Monster Paradise

Chapter 1691 - Dao-Level

Chapter 1691: Dao-Level

Although Lin Huang had only obtained three Goldfingers, he was fairly satisfied with matters.

Once the Critical Hit Hammer had completed the digestion process and its function began formally taking effect, his abilities would gain another round of significant boosting.

This Goldfinger could be considered the perfect match for his Divine Telekinesis flying daggers.

With several hundred million flying daggers attacking en masse, even if there were only one chance in ten thousand for a thirtyfold critical damage hit, there would still be several dozen thousand flying daggers with the statistical probability of generating this thirtyfold critical hit effect.

Just this one Goldfinger alone made Lin Huang feel that this round of killing Raiders had been extremely profitable.

After putting away the nine corpses, he summoned the Gate of All Realms again.

He planned to begin a second round of harvesting so he could obtain another batch of True Spirits.

After stepping through the Gate of All Realms, Lin Huang emerged in the virtual realm once more.

As soon as he teleported over, he sensed intense battle fluctuations.

He probed with his Divine Telekinesis and discovered that, apart from Nine Snake and his eight team members, there were also over a dozen other figures present.

There were six auras that clearly belonged to the Abyssal Tribe. Out of these six auras, two were from upper-rank Lords, and four were from middle-rank Lords.

There were seven other auras—human, Protoss, and a member of the Dragon Tribe. One of the humans and the one member of the Dragon Tribe were upper-rank Lords, while the rest were all middle-rank Lords.

From the looks of things, Nine Snake and his team had disrupted the initial equilibrium after their arrival, and this had caused an uprising among the residents.

Lin Huang’s Divine Telekinesis even noticed that there was a handful of remaining Bug Tribe beasts scattered across the battlefield; they were fleeing for their lives. Their numbers consisted solely of Heavenly Gods and True Gods. These were most likely the Bug Tribe fighters that had formed the Divine Magic Winged Bug Lin Huang had killed earlier.

Since Xiao Hei had captured the lord-level Bug Queens’ True Spirits and turned them into card monsters, only these remaining Bug Tribe fighters had shown up in the virtual realm.

In their leaderless state, they could not even consolidate a bug formation.

Without a doubt, the True Spirits of these Heavenly Gods and True Gods were delicious delicacies to lord-level True Spirits.

As soon as the trillions of Bug Tribe fighters showed up, a group of Lords immediately devoured them.

When they had almost eaten all of the bug beasts, the Lords’ True Spirits very quickly got into a free-for-all skirmish.

As a result, they had not noticed Lin Huang’s arrival at all.

‘I didn’t expect there to be surprises still.’ When Lin Huang saw what was happening, he felt happy all over again.

He had previously thought that there might be lord-level True Spirits remaining in this area since it had been the largest ancient battlefield for humans and the Abyss.

However, he had not expected such a startling number of them.

After ascertaining the number of True Spirits, Lin Huang did not bother continuing to watch them fight.

He shook his sleeves, and millions of God Weapon flying daggers shot out at lightning speed, enveloping the entire battlefield instantly.

In less than the time it took for a breath, True Spirits began to die one after the other, turning into Origin Energy spheres one by one.

Within ten seconds, the entire battlefield had fallen completely silent.

The twenty-two lord-level True Spirits that had just been fighting a fierce battle to the death were now all transformed into Origin Energy spheres of various colors.

As Lin Huang looked over these twenty-two Origin Energy spheres, the expression on his face was rather peculiar.

Of these twenty-two spheres, two had unusually powerful auras.

Although they were currently sealed, the faint auras that managed to seep out from the two Origin Energy spheres made Lin Huang’s hair stand on end.

“What on earth is this?!”

Now that he possessed ultimate-rank Lord abilities, he could distinctly sense that the power of the energy contained within the two Origin Energy spheres most definitely exceeded lord-level!

Amid his confusion, the Soul-controlling Tablet suddenly spoke up.

“These two spheres ought to be Origin Energies that were converted from the True Spirits of regenerated beings.”

“Is there anything special about the True Spirits of regenerated beings? Why is their Origin Energy so powerful?” Lin Huang was even more confused now and immediately pursued the matter further.

“You’ve come to the right person for answers, at least. One of the previous masters I served happened to be a regenerated being, so I’m familiar with such matters.

“A regenerated being’s True Spirit is innately powerful. That’s a prerequisite for becoming a regenerated being.

“After a regenerated being dies, their True Spirit retains its awareness of self when it returns to the virtual realm. This also allows them to advance faster than other True Spirits in the virtual realm, in terms of becoming more powerful. They’re more acute at sensing the fluctuations of Dao seals and reincarnation gateways in the material realm.

