shock quickly turned to happiness because after seeing this unusual phenomenon, she knew the chances of the disk being a fake were close to zero.

The newly turned golden disk stopped spinning and came to a halt, but the transformation didn’t end there because, after a few short seconds, the disk started to twist and turn as its form changed from a flat disk to a perfect crystal cube with no visible magic circle on its surface.

The newly formed cube gathered and absorbed a large quantity of mana which took close to twenty minutes, but Alex and Hecate looked at the spinning cube with bright smiles.

‘This proves why only extremely lucky or fated people ever get a [SSS] Rank legacy, as completing this puzzle would be impossible even if someone had all the information related to Oberon.’ Alex thought, looking at the small cube slowly rotating mid-air without creating sound.

After gathering a large amount of mana, the cube stopped spinning, and then slowly, a transparent mana bubble formed around the cube, big enough to cover half the table area with the three golden pieces of the broken disk.

After the mana bubble was complete, the dark cube surface got covered with an intricate magic circle, and then the three broken pieces on the table floated into the air and got suspended mid-air like the cube.

The magic circle on the cube got replaced, and the solid material of the three broken pieces turned malleable, and then as being shaped by an invisible hand, the malleable golden metal started covering the cube.

After a few short seconds, the cube was hidden entirely by the golden metal, and within the next few minutes, the golden metal took the shape of a perfect globe with a few words written on it in an ancient language.

‘I wonder who created this little marvel.’ Alex thought as he extended his hand to catch the falling golden globe.

‘Whoever named this key wasn’t trying to hide Oberon’s mistakes.’ Alex thought as he checked the globe information.


Name: Key of Damnation

Equipment Type: Key

Quality: Unique

Rank: Unranked

Description: A key that grants entry into the Unknown.


‘This key definitely has more use than just opening the Oberon tomb.’ Alex thought after reading the description.

After seeing its creation, Alex had suspicions about the key use case, but now he was more certain about his doubts after reading the unclear description.

“Lady Hecate, Please return this key after you successfully raid the Tomb, and don’t worry, the organization will compensate you very handsomely as the majority of this key belongs to you,” Alex said as he handed the golden globe to Hecate.

Alex knew that the key wouldn’t be lost even after opening the tomb because Hecate from his previous life had it, and even though she never found any use for it or if she did, it wasn’t revealed to the public.

Alex knew the key was special, and even though he had no idea what its use was other than opening Oberon Tomb, he still wanted to own it as maybe he could discover its true secrets in the future.

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