MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 986: Wake-up Call

Chapter 986: Wake-up Call

“What?” Though he’d heard the question that left Valyr’s mouth, it took a while for Tristan to react to the question, looking at the former in slight confusion.

Thankfully, it only took a few more seconds after that for the man to realize what Valyr was asking, prompting his eyes to widen in slight surprise as he asked back, “Are you sure? Isn’t this just adding on burden to what you’re planning to do?”

“I did say earlier that forging equipment is how I rest,” replied the young man in response, bringing out the Hammer of Beginnings from his spatial bracelet.


Unsurprisingly, Tristan’s attention was immediately fixated on the hammer Valyr brought out, forcing the latter to snap the man back to reality as he explained to him that this was the artifact he’d become known for.

After that, he asked Tristan for the list of items he needed to forge for the upcoming monster tide, which the man had only given after finally getting over the immense awe he felt from the level of craftsmanship put into Valyr’s forging hammer.

Taking a look at the list of items Tristan sent to him through the chat function, Valyr

eventually nodded in understanding as the gears in his mind turned, prompting him to double down on the spur of the moment thought he had.

“Yeah… it won’t be a problem if I forge some special equipment for you and the others,” said the young man as he requested another batch of materials through the guild.

Naturally, Tristan was about to tell Valyr that he didn’t really need to forge them equipment. However, before he could even open his mouth, the young man had spoken up first.

“We both know I just came here because you guys asked me to, and that there isn’t really any reason for me to do any of this.” Valyr looked at Tristan directly in the eyes.

“However, the truth still stands that I wouldn’t get to where I am right now if not for the support of the village.”

“I could go on and on explaining about this and that to you…” The young man let out a faint sigh. “But to cut a long story short, I have a feeling that I’d only be able to help you guys defend the monster tides a few more times before I have no choice but to stop helping entirely.”

Though Tristan’s eyes widened in response to the words Valyr was saying, the latter still continued to talk. “That’s more or less the reason why I want to forge equipment for you guys.”

“After all, even though there’s a chance I might not be able to help defend against any subsequent monster tides after this, I still want to help the town where I established my footing in some way.”

“…” For a while after that, the workshop the two were in was covered in deafening silence as both Tristan and Valyr stared at each other for that entire duration.

Eventually, the silence within the workshop was broken as Tristan let out a long sigh, giving Valyr a gaze that contained sadness, but also understanding.

“To be honest, after you ignored our requests during the three monster tides that passed the town, I thought you’d forgotten about us,” said Tristan, immediately stopping Valyr from talking as he knew what he wanted to say.

“I know you were doing something the Blacksmith Guild tasked you to do during that time, but that still doesn’t change the fact that we began to think that way.”

“In fact, the request we sent for you to visit us was just sort of a last-ditch effort, a what-if scenario we thought was unlikely to happen.”

“Yet, the unlikely happened,” said Valyr, prompting Tristan to nod with a faint smile.

“I guess seeing your presence again made me go back to my previous ways of thinking, thinking that everything would be fine as long as the Tidebreaker was there,” said Tristan with a self-deprecating chuckle.

“After all, you’d showed great dominance during the last monster tide you participated in. In fact, I have a good feeling you’d show the same dominance in this upcoming monster tide.”

For a while after that, Tristan went silent once more, prompting Valyr to go silent as well as he noticed the man gathering his thoughts.

Fortunately, the silence did not last for long, with Tristan letting out yet another sigh. “Once again, thank you for taking the time to help us out while we’re in need.”

“And thank you for offering up to forge equipment for us, even though you didn’t really have to.”

“As I said, I still want to help the town in some way,” said Valyr, giving Tristan an apologetic smile as he noticed the atmosphere within the workshop become somber. “It’s the least I could do.”

Giving each other the time they needed to process and sort out the information the two got from the conversation, it was only after a few minutes had passed did Valyr return his focus to what he planned on doing.

“Huuu…” Letting out a drawn-out exhale as he fired up the furnace, Valyr continued to talk to Tristan every once in a while as he went through the materials he’d received before.

Receiving the other set of materials he’d requested from a staff member not long after, it was only then did the young man shift his mindset towards forging, taking in a deep breath as he began to activate the skills he usually used while forging.

“[Ephemeral Limbs of the First Blacksmith].”


Activating one of his forging skills in a mutter, a few pairs of translucent arms soon appeared around Valyr’s body, causing Tristan to stop what he was doing as he looked at the sight before him in shock.

While Tristan was at a loss for words, the young man then proceeded to will some of the forging hammers on the nearby tool racks to appear before him, making use of his Prime Azure Energy to get everything prepared before settling his eyes on Tristan once more.

“How much time do you think we have before the monster tide comes?” asked Valyr, forcing Tristan to snap back to reality.

“Uh…” In response, Tristan brought up a screen in front of him, looking through the conversations he had with the other important people within the town before giving the young man a proper answer. “Around half a week to a week, give or take.”

“Hmm…” Hearing those words, Valyr went through the list of items Tristan wanted him to forge once more, slightly frowning for a bit before eventually nodding back in response. “It’ll

be a tight squeeze…”

“But it is doable.”

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Keeping in mind that he was on a race against time, Valyr pushed both his physical and mental state to their limits as a cacophony of sounds soon began to erupt from the workshop.

Ttang! Ttang! Ttang!

Going through the list of items in terms of how long he felt it would take him to forge, Valyr began to chuck a ton of items into the furnace while busying the other translucent arms he had by having them prepare the other parts needed for forging.

Within minutes, a production line of sorts was gradually blossoming within the workshop Valyr occupied, leaving Tristan at a loss for words once more as everything began to gradually


“This…” Though Valyr was moving at a speed that Tristan thought made it somewhat difficult to follow what was happening, the man still felt the immense care and control the young man had over every move he made while forging the items.

At this moment, it was only then did Tristan realize that what Valyr had showed to both him and Alfaera back at the hall earlier was only a fraction of the change that happened to the young man during the past nine months.

If anything, the man was certain that the Valyr he was looking at right now was the true Valyr they haven’t seen, the Valyr that had ascended not only to a higher realm of power…

But also to a higher realm of craftsmanship.

“[Zen: First Lotus Step].”

“[Truth Weaver Scripture: Tetrad].”

“[Intent of Forging].”

With every passing second possibly becoming the last second he had before the monster tide arrived, Valyr eventually entered a state of immense focus, making use of all the skills in his arsenal just to speed up his forging by a few percent.

Fortunately, his decision eventually began to pay off as finished items soon began to pile up beside Valyr as time continued to pass.

For some time, the young man had even considered using either [Vision of the First Blacksmith] or [Hunter’s Tracking Eyes] on the items he was forging to elevate their quality

even further.

Though, in the end, he decided to make use of them only when he was making equipment for the others, thinking that there wasn’t really any need for him to focus that much attention on quality unlike the weapons he forged for the war efforts. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ N0ᴠᴇFɪre.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

‘Plus, I have a strong feeling these forging skills of mine are already elevating the quality of

what I forge beyond what’s needed,’ thought the young man to himself, continuing to go

through the list of items in a frenzy.

Because of that, a list of at least 80 items crucial to the upcoming monster tide that would’ve

probably taken Tristan at least a week to forge on his own… Was all forged by Valyr in just the span of a bit over two days.

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