“However, no matter how many times they’re reborn or how powerful their abilities in any of their reincarnations, after they die, the True Spirits of regenerated beings possess only the abilities they attained in that particular life right before their deaths.

“After a regenerated being’s True Spirit is destroyed, however, the resulting Origin Energy that they are converted into is the sum total of all the accumulated energies of every previous reincarnation of the host.

“There are two possibilities as to why these two Origin Energy spheres are so powerful they exceed lord-level.

“One—they’ve reincarnated multiple times, and their abilities in many of those lives were fairly powerful. Therefore, upon accumulation, their True Spirit’s Origin Energy has exceeded lord-level in terms of power.

“The other possibility is that in one or more reincarnations, their combat strength exceeded lord-level, so their True Spirit’s Origin Energy has now exceeded lord-level as well.

“Whichever reason it is, you’ve gained an incredible benefit.

“It’s the equivalent of killing an upper-rank Lord and a middle-rank Lord, but obtaining two Origin Energies that exceed lord-level.”

“You can tell who these two Origin Energies belong to?” Lin Huang asked in some surprise.

“That’s not hard. After all, I’m an expert in God’s soul.” The Soul-controlling Tablet seemed to be purposely making an insinuation at the Brain of the Soul with this comment. It then continued, “The black one exuding dark red mist belongs to the middle-rank lord-level woman in the red robe. The purple one with its surface shrouded in faint red mist belongs to the upper-rank Lord named Scarlet Fox.”

“Which one is Nine Snake’s?” Lin Huang asked immediately.

He had no real reason to doubt the Soul-controlling Tablet’s identification.

However, he initially thought that one of them ought to be Nine Snake’s.

After all, Nine Snake possessed the most powerful abilities of the nine Raiders.

“The one with black mist shrouding its surface and a blood-red interior is Nine Snake’s.”

The Soul-controlling Tablet pointed it out without a pause.

Lin Huang looked at the Origin Energy sphere indicated. He did not think that this sphere was very much more powerful than the silver one.

As if it had noticed Lin Huang’s doubts, the Soul-controlling Tablet continued.

“After a True Spirit dies, the Origin Energy’s power isn’t entirely connected to ability. It’s mainly related to combat strength and God’s soul’s strength. As long as one’s combat strength and God’s soul are similarly powerful, the Origin Energy will be somewhere around that level as well.

“However, in the material realm, one’s actual combat ability is tied to many external factors.

“It’s like that upper-rank Lord named Nine Snake. His abilities are powerful mainly because he’s a reincarnated being. He gained many benefits from the reincarnation dimension. Furthermore, he often battled different enemies in different worlds, which also allowed him to rapidly accumulate actual combat experience.

“In truth, his God’s soul’s strength and the number of Dao seals he mastered isn’t that much higher than that of the other two upper-rank Lords.”

“So that’s what it is.”

“At your current God’s soul’s strength, you’ll be able to absorb these two minor dao-level Origin Energies, albeit with difficulty. However, my personal suggestion is that it’s best if you absorb them only when you’ve elevated to peak ultimate-rank lord-level. After all, the chances of your God’s soul’s strength breaking through to lord-level and achieving minor dao-level within the immediate future are fairly low, but it’s certainly possible for you to get to peak lord-level.

“Only absorb them when you’ve elevated to peak lord-level. For one, the burden on your God’s soul during absorption will be far less taxing. For another, your absorption efficiency will also be much higher.”

Lin Huang gave a slight nod, then asked curiously, “I’ve heard of dao-level before, but what’s this minor dao-level that you’ve mentioned?”

“The level above lord-level is dao-level, which is divided into minor dao-level and major dao-level.

“Using three thousand Dao seals to establish your own Divine Dao is called minor dao-level. Using thirty-six levels of minor dao-level to consolidate Divine Dao twice—that’s called major dao-level.

“That’s why there’s a saying in the universe that goes, “Three thousand minor dao, one hundred thousand major dao”.

“Is there a level that’s higher than dao-level?” Lin Huang’s eyes lit up.

“There ought to be…” The Soul-controlling Tablet coughed twice in a slightly embarrassed manner.

“However, I’ve only heard about minor and major dao-levels. I’ve never seen powerhouses as strong as that before. As for anything higher, that would have to be a level that I previously couldn’t reach.”

“Alright, then…”

Lin Huang thought it was a pity, but he was still delighted.

This conversation with the Soul-controlling Tablet had not only allowed him to gain a great deal of new knowledge, but it had also given him even bigger hopes for the future.

Ultimate-level Lord was far from the limit.

The universe was certainly considerably more vast than that!

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